I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 804: Attracting Attention Will Trouble You

After being briefly explained by Hestia, Loki calmed down a little bit and began to understand what happened this week.

"He can't help but explore where his inner strength comes from. He is really curious in this regard."

"Ah, maybe he is not driven by curiosity, but by a cautious attitude towards everything."

When I think about Bell's character, it seems that it is not unimaginable that it will actually turn out like this.

Sometimes Loki really wants to say to Bell, "Stop! You are not careless or imprudent at all!"

Exploring the inner side of the soul, and letting Freya guide her soul, this approach is obviously seeking death.

Let’s not talk about whether Freya has that troublesome intention, simply letting her consciousness sink into her soul is not something that ordinary people can do.

You must know that it is the inner side of the soul. Once the consciousness sinks in, there are many people who cannot come out in their lifetime. In fact, there are many people.

To take such a big risk in order to explore the nature of his own power is a fool's behavior in Loki's opinion.

But now Bell just did such a stupid thing.

Loki didn't even know what to say.

Looking at the four people present, Loki sighed helplessly.

"So, 820, didn't you stop any of you?"

Hestia snapped back angrily.

"How to stop him? That's Bell's character. He just wants to find out what's going on with his body. Otherwise, do you think he would give up easily?"

"If we stop him this time, what should he do if he does it secretly? Isn't it more dangerous?"

It is indeed more dangerous.

Others would definitely not do this kind of thing. But if this kind of thing happened to Bell, then Loki believed that Bell would definitely do this.

Be cautious. Loki couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was sure that Bell was definitely not a cautious character sometimes.

A cautious person will never rush into a dangerous situation when facing danger.

Therefore, Bell is only cautious externally, but internally he is quite adventurous. Sometimes he even takes risks to the point of making the gods stunned.

Loki shook his head.

"Although the process is very dangerous, at least the result is relatively good."

"Bell knows what type of power black and white represent, and he has also dealt with the remains of the soul (chfg) inside his soul..."

At this point, Loki paused for a moment and looked at Freya seriously.

"It should have been thoroughly checked this time, right?"

Freya would not joke around in a place like this. After all, this was the inside of Bell's soul, and it had to be kept pure, otherwise problems would inevitably arise in the future.

"Of course I checked."

"With Bell's cooperation, I spent three days checking the entire inside of Bell's soul to confirm that the previous soul remains existed and that they had indeed dissipated on their own that day.

Freya did not delay the three days on purpose, but the examination of the inner part of the soul was really very time-consuming and energy-consuming.

"That's good."

After confirming the answer from Freya, Loki felt relieved.

There is no problem with Bell's body, and there is a direction for his future progress.

Although exploring the inner part of the soul is very dangerous, knowing so many things can be considered a reward worthy of the effort.

"So, facing this new situation, Bell has a sense of urgency in his heart. Do you want to bring the "favor system" to an end as soon as possible?"

"Yes. Although Bell himself has not said such a thing, we guess that he should have such thoughts."

"Well, it's no wonder."

It's not like Loki couldn't understand Bell's mood.

A little sense of urgency is actually not a bad thing, and that sense of urgency can help Bell continue to grow.

"But there should be a lot of things he hasn't said yet, right?"

Regarding Bell's receipt of goods, Loki always felt that Bell still hid part of it.

In fact, Loki was not the only one who knew this, Hestia and others had already realized it very early.

"No more was said about the orb."

Hestia knew that the matter of the sphere must be very important, but the topic about the sphere did not proceed.

"There is no further talk about the power system."

Freya added.

"Anyway, there are some things Bell hasn't touched yet that he hasn't talked about yet."

Hephaestus didn't mean to cover for Bell on purpose, but just summed up the situation.

There are enough things left unsaid. Loki was not in a hurry now.

Some things can wait until later to learn about it. At least when Bell comes back next time, many questions should have been answered.

"Loki, you can stay today. But remember to go back tomorrow. You still need to deal with those guys."

Hestia looked directly at Loki. She would not forget that what she needed to do now was to push Loki out.


Loki smacked his lips in displeasure. She really looked down upon the gods of Orario more and more. However, she did not refute it. Zeus and Hera would also come to her home in two days. The others did not need to see her, but Zeus and Hera still wanted to see her.

Thinking of this, Loki's stiff shoulders relaxed a little.

"I really want to kill those useless guys!"

"Aside from interfering with me on serious matters, I don't even have any ability at all. I only know how to get information from me. How dare you not go to Hera and Zeus?"

Freya shook her head slightly.

"I think Hera and Zeus will not refuse those guys to visit them at this moment. After all, they came back for this purpose. But our friends are not fools. They naturally know what we know.

"The return of Zeus and Hera has attracted a lot of attention, but at this stage, I'm afraid those guys won't easily relax their investigation of Bell's clues."

This time is not the time for Hera and Zeus to play their role.

Three months have passed now, and if three more months pass, the enthusiasm for finding Bell will have subsided. At that time, the gods who really have no choice or clues will start to wander around Zeus and Hera.

As she said that, Freya looked at Loki with sympathetic eyes.

"Before they give up intermittently, the attention-grabbing things are going to bother you.


If possible, Loki really doesn't want to be asked by Freya like this.

But now she doesn't have any choice.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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