I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 484 Using Yourself As Bait For Fishing

The woman and the masked man left from the darkness after determining the necessary action, and this scene happened to be watched by Bell on the eaves.

"The top leaders of the dark faction actually knew about God Freya's meeting with me tomorrow? Until then, the only person responsible for the incident was God Freya, except for the selfless person."

The waitress would definitely not spread such a thing without authorization. After all, it has a direct impact on the safety of God Freya. Moreover, the waitress named "Ciel" is the shadow of God Freya, and she will not commit such a betrayal.

So, who is the person who dumped this information?

After Bell's face twitched a few times, his brain instantly figured out who the person who dumped the information was. The person who can disregard the safety of God Freya and accurately deliver the information to the dark faction, probably only God Freya himself can do it.

"God Freya, Tao is playing a little too big this time."

If the person who sent this information was God Freya himself, then we can guess the reason why God Freya did this. But this reason gave Bell a slight headache.

Bell could almost imagine what kind of bloody scene it would be when he met God Freya tomorrow.

He wasn't someone who couldn't accept that kind of scene. But God Freya's operation was really too much. She used herself as bait just to see how good he was. In fact, hasn’t God Freya already guessed it?

"If I guess correctly, God Freya will give an order to everyone above Level 5 tomorrow not to move, right? No, if it goes too far, God Freya will even ban those people from leaving the family. base."

Just thinking about that scene made Bell feel like he was being plotted against. Why should he, a weak and helpless ordinary adventurer, be allowed to show his strength?

Bell took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, letting out his depressed emotions along with his breath.

"But whether I can avoid it or I shouldn't."

"The Hostess of Plenty" is not a tavern that does not open its doors to the public. People will pass by even in the morning. And if the god Freya appears inside the tavern without concealment, the possibility of being stopped is too high.

If he showed his strength here, Bell could imagine that the situation he would face later would be the shocking news of "Hestia's child killed Level 5".

Bell still objects to being in the spotlight. Once he becomes famous, many things will be targeted and he prefers to do his own things behind the scenes.

"In that case, we still need to arrange it carefully."

The key lies in the layout around the tavern "The Rich Hostess". If you want to solve the problem without showing your strength, you should use the method you are best at.

Sometimes a reckless display of strength turns out to be careless behavior.

Don't let others get your information easily. This is what a prudent person must observe.

Bell paused and thought for a moment, then after a few dodgers, he arrived in front of the "Hospital Hostess" pub a kilometer away.

It looks like a two-story building from the outside. However, the tavern is only on the first floor, and the waitress's accommodation is on the second floor.

The external shape and scale are quite exquisite, and it should have been built by the Gubonyu family. In fact, there are not many families in Orario who can build high-end buildings. Guberniu is considered to be the most cost-effective and practical.

Of course, the asking price of the Gubonyu Family is also the highest. But you get what you pay for. Although the charges are very high, the work efficiency of the Gubonyu family is also very high.

Bell also knows this very well.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Familia, when Bell got the first pot of gold, what he thought of was to ask the Gubonyu Familia to build the Familia. Later, considering that the internal situation of the Familia was not suitable for others to control, Bell finally used Rune to carry out the construction.

Maybe it's a little different in appearance, but the use of runes also gives the family a somewhat original and natural feel. In a sense, they are no worse than the Gubonyu Family.

Bell's eyes scanned the surrounding situation.

"The tavern is surrounded by serious taverns, as well as many jewelry shops and snack bars..."

There is a bit of a night market atmosphere around here.

It is because of this that "Hostress of Plenty" has a good flow of people every day, and there are many adventurers visiting even at noon.

It can be said that as long as the adventurer comes out of the dungeon, as long as he does not deliberately change the route like Bell, he will almost pass by the "Mistress of Plenty".

Although Bell felt a slight headache, he was still trying to find a way to deal with it.

"The location here is great, the location is simply the best place."

Bell needs to take the situation completely into his own hands, avoid drawing too much attention to himself, and face Freya's "interest".

"The Hostess of Plenty" is located at the corner of Daedalus Street. Less than two kilometers to the left of the tavern is Daedalus Square, which is the entrance to the underground city. A few minutes' walk to the right of this tavern is the location of Orario's guild.

After thinking about it, Bell started taking action.

"You need to leave some space for the layout. The other party is using barrier magic, so the scale will definitely include the entire tavern, so my layout needs to be wider than the space covered by barrier magic."

The flow of people began to increase gradually, so Bell first arranged the runes on the street, and then began to decorate the surrounding areas.

When arranging the runes, Bell also paid attention to the surrounding situation.

Rune quickly started setting up. In order to avoid being noticed by others, Bell also placed the runes inside the wall this time.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

In nearly half a day, the basics of the arrangement have been laid out.

If you want to deal with this problem, you need to consider more than just the specific space in which the "Mistress of Abundance" is included.

Bell also slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Considering this, what needs to be done is to expand the scope that needs to be covered. At the same time, corresponding illusions should be arranged around it, and adventurers should be able to reduce the amount of equipment they enter by 0.3."

"There's a lot more trouble to deal with."

"Then we'll have to wait until tomorrow."

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