I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 502 The Damn Desire To Win And Lose

She quickly finished reading the information from a thousand years ago, and Yasi Fei continued to read about the projects in the past hundred years.

After just a brief reading, Yasi Fei determined that the problem indeed occurred when Orario was first built a thousand years ago.

"Constructions in modern times are all carried out on the upper floors, and most of the projects are more convenient for lower-level adventurers. The scope of the projects are all on the first 8 floors, and they are stuck before the orcs."

"But the upper level is definitely not within the range where the dark faction operates."

"The Level 1 adventurers in Orario account for almost half of the entire city's adventurer population. The first 8 floors are the best areas for those Level 1 adventurers to choose. The daily flow of people is surprisingly large. The secrets will be It’s too dangerous to build a base in that area.”

It can be said that the guild's projects in the dungeon in the past hundred years are not the scope that the dark faction wants to choose.

"So, the real problem lies in the construction data and drawings taken away by Daedalus thousands of years ago."

"I'm afraid, Daedalus used the secret passage built thousands of years ago to build the underground city. Even the reason why the dark sect can come to the surface from the underground city so easily is because of Daedalus. The secret passage has been prepared long ago."

From this, Asfi was almost certain that the problem lay with Daedalus. She moved her stiff shoulders and turned to look at Royman, who was standing next to him covered in sweat.

"Royman, I have found a clue. The problem is not in the past hundred years, but in the period when Orario was built thousands of years ago.

Royman breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer. This time it had nothing to do with him at all.

"The question is thousands of years ago? By Almighty, you mean Daedalus?"

"Yeah. The problem should be here, so this part of the information needs to be well preserved."

"Of course, I will classify the information as a higher level of confidentiality."

Knowing that the matter was related to Daedalus, Royman didn't say anything. These materials definitely needed to be sealed.

Then Royman reacted immediately.

What Daedalus took away was important!

After reacting, Royman's heart tightened. He needed to inform Lord Ouranos of this matter as soon as possible.

Seeing Royman's nervousness, Yasifei pushed up her glasses. It seemed that there was no need to say anything unnecessary.

"Then, Luo (chaf) Yiman, I will go back and resume my life first."

"Thank you for your hard work, Wanxu."

Royman quickly wiped the sweat on his head. There were some black marks in his eyes, but he couldn't take a good rest at the moment.

Now that the "Almighty One" has completed the investigation, he already knows the final results of the investigation and is going to make a report.

After personally sending the "Almighty One" out of the guild, Royman immediately went to God Uranus to report the situation.

Royman stood outside the prayer room and asked loudly.

"Lord Ouranos, I have something to report."

"Come in."

Royman sorted out his image. Although he was fat, he still had to have a decent appearance when facing the Lord God.

After tidying up, I walked in slowly.

In the prayer room, Ouranos was still sitting high on the stone seat. There were only two torches in the entire prayer room to maintain the internal light, but there were still many places that were dim.

"Lord Ouranos, the Almighty, the leader of the Hermes Familia, has found the connection between the dark faction and the people who are chasing the heretics.


"The Almighty searched for Orario's construction records and discovered that there were big problems in the data taken away by Daedalus. After his death, the descendants of Daedalus seem to have been carrying out special projects in the underground city. Now this project also carries the existence of the dark faction.

Ouranos frowned.


Memories from thousands of years ago appeared in front of his eyes in an instant [even Daedalus was stunned and crazy when he first saw the dungeon.

"Have you been swallowed up by the sense of accomplishment of desire? I didn't expect that his obsession to death was not over yet."

"Lord Ouranos, are you?"

"I know what Daedalus pursued the year before last, a desire called "the desire to win."

Ouranos saw through the crux of Daedalus's problem almost at a glance. When Daedalus requested that those materials be kept by himself, it was actually Ouranos who wanted Daedalus to bury them underground along with those materials.

Time eats up a lot of things.

Ouranos knew that Daedalus was very talented, but he also understood that Daedalus could not defeat the "dungeon" shaped by the world.

The dungeon itself is a product born under the rules of the world. It is a thing born according to the rules and is not a thing created by any god.

No matter how talented the children in the lower world are, there must be an upper limit, but there is no upper limit for the things created in the world itself.

From the beginning, Daedalus' desire to win was nothing more than his own delusion.

"At that time, I thought Daedalus would bury his desire deep underground with regret, but I didn't expect that he would entrust this obsession to his descendants.

"Use your descendants to replace yourself who cannot fulfill your obsession..."

Ouranos sometimes feels that the children in the lower world are really crazy.

Maybe their lives are limited, but with time constraints, they can often do things that amaze the gods.

"Royman, seal and isolate those materials, and don't take those materials out again."

"Yes, I'll go right away."

"Also, let someone else take your place today. When Loki and the others arrive, you can receive them.


After hearing God Loki's name, Royman suddenly realized that it was difficult for God Hermes to act, but that would not necessarily be the case if God Loki was involved behind the scenes.

This time the matter involved heretics, and God Loki must have been involved.

Even the god Hermes may have acted because of the god Loki.

The "Almighty One" has sent the information back, so there is a high probability that God Loki, God Hermes and God Ganesha will all be involved.

Understanding this, Royman immediately walked out of the prayer room to rest.

He is not in good spirits at the moment. If he doesn't take a rest, he may be rude when he receives other gods later.

And with the posture of the "Almighty One" this time, it is very likely to cause a lot of noise, and the guild will also need to be prepared when the time comes.

In the prayer room at this moment, Ouranos let out a long sigh.

"Fels, what do you think?"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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