I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 576 Most Virgin Goddesses Are Boring

Freya was seen holding Bell's arm, resting her head on Bell's shoulder, and walking down the stairs step by step.

That "hostess" behavior made Hestia's lips pout.

"You seem to have a good relationship."

"Our relationship should have been very good, Hestia.

Freya admitted it unceremoniously, and with a smile on her face, she didn't mind explaining the current situation clearly.

"Today is a good opportunity, and Bell happens to be here. Some things should be made clear publicly.

Bell, who was being held, really didn't expect that today would be the day to make it clear.

But this is okay, if it continues to be a mess, it will be bad for all the goddesses.

At this time, the three goddesses also became serious.

Walking down the stairs step by step, Freya did not let go of Bell's hand. Instead, she pulled Bell to the side and sat down.

It's just that her behavior also attracts hatred.

Therefore, Loki jumped directly to the other side of Bell and sat down.

The veins in Hestia's head jumped at the sight of this man-stealing scene.

"Hey! You can say it nicely, but do you want to do this?"

These words attracted a glance from Freya, which made Hestia's heartbeat slow down subconsciously. Then she heard Freya say:

"Didn't you and Hephaestus drain Bell dry yesterday?"

.........I am stupid!?

This sentence made Bell almost unable to hold back the quintessence of Chinese culture.

This not only shocked Bell, but Hestia, who was furious just now, was instantly dumbfounded, and her pretty and cute face was instantly stained with a blush.


She and Hephaestus often spent time together at home, but she had never been exposed in front of outsiders.

Now this kind of face-to-face questioning, coupled with the straightforwardness of Freya's words, completely confused her brain.

"You, you, you, what did you say!?"

Hestia reacted and jumped up from the sofa with a blush on her face.

It was just the stammering tone and deceitful behavior that made Hephaestus, who was also blushing, lose her face.

Feeling Bell's completely frozen body, Medical Leya confirmed her guess.

"I knew these two women would do this."

Deep down in his heart, he gave these two women a hard roll of his eyes.

We just talked about "shared ownership" yesterday, but ended up squeezing Bell clean in the evening.

Freya was very ashamed of Hestia and Hephaestus's shameless behavior.

At least she was sure that she would never do this.

Well, I would never squeeze Bell out of jealousy.

Suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, Freya looked at Hestia with a matter-of-fact attitude.

"I didn't know that you were not a virgin until now."

"Yesterday we talked about "shared ownership". With your jealous personality, don't you want to get it back from Bell?"

......How did you know!?

Hestia's pretty face turned red. She even felt that what happened with Hephaestus yesterday was completely seen by Freya.

"I did not see it."


...I don't have the ability to see through the heart of gods, you know this very clearly.

"Then how did you..."

"It's not so clear on your face, I can guess it even if I don't have that ability."

Freya felt that the expression on Hestia's face was too obvious, and she could get an accurate answer with just a little testing.

"And your lust is a little too obvious."

This is true.

Loki couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Hestia's lust is different from other people's. She is a bit sultry and lustful. Her appearance as a virgin is just a disguise for her lust.

As an equally lustful goddess, Loki has a strong say in this matter.

But these words made Hestia's face turn red with embarrassment, and she even couldn't help complaining:

"Why do you two say that I'm horny!?"

"Is not it?"

Freya even rolled her eyes.

Hephaestus covered her forehead helplessly.

Loki felt that this guy just didn't know himself.

"You usually read books when you were in heaven. You have no interest in other gods. The coldness in your words is the reason why you are regarded as a virgin goddess by those gods..."

"In this regard, Athens and Artemis are the same as you.

However, the colder this kind of goddess is, the more enthusiastic she becomes when faced with destiny. Isn’t this the disease of the virgin goddess?”

Freya's simple and straightforward words made the three goddesses present think of herself.

"Is it really what Freya said?"

Hestia couldn't help but think of her usual entanglement with Bell, and her pretty face that was already red turned even redder.

But unlike the little dwarf who is so sultry, she is very flirtatious, and she only unleashes her flirtatiousness on her lovely children.

Of course, if this kid had experience in this area, she would definitely leave her teeth marks on his hand.

Compared to herself, she prefers to see the shyness on her children's faces, which is as attractive as blooming flowers.

Especially after he appeared in the shy 4.3 state, Loki felt that his own child's teasing was very bad.

"Freya... her analysis is really thorough."

But now, she has a direct feeling.

Hephaestus thought about her situation carefully, and couldn't help but agree with Freya's analysis.

Loki, who was one of the Virgin Goddess himself, felt deeply.

"Holy shit, it's true!"

Facing a will that even Freya could resist, Loki felt that Bell's reaction at the moment was not that unbearable. At most, he had never experienced such a thing.

Compared to Hestia and Hephaestus who were slow to admit, Loki's approval was much faster.

PS: Make up for yesterday’s.

She actually likes to see her children's cute expressions.

In the past, Loki had no personal experience with this.

"Well, after all, the dwarf and Hephaestus are very protective."

Humph! The damn experience is either obtained from her or not!

However, if the person being flirted with was her, she wouldn't be able to accept it.

Loki couldn't help but look at Bell sitting next to him. Looking at his stiff appearance, it was obvious that he was not good at handling things here.

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