I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 166 The Embarrassed Loki

"Good boy, you are waiting here!"

Loki raised his brows, she could be considered to know the purpose of this kid.

But Bell continued to speak without hesitation.

"It's just for growth.

"I have confidence in myself, at least I won't stay where I am now. So, I want to keep growing and keep moving forward.

A good one for growth.

For a pervert who reached Lv.2 in less than a month, isn't his growth just not stopped?

Loki complained in her heart, but she didn't think well about the growth of this kid in front of her.

Basically, adventurers with ideals and goals will increase their "ability value" to the limit before each level up. Only in this way can they maximize the value of each level up and improve their future as much as possible. Space.

Ordinary adventurers generally raise their "ability value" to "677", which is the bottom line of D, and then prepare to level up, but most of the adventurers who choose this way are only adventurers with average aptitude.

However, adventurers with better qualifications will try to settle themselves as much as possible, and only after their "ability value" reaches the peak that can be achieved will they choose to upgrade, thereby broadening their future path.

Whether it's Finn or Riviria, they will only consider upgrading when the "ability value" has accumulated to the limit.

This is basically the operation that all the top adventurers of Orari will choose.

Loki is sure that the kid in front of him did the same, but the speed at which this kid accumulates "ability points" is very unusual.

"It took a month to accumulate the ability value to the limit."

Loki directly ruled out the situation where the boy on the opposite side had poor qualifications.

Hmph, just like the little dwarf's nose is going to go to the sky, this kid's talent will be poor? Maybe even stronger than Finn.

Then, in less than a month, the ability value has been accumulated to the limit, which must not be an ordinary situation that can be explained.

"Sure enough, this kid also has super rare skills. Otherwise, how could this kid have raised his ability value to the limit so quickly."

Although Loki doesn't know what type of skill this skill is, the skill that can do this is definitely the type that she has never heard of.

"Damn it! This little dwarf is really damned!"

Right now, Loki only had three words in his heart.

Although her family has been greatly improved in this transaction, and she even learned about a child with special skills, she felt very uncomfortable.

Her old rival, the little dwarf who always pointed to her chest and used "barrenness" to describe it, obviously didn't do anything, but she took all the benefits.

And she obviously did everything, but the benefits were much less.

This sense of gap made Loki especially uncomfortable.

Sometimes it's not that you don't earn enough, but you see your old foe earn more than you.

Taking a deep breath, Loki felt that he had forced his soaring blood pressure to drop a little too many times this day, more than the number of times his blood pressure had soared by other gods in the heavenly realm.

The first time he failed in front of the dwarf was because of Haruhime's intelligence.

The second time was because of the magic of the boy in front of him.

The third time was also because of the personal ability and intelligence ability of the boy in front of him.

What does it mean?

This means that she, the evil god Loki, stepped on the same pit three times.

And what's even more nonsense is that except for the second time I stepped on it unconsciously, the first and third time I stepped on it voluntarily.

But after getting angry, Loki gradually cleared his mind.

"Although that little dwarf is annoying me all day long in front of me, but if this kid's strength can really increase quickly, it will not be bad for my family."

Although she was very unhappy with the little dwarf's chatter, she admired the dwarf's children.

For a start with nothing like the dwarf, such a waste god Loki thinks any adventurer will be crazy.

But this kid, by virtue of his own ability, forcibly changed the situation of Hestia's family.

He first used the business of runestones to win over Hephaestus, and then used super rare information to win over her family, and directly let the Hestia family, who was still swaying in the wind and rain, sit firmly on the fishing platform.

And in doing so, he did not forget to accumulate power in the end.

Loki felt that the character of this kid might not reveal too much information about himself until he thought it was safe.

Of course, normal people wouldn't think of a kid who has been an adventurer for less than a month as a senior adventurer.

Even now, most of Orari's adventurers think that Bell Cranel of the Hestia Familiar just got lucky and stumbled upon a good magic.

But Loki is very clear that this kid is definitely not as simple as luck and a good magic.

This kid's eyes are not low at all.

He doesn't care much about Lv.6, which proves that his vision is not at the level of Lv.6 at all...

Therefore, the alliance relationship is still good.

With such a rapid growth of this kid, it may not be long before he can set foot in the third rank, or even the second rank.

"Interesting, even though you are the family of the little dwarf, you are indeed very interesting. More

The most unbearable thing for gods who crave the unknown is the unknown in front of them.

Now Loki feels that this kid in front of him is like a large Rubik's cube, and the hidden secrets in it are so unbearable for any god.

However, Loki prefers cute and good-looking girls to boys, so her feelings about this kid in front of her are just interesting.

Not all gods are the same.

"Boy, I haven't known your name for so long, report your name.

Bell didn't know that, so he put his name on it anyway.

"Bell Cranel."

With the name in mind, Loki also stood up from the musty chair.

"I'll remember the name, and I'll see how far you can go.

After speaking, Loki walked outside with Bell's slightly speechless expression.

Finally Bell hesitated, but couldn't help but speak.

In view of the fact that God Loki had gone away at once, Bell's voice increased a little, just to avoid God Loki not being heard.

"Although I'm a little embarrassed to interrupt your handsome appearance, but I haven't finished talking about the service you gave.

The handsome Loki turned his head immediately and his whole body froze.

The three giants of the Loki Familia cover their mouths neatly at the same time, and the next moment they can hear a slight "poof" sound, maybe they can't bear it.


"Loki, why don't you leave? Bell-kun hasn't finished speaking yet, what do you want handsome?"

"Pfft! I'm dying of laughter, the idiot Loki is still pretending over there.

The most unbearable was Hestia, who had been watching Loki's jokes all the time.

Seeing Loki's embarrassed look this time, she just laughed out loud.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

And Loki also turned red with this hearty smile, and then turned his head towards Hestia as if he had gone crazy.

Seeing how God Loki and Lord God were fighting, the initiator was still beside him with emotion.

"I didn't see it, but God Loki also likes to pretend."

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

PS: This is to make up for yesterday, today is not just for fun, today is really to make up for yesterday's chapter.

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