I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 575: They Won’T Kiss Me Again, Right?

At the other end of the passage is the room that God Freya has chosen long ago.

Not on the second floor, but on the third floor.

Hestia and Hephaestus lived on the second floor of the big tree house, and they lived in the same room.

Loki lives in the back room on the second floor.

By the way, Bell actually lives in the edge room on the first floor.

This was not because of anything else, but simply because Bell needed an underground space to store some of his things.

There are a lot of experimental materials in the underground space of that room, and even the divine core belonging to the god Ikelos is stored in that room.


Looking at the room she chose, Freya nodded with satisfaction.

Breathing the active spiritual energy around her even made Freya feel like she was in heaven.

Moreover, the situation here is very special, and even the gap in the divine power seal has become much larger.

"'Outside the World', I'm really sorry you can think of such a place. "

Even though she had been to this space once, Freya was still very emotional the second time.

"The opening up of space adheres to the outer circle of the world. It is attached to the world but does not exist in the world. Such a place cannot be entered even if the gods know it."

This space exists in the outer membrane of the world, while gods can only act in the inner membrane of the world. This is the most obvious difference.

The heaven also exists in the inner membrane of the world, and the outer membrane is not a place where gods can come casually.

Freya watched the entire passage that Bell had arranged just now.

The opened channel opportunity is a gallows.

Without the "key", even if a god enters, he will be directly strangled by the turbulent flow of space.

Even that is the junction between the inner membrane and the outer membrane. Maybe if the god dies, he will really die.

That kind of place is really a "lawless place" for most gods.

"This is also to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies."

Bell was worried about this issue from the beginning and made his choice.

"Orario is not a safe place, and I don't like being in an unsafe place.

"If I didn't have that ability, I might choose to make do with it. But now that I have the ability, I choose to nip it in the bud.

No base is safe.

Just like human beings will seek to create their own fortress underground, because the closed underground will give people a certain sense of security deep in their hearts.

Bell followed his inner desire for security and built the base in a place that was almost impossible to invade.

Freya knew the meaning of the sentence very well.

She knew better than anyone whether Orario was a safe place.

As for what happened to her child last night, if an ordinary person comes into contact with something like that, there will be no good results.

"God Freya, please handle the rest of the arrangements yourself."

"If I don't go down to find Hestia, maybe they will break out."

In this room on the third floor, Bell already felt like the two volcanoes below were about to erupt.

Freya glanced at the ground, shaking her head helplessly with a smile on her face.

"Really, we are going to live together in the future, how can we be jealous because of such a thing?"

Bell said it was stressful.

"Which goddess can face this kind of thing calmly?"

Comparing his feelings, if he were put in the position of Hestia and Hephaestus, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to face them calmly.

It's just that Freya didn't give Bell any chance to choose, and just held Bell's arm and walked forward.


Freya smiled and rested her head on Bell's shoulder.

"The moment a goddess makes a decision, her heart is already bound to that one and only person."

"That's what Hestia and Hephaestus think, and so do I."

"Bell, don't let down the goddess's love."

With these words, Bell suddenly no longer wanted to resist.

How can you refuse this?

Is it necessary to reject the goddess’s love?

No, to be precise, there is no way to refuse the goddess's love.

Because the love of a goddess is often the most extreme, she often resorts to unscrupulous means to show this love.

Bell inadvertently thought back to the crazy God Freya in the original work. Compared to letting this beautiful God completely fall in love and go crazy, the current situation may be better.

But when he thought of Hestia and Hephaestus, Bell felt embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"I'm definitely not a scumbag."

Perhaps this is Bell's only evaluation of himself.

If he were a scumbag, he might know how to deal with this situation.

………Please give me flowers…0

In the main hall on the first floor, three goddesses were waiting quietly with their legs crossed.

Loki crossed his chest impatiently.

"This is too slow. What are the boy and the nympho doing?"

As a goddess who has moved before, she knows how long this process takes.

You have to know that when she moved here, she didn't want to take care of all her belongings. Wouldn't that be completely exposed?

She didn't even bring a change of clothes.

One of the main goals is not to expose the fact that he is often away from the family members.

Freya will definitely not bring any extra clothes. Loki pursed his lips, speculating slightly maliciously in his heart.

Does such a simple thing need to waste so much time?

Before that, they all knew that Bell always walked around Freya.


"Theoretically, Bell wouldn't do such a thing."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Bell would never do such a thing."

Just when Loki was thinking this, Freya's voice came from the stairs on the second floor.

Hestia was the first to retort after she calmed down.

"It seems that the key lies with the little dwarf and Si."

But after all, they had been in contact with Bell for the longest time. Freya would not be so mean, and Bell would not do such a ruthless thing.

"Would the nymphomaniac grab that boy and kiss me over there?"

But as far as Bell's mood is concerned, they are sure that Bell will not do something bad with Freya behind his back.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

After they agreed to Freya and Loki's matter, they could all feel Bell feeling a little guilty.


The reaction of these two men informed Loki of Bell's situation.

This actually has nothing to do with Bell. After all, Loki and Freya were not hooked up by Bell, but by these two female foxes themselves.

Hephaestus also gradually calmed down and made the same judgment as Hestia.

"That's right. How could this kid do something outrageous with me?"

These words made both Hestia and Hephaestus a little shaken.

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