I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 805 This Is Your Progress



The dragon man roared with the sorrow of death, and his strong body was cut with a huge gash that was almost irreparable. A large amount of blood and life flowed away together, and soon the red blood vessels all over the Dragon Man's body were extinguished little by little, indicating the Dragon Man's complete death.

The huge body fell to the ground, but the body did not disappear. The magic stone in the Dragon Man's body was not broken. Only when Song You dug it out would the Dragon Man's body turn into ashes.


After adjusting her breathing slightly, Ais withdrew the "Blade of Despair".

"The skill "Princess of Revenge" is already well controlled. It can be successfully triggered when facing monsters, especially dragons and sub-dragons.

Behind Ais, Bell's figure quietly appeared, making complimentary comments about Ais's skills.

The skill "Princess of Revenge" is really a perfect match for Ais. It is indeed a skill produced in the "Bonus System" based on personal characteristics. As long as it is a monster, Ais can activate the "Revenge Princess"~ ability.

Even if the opponent is not a monster, it doesn't matter. As long as Ais ignites the flame of revenge in her heart, she can define it as a "monster|-" when facing non-human creatures.

You know, this range is very broad.

Therefore, Bell is very optimistic about the skill "Revenge Princess". As long as this skill is used well, even if her basic strength is slightly inferior, Aisi can use this skill to close the gap with her enemies.

"If you can control the flame of revenge in your heart well, you can get the bonus of this skill even when facing humans.

"This skill does not have any judgment on the enemy, but it has a greater judgment on yourself.

This is the conclusion reached through observation.

Whether Ais can obtain the "Revenge Princess" skill depends largely on her knowledge of the enemy.

As long as Ais thinks that the enemy is a dragon species, then "Revenge Princess"'s super domain strengthening bonus for dragon species can be attributed to Ais.


Listening to these words at this moment, Aisi felt as if she had heard a book from heaven, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes were filled with clear stupidity.

Obviously, the client did not hear these words.

Bell sighed, he always felt that it was a bit difficult for Aisi to learn this.

"Let's forget it for now."

"Instead of teaching Aisi how to control her heart, it is better to let her develop in this area."

If the Ais in front of her was smarter, she might be able to enjoy the "Revenge Princess" bonus for a long time.

Unfortunately, although the Ais in front of her has a very pure will, this purity does not guarantee that her mind is very good, especially in terms of emotional control.

"If you are Captain Finn, you should learn some simple self-hypnosis. Once you really master this skill, it will be quite useful in battle. And this kind of hypnosis is not a madness or sacrifice. The price of reason is to liberate power.”

Of course, this kind of thing can only be thought about.

Others could do it if they had the chance, but it was Ais who awakened the skill of "Revenge Princess."

Bell, who didn't think about this, was also reassessing Ais' current strength level.

"The strength of Lv.7 has slowly begun to show."

"The strength and speed have increased several times compared to when the Princess of Vengeance was not sealed, and the strength gap between her and the Dragon Man suddenly widened."

"Ais now has the power to kill dragons even without using the Revenge Princess skill."

"It has barely reached the level of Level 7."

Lv.7 is the standard for continuing to dig into subsequent floors.

Previously, when Aisi only sealed the "Princess of Revenge" at Level 6, she would have a hard time facing the dragons, and she even had to risk her life to defeat the dragons. This actually proves that if you continue to dig deeper into the floors at Level 6, it will become very difficult.

Now Aisi has barely reached the standard to continue exploring downwards.


Ais stood there waiting for Bell. After a long time, she subconsciously called out to Bell who was still thinking.

Bell retracted his divergent thinking and looked at Ais again.

"Now that your strength has reached the level of Level 7, your body and soul have adapted, you should be able to start exploring deeper floors.

"You did a great job the past three days."


Hearing Bell say this, Aisi's face showed a hint of happiness. She could be praised. This was the result of her hard work.

"Now that you have completed all the basic conditions for subsequent training, I will teach you how to use your magic more carefully, "Wind Spirit Walking".


"This is a special skill that no one else can do, only your magic can do it."

In fact, Bell thought that this technique was not a secret, but very simple and very simple.

"Short spells, operability, and explosiveness are all the advantages of the magic you master. As long as you can control it more precisely, you can reduce the magic output while also achieving the maximum output of power.

"This is a realm where almost all living things are extinct. In this frozen world, if adventurers don't use some props or use props to resist the severe cold, it is almost impossible to live in this world for more than fifteen minutes."

Ace didn't feel embarrassed by Bell's compliment. She chose to accept it as a matter of course, and even felt proud with her chest raised.

"Perhaps this does not seem to you to be a direct manifestation of strength, but I want to tell you now that this is a manifestation of your strength."

Ais listened very carefully. Her first near-death experience was in this world of ice and snow, and it was an experience of freezing to death.

"Teacher, haven't I already mastered my "Wind Spirit Rush" well before?"

"The activity time continues to increase as you continue to try."


"The key to magic is the control of magic power."

"In the beginning, you had to spend all your magic power to barely qualify for the event, and now [only 20% of your magic power is needed to guarantee your qualification for the event]"

Bell nodded. In fact, Aisi had mastered this magic very well.

As he spoke, Bell pointed to the frozen world outside.

"This is your progress, this is your growth."

"That's how you started."

Ais still has some doubts about this point raised by Bell.

"However, you then began to wrap your body with magic to resist the severe cold, allowing you to live in this frozen world for a longer period of time."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Seeing Aisi's happy look, Bell couldn't help but laugh.

"So what I'm talking about is not to let you master this magic again, but to let you use it more carefully.

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