I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 167 Inventions in order to relieve the boredom of Lord God

"I said you two are about the same."


Hestia and Loki, who had just played a game, hugged their chests and looked to the other side, with no intention of restraining.

In this regard, the three pillars of the Loki Family sighed in unison.

Loki is decent when he's serious, but only wayward when he's rambunctious.

Faced with this situation, only Finn, the head of the regiment, stood up.

"Mr. Bell, what is the gift service you just mentioned?"

"Ah, that's actually something I researched when I was usually free.

In fact, Bell has been thinking about how to solve the boring problem of the god-sama when he went to the dungeon, so he thought of a solution.

"Because I am the only one in our Hestia clan, if I often walk around the dungeon, Lord God will feel bored in the clan.""

"Considering the problems of that situation, I thought of a solution. 35

"As long as Lord Shangshen can see my situation in the dungeon in the clan, then Lord Shangshen's boredom can be reduced a lot."16

Finn understood after a little thought, just like watching a war game, you can hang the pictures of many battlefields inside the major families to broadcast the whole process.

"Like a war game?"

"But it's a dungeon, and the power of the gods can't penetrate the inside of the dungeon. If it can be done, then many gods will do it."

The strategy of the dungeon is definitely a very exciting fun, but the divine power of the gods cannot penetrate into the interior of the dungeon, otherwise the dungeon will be discovered soon, and a big riot will occur.

Bell wasn't surprised that the other party would say so.

He didn't know the plot of the second season either. He naturally had a fresh memory of the live broadcast scenes of the war game that spread throughout the entire Orari at the beginning of the war game.

The fact that the power of the gods cannot penetrate into the interior of the dungeon is most likely the root cause of the inability to directly observe the dungeon with the power of the gods.

And it's been thousands of years, wouldn't the gods not want to observe the dungeon?

I am afraid that I have tried it in the past, but the final result was a failure. This is why I never used my divine power to observe the dungeon after that.

However, it is just that divine power is restricted and cannot be used to observe dungeons. It does not mean that everything will be restricted by dungeons.

"I've also done relevant tests on this."

A purple crystal suddenly appeared in Bell's palm. This is a very cheap ore that can be mined in the upper layer, and is generally used as a material for cheap accessories.

It's just that this crystal is not a material, but a communication device that was temporarily manufactured.

The finger lightly tapped on the ore, and a faint light was emitted from the ore, and dozens of images were projected onto the sky above the ore.

Seeing those dozens of pictures suddenly made the four adventurers who often go to dungeons in the room uneasy.

"This, this is!?"

Responding, Finn quickly forced himself to calm down.

"Mr Bell, this is... a dungeon?"

This time, even the three gods who had just focused their attention were not calm.

"Hey hey hey, does a side business need to be so big?"

Loki is the god who knows best how this kind of thing can change the situation once it is actually created.

what does that mean?

This means that the gods have the right to observe the dungeon, but also in a form that does not trigger a dungeon riot.

"God Loki, I think things are too complicated for you. I have no interest in changing Orari's affairs. My original intention of creating this is just to relieve the boredom of Lord God." "

Bell didn't know what kind of change it would bring to Orari.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After all, he didn't create this thing to change anything, but just to relieve the boredom of Lord God.

"You...you don't pamper her so much!"

Loki was almost driven mad by this sentence.

Most of the other people's creativity is to create some useful props for themselves, but this kid in front of him is not doing that at all.

Every time this kid wants to create, he does something amazing.

Originally, the space item Loki had already considered it to be the limit, but who knew that this kid still had such a big move hidden behind him.

Once this matter spreads, the follow-up impact may be greater than anything else.

And the reason for this is just that this kid in front of him wants to relieve the boredom of the little dwarf?

Loki has never seen anything more crap.

"Mr. Bell, once this kind of thing is exposed, you will be in big trouble.

Finn also knew in his heart that this invention would definitely bring a series of troubles.

Although there are some props in the outside world where you can see the dungeon, most of those things need to use something as a medium. Most of those mediums are things brought into the dungeon by the corresponding relatives. Perhaps the reason why that thing was created was to relieve the boredom of the gods.

But that thing is not as exaggerated as the one in front of him.

At a glance, the floors in the picture are almost from one to tenth floor, and even in the picture, you can see many adventurers slaying monsters in the dungeon.

From this point of view, the young man in front of him is really courageous and has the ability to put so many eyes in the dungeon, and the dungeon has not yet produced a rioting reaction.

what does that mean?

This means that the dungeon doesn't care about such peeping, nor does it think that it is the power of the gods working in the dungeon.

That means, this thing may also have amazing effects on the lower layer.

Therefore, the place where this thing wants to be placed safely is only the upper layer where it intersects easily. Once there are too many monsters in the middle layer, the possibility that the eyes that are put down will be destroyed is much higher.

If Bell has been to the lower level, then it is not impossible for this thing to be placed in the lower level.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

Of course, that's on the premise that Bell hasn't been to the middle and lower floors.

"Captain Finn, please don't worry, the situation on the first ten floors has little effect on letting go of those things because the changes in the dungeon are not large. There will be a lot of monster activities in the middle and lower floors, and the space is also very vast. It will be destroyed soon after it is settled down, and the impact will not be very big.”

It's just a fact that the labyrinths on some floors in the middle floor will change. If that happens, the eyes will indeed be destroyed by the floor changes.

In fact, this is also a big problem in the test.

The first ten floors can put down so many eyes because the number of monsters on the upper floor is not exaggerated, and the changes in the dungeon are not very large.

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