I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 501 Important Information Taken Away

Although it was night, the Hermes Familia had a special relationship with the guild at the moment, so they were naturally received in secret.

"Royman, I need to trouble you so late."

"It's okay, it's an important thing after all."

The person who received Yasi Fei was Royman, the person in charge of the front of the guild. Because of his management and financial management abilities, he was given the highest power. He is also the person directly responsible for special covert missions.

He had a lot of opinions after being woken up in the middle of the night, but when he knew that Yasi Fei was investigating the hidden location of the dark faction, and speculated that the hidden location of the dark faction was related to the people who were working in the dungeon, he sat down. Can't stand it anymore.

You know, there are people who are doing projects in the underground city, and their guilds are also doing some work in the underground city.

It's like there are no lights in the first few floors of the dungeon, but their guild has done some lighting projects and built a lot of magic stone lamps on the first few floors.

Many projects in the dungeon are carried out within their guild.

If the dark faction really takes advantage of their construction projects in the underground city, then the matter may be really serious.

Royman also knew that as the head of the guild, he had to bear the responsibility.

Therefore, at this moment, he hopes that the "Almighty One" can dig out this part of the matter as soon as possible. He does not want such a big accident to occur due to his own negligence.

At least before you take the blame, try to find a way to remove yourself.

Even if it's a bit worse and it's reached the point where you can't pick it out, you still have to give yourself a chance to survive.

Soon Royman found all the engineering information from the beginning of Orario's establishment to the present from a pile of documents.

The long table in the entire data room was filled with piles, which made Asifei feel a little dizzy.

"Is that all here?"

"No, part of this is the data before the construction of Orario. They are the data of the monster-resistant project built by adventurers and gods in the past."

"The middle part is the construction data of Orario, which contains some sketches of Orario's creation W.

"The last information is the information on the projects carried out in the underground city in the name of the guild in the past hundred years.

"No wonder."

After a thousand years, it is normal for such an astonishing amount of information to accumulate. Even at this moment, Yasifei felt that the accumulation of thousands of years was too little.

"Looking at it this way, it feels a little less."

"Yes, there are many sketches left behind when Orario was founded thousands of years ago, but they are still far from the actual construction data."

"None of that information has been saved?"

"Those data were in charge of the original craftsman Daedalus. He was the designer and builder of the maze city of Orario. He was responsible for keeping many of the data. And he also requested that these detailed data be his. I hope he can keep the most valuable life experience by himself."

"I think Lord Ouranos also agreed to Daedalus's request because Daedalus made great contributions in leading the construction of Orario."

When Royman first learned about it, he also felt that Lord Uranus's decision was very biased, but when he thought about Daedalus's achievements, he also understood that Lord Ouranos was giving Daedalus the reward he hoped for.

Daedalus had been busy for decades to build the city of Orario, and his last wish was just to retain the construction drawings and some materials he led.

From any angle, Daedalus's request was not excessive, and all that was retained were some drawings drawn by Daedalus during the construction process and data recorded by himself.

Taking it as a reward is actually just leaving some souvenirs for Daedalus.

But Yasi Fei noticed a major problem.

"Those data and self-drawings may be Daedalus's lifelong efforts, so he hopes to stay. Or maybe "Daedalus left something important to his descendants♫

If she hadn't been assigned by Hermes to investigate this information, Yasi Fei wouldn't have thought about it.

After all, Daedalus had worked hard for the city of Orario for decades, and there was nothing wrong with him just asking to keep some construction drawings.

But if she thinks about it from the perspective of the connection between the hidden people in the dungeon and the dark sect that she now knows, it's hard not to think that there is something important left in the drawings that Daedalus kept by himself.

It may even be related to the area where the dark faction is hiding.

After thanking Royman, Yasi began to search on her own.

There is a lot of relevant information, but most of it is information related to construction and the situation faced thousands of years ago.

There is no need to read the information before Orario was built. The biggest problem now is the problems that arise during and after the construction of Orario.

"The biggest question now is Daedalus. Does the thing he requested to keep contain some hidden passages in Orario?"

This is something that Asfi has never discovered while looking through the construction data from thousands of years ago.

But Yasi Fei knew very well that not discovering it did not mean it did not exist.

Not found only means that those things were not recorded in this part of the data.

On the contrary, it only aggravated Yasi Fei's thoughts about Daedalus taking away the information.

After all, he personally led the construction work of Orario. If Daedalus had personally built some special secret passages, perhaps no one would have noticed before they were built.

Of course, Yasifei couldn't be completely sure in her mind without reading some of the later information.

Yasi Fei quickly flipped through the construction materials from thousands of years ago.

Most of them describe the original concept of building Orario, as well as the use of some materials. Some of the materials also include some sketches of Orario.

The sketches also include the Tower of Babel and the entrance to the underground city.

This is the part that needs special attention and can hardly be found. Even after reading the information in this part, some suspicious parts cannot be seen.

"It's really suspicious."

"The only information that has been preserved in this part is some basic parts. The more detailed information was all taken away by Daedalus."

Orario was built thousands of years ago, and it is these materials that can preserve the secrets of Orario's construction.

The gods did not take over when the labyrinth city was built. It was entirely a great achievement of mankind.

But because of this, the gods never knew about Orario's secret passage. Only the builder himself and the craftsmen who built it together knew.

And the time interval is a thousand years, that is to say, only the information preserved by Daedalus is the final evidence of what happened a thousand years ago. Other than that, no one else will know what happened to this city when it was first established. The secret passage has been preserved.

"It seems that just as Lord Hermes guessed, the dark faction is related to the descendants of Daedalus."

"Then, the construction of the hidden places in the dungeon may have started thousands of years ago, and it has not stopped even now."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a rating and price.

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