I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 806 Go To Sleep, We Have To Get Up Early Tomorrow

"Perhaps even you yourself have not noticed the changes in yourself.

"After you start to be able to condense magic power and subconsciously save magic power consumption, you start to unconsciously reduce consumption when you use magic."

Ais subconsciously glanced at her hand, and subconsciously concentrated the magic power in her hand. This time she saw the result.

"It's been reduced a lot."

She was used to condensing magic power in a way that saves magic power, but the magic power condensed was reduced a lot, but the feeling given to her was stronger than before when she concentrated her magic power with all her strength.

"The power is even stronger!"

This conclusion surprised Aisi.

Looking at Aisi who was so surprised, Bell knew that this person had never noticed her changes before.

Her body's reaction was even faster than her brain's reaction.

"You know that you need to condense magic power to survive safely in the harsh environmental conditions of "470". You are used to the lack of part of the magic power in harsh environments, so you will subconsciously save magic power, even Subconsciously save the consumption of magic power."

After a period of observation, Bell confirmed that Ais was really operating entirely on instinct.

Therefore, the training he gave Aisi was quite crucial.

Instead of exercising her brain, she specifically exercises her physical instincts.

"The body's subconscious reaction allows you to control your magic power more precisely and reduce unnecessary consumption of magic power. Moreover, the magic power tempered through harsh environments is more cohesive than in the past, and a small amount of magic power can burst out with stronger power. "

"I'm also wondering how you couldn't even notice such an obvious change."

"When facing the dragon's scales, I told you that the power of magic would be blocked by 80%, but your sword blade still broke through the dragon's scales." In fact, this is already an obvious reminder. "

If it were him, he would probably start paying attention to this situation as soon as it started to appear.

From the beginning, Bell had a strong sense of urgency.

Fear of lack of magic power.

Therefore, in order to avoid the problem of running out of magic power, he has been silently exercising his magic power. Even if it is not the function of concepts, his magic power consumption has always been maintained at a very low level.

From the moment he began to possess this consciousness, Bell has been controlling the consumption and recovery of magic power every day.

Every time his magic power increased, Bell would consume it all in battle, thus getting used to the mental malaise caused by the loss of magic power.

After experiencing the malaise of depleted magic power again and again, Bell has firmly remembered this feeling.

It is because of this sense of urgency that Bell has never completely exhausted his magic power outside of training.

Because Bell has always followed one point.

Everything needs to be done with a bottom line.

That is because Bell has always had various phobias, so he will habitually save his physical strength and magic power.

In battle, it is customary to reserve a certain amount of leeway for yourself.

Make it a habit to keep a certain amount of safety for yourself during exercise.

These phobias have turned into Bell's purest motivation, constantly pushing forward behind him.

It can be said that 90% of Bell's current strength is based on this idea.

And Bell himself is such a cautious person who also likes to save physical energy and magic power. Naturally, when teaching Aisi, he habitually taught Aisi to follow his own pattern.

"So Ais, even if you have sealed the "Princess of Revenge" now, you are stronger than the Dragon Man.

"All your exercises are not worthless, and your growth relies on these simple improvements to continue to advance.

"Now, stand tall and be proud. This is the power you gain through your own efforts."

That's what Ais did.

He held his head high, his chest high, and accepted the compliment with a proud and confident smile without any doubt.

Honesty and unpretentious behavior are also what Bell admires about Aisi.

"After becoming confident..."

"Put away your confidence and always be careful to face the dangers around you."

"That's right."

Listening to Aisi's words, Bell smiled happily.

It seems that Aisi is still moving forward according to his way. Although life is still a lot different from the past, in terms of fighting, she is no longer inferior to anyone.


"Don't trust your abilities too much in the dungeon. You need to trust your prudence and caution more than your abilities..."

"The monsters in the dungeon are treacherous and cunning. They are good at hiding themselves and disguising themselves. In areas with special environments, they are simply the most venomous snakes that can hide."

"Don't get bitten by those poisonous snakes because you believe in yourself too much.


Aisi memorized this part of what Bell said very carefully in her mind.

"very good!"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The sound of Bell and Ace's sleeping breathing soon appeared in the shelter of this frozen world.


In a place like this, it is also very important to maintain adequate sleep. If you don't sleep well, your exercise the next day will definitely be affected.

Compared with the assistance of skills, perhaps it is more suitable for Aisi to fully adapt to the body and form muscle memory.

Bell and Ace fell asleep almost at the same time. He also needed to replenish his physical strength and energy, and sleep was the best way.

Therefore, I had to learn how to sleep with Aisi again.

Aisi immediately lay down on the hospital bed at 2.2. After covering her body with a thin blanket, Aisi's breathing soon became even.

Of course, that's tomorrow's business, and today's business can end here.

"It takes some time to get used to where you are now.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the next level to start the follow-up training. I will help you temporarily isolate the "Revenge Princess" skill tonight. "

Bell is very happy with the changes and growth that Ais has made.

"You have killed all the dragons on this floor, so you can start resting for the rest of the day. y

"have a rest."

During the training process, you don't need the skill "Revenge Princess", you only need the "Challenger" skill.

In such an environment, some things can't be too particular, and they don't take off their clothes when sleeping, and they are covered with a thin blanket, so it doesn't have much impact.

Next, Bell needs to start teaching Ais how to use advanced magic, which does not require any skills to assist.

As for Bell, he was lying opposite Ace's hospital bed.

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