I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 577 Freya’S Kiss

"So, this is the second topic in the series of "Sharing", "Relationship".

"Bell can accept our current situation, but he hasn't accepted our relationship yet."

Freya pointed out the key point directly.

This made both Hestia and Hephaestus couldn't help but focus on Bell.

This made Bell a little embarrassed. God Freya really said this accurately. Accepting it voluntarily and accepting it passively are completely different things.

"Bell, are you dissatisfied with the two goddesses coming to your doorstep?"


For the goddess who likes him to say such words, anyone in the lower world will probably want him to die. Bell has never been dissatisfied with this idea. After all, neither God Loki nor God Freya is a bitch like God Ishtar.

Only if he was targeted by that kind of bus would he feel dissatisfied and disgusted.

"God Freya, you are wrong, I have no dissatisfaction with you two.

"I don't think there is anyone in the world who would be dissatisfied with Loki and your surrender."

"Yes, that's the idiot in front of me."

Freya just rolled her eyes and turned away.

It’s as if she didn’t know the inflection of her words. If she raised the cadence first, then the cadence 27 would definitely be waiting for her.

Others will not refuse or be dissatisfied, but fools will stand firm.

"I'm just an ordinary person."

Bell doesn't know if he is a fool, but he has his own rules on some things.

"For me, feelings are not something that can be acknowledged casually."

"Because for me, feelings are a bond and also a responsibility."

I see.

Freya now somewhat understood what Bell was thinking, and she aimed her gaze at Hestia.

Because Hestia has become his responsibility and the one he has to bear, will he reject other gods?

He bit his lip tightly with his teeth, and the jealousy emerged again.

But Freya was also discouraged. It was basically unrealistic to change Hestia's position in Bell's heart.


This word is not very unfamiliar to the gods, but it is really strange if it becomes a responsibility to return to the gods.

But now there are children who want gods to take on that responsibility. This is simply beyond imagination.

Bell has always been very serious about this topic of responsibility, but he is also clear enough about his identity.

"So, Hestia and Hephaestus are both your responsibility, and the rest of us are your burden?"

.....No, I didn't mean that. "

Bell smiled bitterly and quickly shook his head in denial.

"I just want to say that it takes time to accept the love of a goddess.

"For me, love is the result of impulse. Maybe it is different for gods. However, I can't accept this result all of a sudden and it becomes a bond and responsibility."

To put it simply, love has an acceptable time and process, and it does not happen overnight.


This answer actually made Freya's jealous mood feel better.

"So, Bell has admitted our "relationship"?"

...So, God Freya, I have said it from the beginning, no ordinary person would choose to refuse the goddess's embrace.

Aren’t you?

Freya and Loki complained in their hearts.

They were very sure that Bell had definitely been prepared to refuse before. Even before Hestia accepted, Bell was prepared in this way.

It's just that the current situation is different from a few days ago, so this is a different situation.

Although there are twists and turns in establishing this level of relationship, at least the "relationship" is completely connected.

"In this case, let's change some details first."

Freya's proposal was simple, but Hestia's heart was lifted.

Bell didn't refuse, but he needed to ask about the changes.

"For example?"

"Well... let's start with the changes in the title, and the honorifics. I don't object if you want to hide your relationship in front of outsiders, but I don't want to hear honorifics in this family.

Freya directly put forward her request for change.

"It's really okay to leave it to this nympho."

Listening to Freya's suggestion, Lu Ji grinned.

Only by standing on the same front can Loki feel how reliable Freya is as a goddess.

Bell naturally knew that this change was not big, but it changed the relationship between closeness and distance.

God Freya's request was not too excessive, at least it was much lighter than others, so he couldn't refuse.

"I understand, let's start by changing the title."

This answer put a smile on Freya's face again.

"Then try calling my name first."

"God Freya...cough, Freya."

At first, the habitual name came out of his mouth, but Bell quickly adjusted.

"Hmm~ This title sounds much more comfortable."

"Hey, there's me here, you won't forget me, right?"

After seeing Freya happy, Loki couldn't sit still and quickly pulled Bell's clothes to draw his attention to himself.

Naturally, Bell has not forgotten God Loki, and this goddess will not let go of this opportunity.

He adjusted his mood slightly, and then called God Loki's name for the first time.


"Oh! This title sounds different."

These words made Bell blush a little.

He is not a shameless person, and every step of encountering such a thing for the first time is a thrill for him.

Scenes that existed only in imagination in the past were directly moved into reality.

"It seems that I won't be able to change even if I don't want to in the future."

The most straightforward manifestation of human beings' complex and unequal relationships is "title".

The difference in title also indicates the closeness and distance between the two people.

Once the title becomes close, as time goes by, the relationship will naturally become closer.

Just like in a social setting, men and women pay more attention to their names.

After the title changes, the relationship between men and women begins to change, especially after the title becomes close.

Just when Bell was sighing, a sudden burst of fragrant wind came over.

Bell was stunned when he turned around to look.

Those were God Freya's red lips, which immediately stuck to his face.


"This is your punishment for hiding from me."

This "punishment" left Bell stunned.

"Freya, what are you doing!"

"Just an ordinary kiss."

"How ordinary! A kiss is anything but ordinary!"

"As far as our current relationship is concerned, it's very ordinary~"

Facing the jealous Hestia, Freya just smiled and explained.

He looked at Bell who still had a dull look on his face with charming eyes.

"I'm very clingy, Bell."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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