I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 483 30 Seconds? Enough

"A dark faction?"

After ruling out the possibility, the identity of this woman is naturally obvious, and the only possibility is that she is a member of the dark faction.

But this answer also made Bell couldn't help but frown. Although the answer is obviously the Dark Faction, why do the top leaders of the Dark Faction appear here at this time?

At this moment, Orario is really at the point where everyone in the dark faction wants to beat her up. Even if there is even the slightest tendency to be a dark faction, adventurers will go directly to the guild to report it. Once the person being reported cannot accept the investigation obediently, then there is no doubt that he is a dark faction.

It can be said that this is the worst situation for the dark faction.

Bell could imagine that the dark faction was secretly preparing for revenge against Orario, but he couldn't imagine the dark faction's decision to suddenly come to the light. Therefore, Bell is ready to listen to what's going on here.

The woman below withdrew her gaze. It was obvious that she knew her purpose this time and the dangers in this area.

At this moment, women are facing a very serious problem.

"Do you want to take action?"

A few days ago, a voice from the people below reached the ears of the dark sect. This was also shocking news.

——Three days later, God Freya will meet a man at the "Mistress of Abundance."

This news is really good news for the dark factions that have suffered successive defeats.

Even though the "Brave", "Nine Demon Queen" and "Chongjie" of Orario's Loki Familia have all been promoted to Level 7, their strength and intimidation are still far less than that of the "Fierce". strong.

Now Orario has once again shown her strength to completely crush the Dark Faction, which has almost crushed the Dark Faction, which has experienced constant twists and turns. If "Ennio", the guy behind the scenes, hadn't still existed, the pressure the dark faction would have endured would have been beyond imagination.

But now there has been a huge turn of events. Freya is going to a tavern to face a man. There is no doubt that this is very important news, especially since the information is directly related to Freya.

The strength of the Freya Familia is undoubtedly the strongest in Orario. Even the Loki Familia at this moment has stood up and has the same Level 7 as the Freya Familia.

But even if they are at the same level, there is still a clear gap between the beginner and the peak. In particular, the "Fierce" itself is the most comprehensive adventurer with almost no flaws. This is something that the Loki Familia cannot compare to.

And besides the "fierce ones", there are a lot of troublesome guys in the Freya Familia.

With such troublesome Freya Familia and the rise of Loki Familia, the Dark Faction is also in a very difficult situation. Four Level 7s are not something they can fight with just being tough.

But now a great opportunity has arisen. A good way to completely eliminate the Freya Familia.

The core of the Freya Familia is not any member of the family, but God Freya as the main god. So if you want to completely destroy the Freya Familia, the best way is to return the God Freya to the heaven.

Therefore, at this moment, Freya goes out to the tavern to meet a man. This is the best opportunity for the dark faction.

"But will that bitch really come forward?"

But the woman still doubted in her heart whether Freya would really come as the intelligence said.

"Besides, even if that bitch really comes, there won't be even a single guard around him. Those guys will definitely be guarding that bitch all the time, and they won't let that bitch be killed easily."

But there is no doubt that this is indeed a good opportunity.

As long as that bitch really comes, it will undoubtedly be a good opportunity for them. Moreover, there was intelligence before that showed that the bitch often left the family behind his back. If it is the same this time, then this is a good opportunity.

Today is the last day to make a decision, and tomorrow will be three days later in the intelligence. If you want to seize the opportunity, you have to make a decision today.

The woman was silent for a long time, still unable to make a decision.

"No decision has been made yet?"

The voice behind her made the woman's face under the hood become even more irritated.

"Nonsense. That bitch is definitely not easy to deal with, and I don't think that bitch will automatically jump into the trap."

"Indeed, I think so too."

"So, tomorrow's plan is..."


Women have no interest in plans that are uncertain. Although the outside world calls her the "Killing Emperor", she is not a "fool". She personally would not do such an act of committing suicide. Even though she was surprisingly confident in her own strength, she didn't think she could deal with several Level 6s and a man standing at the top of Level 7.

"No, to be precise, the plan will continue tomorrow."


The woman frowned and turned around to look at the guy wearing a red and black mask behind her. If this guy wasn't a companion, she would have punched him down. After a moment of silence, the woman suddenly spoke.

"Give me a reason."

"So, do you want to carry out the plan tomorrow?"


Mask was not surprised by this answer, because this was the answer he had confirmed.

The mask's "meeting" immediately confused the woman, and then the woman heard the mask continue to say:

"of course yes!"

"30 seconds should be my limit. The time that barrier magic can block is not very long, 30 seconds is almost the limit.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me your price.

"So, are you confident that you can resolve the battle in 30 seconds?"

"According to our intelligence, Freya went down to the lower world to find an encounter of her own. If Freya gave an order not to allow her family members to approach, then there would be at least one minute to carry out the assassination during this meeting."


This time it was the mask's turn to ask the woman, but the woman burst into laughter.

"As long as you are not facing someone of the same level, 30 seconds is enough.

The woman was silent for a moment, and finally gave an estimate of the longest time she could take.

"According to the information we just got, Freya is going to secretly meet a man tomorrow, and it's the child Freya particularly likes."

Faced with the problem of the mask, the woman had a confident smile on her face.

The man wearing the mask nodded slightly and continued.

"If we cooperate with your barrier, we should be able to increase the time."

"This is the same information I know. But even if that bitch doesn't say anything, do you think her relatives will just leave it alone?"

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