I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 500 The Target Is Daedalus

If he thought in this direction, Hermes suddenly felt that the possibility was quite high.

It has been confirmed that the dark sect has been hiding in the underground city so far, but the specific place where those guys are hiding has not been completely unearthed, but this is indeed not an easy task.

The scale of the underground city is far beyond everyone's imagination.

It is really difficult to find such a hiding place hidden in the cracks in the vast underground city.

But if the guys the dark sect and the heretics are staring at are in similar hiding spaces, then the location of the space where the dark sect is hiding can be inferred from the location of one of them, which greatly reduces the search time. time and effort.

"It is indeed a very high possibility."

"I felt from the beginning that it was impossible for those guys to dig out a hiding space in the dungeon openly, and the amount of work could not be completely hidden. If we use the space dug by other clans, and then through transactions, cooperation, etc. The form that utilizes 27 that space may be more reliable.

Hermes has been wondering how the dark faction guys dug holes in the dungeon for a long time.

There is no way to hide that kind of amount of work.

You know, that is a large-scale construction project in the underground city. Will the underground city easily agree?

There is only a small amount of movement in the safe floor dungeon. On other floors, once the dungeon finds signs of being excavated on the floor, it will be repaired immediately. Normally, there is no way to easily build a hideout in the dungeon. spatial.

And even adventurers who go to dungeons every day would probably not be able to notice an excavation of that scale at all.

As long as one adventurer knows about it, there is a risk that the news will spread throughout Orario. It is impossible for the dark faction to completely keep secrets during the excavation process, so the work of digging the secret space is most likely not done by them.


Yasi Fei walked in from the door and bowed.

"Go and investigate and see if there are any family members openly working on the underground city.

"I'll go right away."

Hermes dragged his chin, and now he was basically certain that the dark faction's stronghold was probably based on secret projects dug up by other families.

The guys that the heretics are targeting now have deals with the dark factions, and they have been hiding in the dungeon. It is difficult not to imagine that there is no connection between the two parties.

"Such blatant construction in the dungeon is definitely within the guild's records, and this kind of thing did not just start in the past few years, it can even be said to have been sustained for a long, long time."

"However, such dependents are generally within the guild's records. If you investigate carefully, you should be able to get some clues.

However, Hermes already had a certain guess in his mind. After all, there were not many people who had this ability and could not be noticed by adventurers.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Hermes looked at Loki.

"Are you so angry because of those heretics?"

"...Hermes, what do you mean?"

"No, there is no deep meaning."

Noticing the cold light in the depths of Loki's eyes, Hermes felt a chill in his heart and quickly shut his mouth. He didn't want to say the next words.

"I just think that normally you would pretend not to know, but who knew you would take the initiative to bump into me this time."

"Huh, I just don't think there's much difference between those heretics and the children from the lower world.'

Loki didn't pay attention to what Hermes was about to say just now. There must be many guys among the gods who have such thoughts.

"Let's talk business."

Hermes shook his head slightly, and he did not want to go into too much depth on this topic.

"Asfi has already gone to investigate the specific people who have disturbed the underground city.

"There are memories of several people in my mind, but I'm not sure which ones they are.

"People from the guild, right?"

Loki immediately got to the root of the problem.

"Well, I think it has a direct relationship with the guild. If my guess is correct, maybe it also has a certain relationship with Daedalus."

Hermes' reminder reminded Loki that there was such a person, but she remembered that Daedalus was not an ordinary person.

"The craftsman who built the Tower of Babel? I remember that he was not one of the few people Uranus accepted as his family?"

I remember that it was because Daedalus had extraordinary talent in construction that he was brought into the guild to help the guild design and build Orario. The representative works of Daedalus are Orario itself and the Tower of Babel at the center of Orario.

"In addition, Daedalus was also the main designer who built Orario. Maybe there are some special secret passages in Orario, just like the underground spaces used by Ishtar before."

"I don't know. So, didn't I ask Asfi to investigate?"

"In addition, if I remember correctly, Daedalus was still working on some projects in the underground city some time before he was officially bedridden. However, with the death of Daedalus, that part of the project also stopped completely. "

"Has Daedalus ever made such a design?"

"So, the people who are doing tricks in the underground city are most likely descendants of Daedalus.

Loki frowned. She didn't expect that Daedalus's incident was actually related to the underground space used by Ishtar.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Don't say it's Uranus, no god can do it."

"Who knows. But when Ishtar was arrested, many holes were found in the underground space. It was not like they were built later, but more like they had been built a long time ago.

Hermes can confirm that Daedalus has not become a human being. Daedalus has always been a member of Guild 723 until his death, and there is no phenomenon of turning into a monster and causing embarrassment.

"But I remember, isn't he an ordinary person? Even Ouranos can't extend the lives of his dependents, right?"

"Which part of the project has guild records?"

Things like extending one's life are definitely not possible for the gods in the lower realm. The lower realm does not have the means to extend one's life normally.

"Because he was buried as a pioneer of Orario, there was a fairly large funeral. However, the funeral was carried out without notifying the gods, and only some important members of the guild attended."

"That's most likely the case."

Faced with Loki's question, Hermes nodded slightly.

Hermes couldn't answer and could only skip the topic with a helpless shrug.

"In addition, Daedalus is indeed dead. But he was not killed, but died a normal life."

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