I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 482 Is This A Walking 500,000 Faris?

Although the development ability of "God Killing" is embarrassing, Hestia doesn't want to see Bell in a short time. But in the evening, they still had to meet. After all, Hestia was even more unhappy when Bell was left alone with Hephaestus.

Therefore, although I was still reluctant to meet Bell emotionally, my body still acted directly based on my own will.

the next morning.

Caught between the two goddesses, Bell found the opportunity to slip out of the room. After quickly entering the bathroom to wash away the smell of sweat left after last night's exercise, Bell quietly soaked in the hot water in the bathroom.

"Today is a day off. In addition to adjusting at home, I also need to spend time with Hestia and Hephaestus at home. If I have time in the evening, I also need to go to the hostess of Harvest. The meeting place should be It’s over there.”

He will definitely not go to the Freya Familia to meet with God Freya, and God Freya himself knows this very well. Therefore, the only place God Freya could choose to meet was the tavern of "Mirao's Woman."

However, even if 940 is to meet, you need to make corresponding preparations.

There must be a lot of preparations that can be made for not meeting Freya Familia, which is a good thing for Bell. However, it will take some time to prepare for the "Hospital Hostess" tavern. Visit the location in advance and make some corresponding preparations.

When thinking of this, Bell stood up from the bath.

"Isn't now the best time?"

There won't be so many adventurers on the streets in Orario early in the morning. The "Hostess of Plenty" is a tavern, and its official business hours are after 5 o'clock at night [that is, doing night business.

This kind of pub will close very late at night, so naturally the waitresses inside will stay up very late. Because of this late sleep, the tavern would not start work so early in the morning.

Bell figured it out and walked out of the bathroom immediately.

Although taking a bath is his relaxing time in the morning, some things also need to be done in time. You can take a bath or something later, but the key now is still the meeting with God Freya tomorrow.

After being dressed (chdf), Bell immediately went out to the "Mistress of Plenty".

Only this time Bell did not travel directly through space, but moved forward on foot. Of course, this is done while concealing one's own aura.

Because it was early in the morning, even early in the morning, there was a rare layer of thick fog in the air, making the surrounding sight very close. This phenomenon will not change until at least the sky officially lights up, otherwise this layer of thick fog will continue forever.

That's not a bad thing for Bell.

The thicker fog will not hinder his movements. Instead, he can use the thick fog to obscure his figure, making his breath even harder to detect.

"...Is that bitch crazy?"

Bell's footsteps paused, and his eyes penetrated countless walls, locking on a dark corner two hundred meters away from an unforgiving hostess.

Although he was thousands of meters away from the source of the sound, he could easily capture the pure malice in the other person along with the sound.

"Adventurer? His aura is amazing, at least he is Level 5. And he is not an ordinary adventurer. He has a strong smell of blood and a strong malicious intent."

Regarding the judgment of strength, Bell is constantly improving as his strength improves. Because I have seen enough adventurers, I have an accurate judgment on the strength below Level 6. It is precisely because of this that Bell can make an accurate judgment about this woman hiding in the darkness.

As for malice... Actually, Bell can sense malice, but it's just malice directed at himself. But this time, the malice Bell felt was not directed at himself, but stemmed from the malice that naturally emanated from that woman.

With a gentle step under his feet, the powerful force drove his body to jump up quickly. Then he stepped on the roof, exerted a slight force, and moved his body quickly and silently.

Perhaps it's because of the newly awakened "Seven Deadly Sins" and the influence of absorbing "Jealousy" and "Greed". The perception of sin and malice is obviously much stronger.

After all, most people who dress like this are members of the dark faction. This is Farris walking in Orario, and no adventurer wants to miss it.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

But this time Bell really felt strong malice.

In the past, Bell could judge whether the other person was malicious by their eyes, behavior, heartbeat and breathing. However, there is also distortion in this method of judgment. After all, most of the adventurers' acting skills are quite good.

Just like Bell can unconsciously absorb "jealousy", he can also almost instinctively sense the malice around him under the influence of the "Seven Deadly Sins".

You must know that since the dark faction leader was pulled out to take the blame, people dressed like this are almost invisible in Orario. Because everyone knows that this appearance is to deceive others, so who among Orario needs to deceive others? Obviously, the answer is only the dark faction.

You must know that many sins are formed under malicious circumstances. Therefore, malice is a condition of sin. Sometimes there are subjective and objective judgments of malice. Just like animals are more sensitive to malice, because this is the survival instinct of animals, and this instinct is also based on the fact that they do not have subjective malice towards any existence.

And Bell is deeply involved in it, mastering its power, but not being affected by it. Only then will he be affected by this power and enhance his perception of malice.

Any adventurer dressed like this will be watched, and either they will be subdued together, or they will be secretly reported to the guild.

This also made Bell focus on that woman.

This look instantly heightened Bell's concentration. He always looks like this, and no one knows better than him why he wears this outfit. Although there are often people who dress like this among adventurers, there are not many adventurers who have Level 5 strength and still do this.

The distance of one kilometer was covered in just three steps.

Wearing a cloak and a hood on his head, he also deliberately concealed his appearance.

Just because it doesn't exist, it makes you more sensitive.

Bell stood on the roof of a store and looked at the malicious woman in the alley.

Not to mention the current Orario.

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