I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 165 The Curse of Cassandra

Bell didn't beat around the bush, since God Loki was willing to give his favor, he would naturally offer Kassandra's information.

"Kassandra's power does give her the qualification to peek into the future, but this power also has great limitations. She can only see the future of things related to herself."

This is not very surprising to Loki, after all, the concept of the future is too broad, and if there is no directional regulation, it will be too out of specification.

"It turns out that, no wonder you say that the child's ability can grasp the bottom line."

She can predict things related to herself. If that child joins the Loki Familia, isn't what she predicts is related to the Loki Familia?

"Is there a limit to the ability to predict?"

Of course, even with such restrictions, Ke Loki still feels that the future of this ability is too broad, so there must be restrictions in this part.

Bell nodded slightly with a smile.

"Indeed. The ability to predict cannot be controlled by oneself. After all, this is a glimpse into the future, and it is impossible for people to have such qualifications for no reason. But if it involves "danger", then Cassandra will You will unconsciously see the whole process of "crisis"~ in your dreams. Luo

"And this part of the 'crisis' is the future that will definitely happen. "

"Her foresight can only be triggered when her clan, friends, and herself are in danger in the future. Therefore, if the Loki clan can pull her into the clan, then she is the Loki clan - the greatest insurance. .35

"I see."

Finn understood why this information was so expensive.

"Haruhime's ability is already excellent enough, but I didn't expect that there are adventurers with this kind of power."

Crisis, this is what every family and every adventurer will encounter.

Some crises are just small problems, and they can be overcome by relying on their own ability; but some crises are not small problems, and those situations can only be overcome by clear instructions.

"Haruhime's ability can greatly increase the upper limit of the family's strength. At the same time, the ability of the adventurer named Kassandra can ensure the safety of the family, so that the family will not face a desperate situation at once."

At this moment, Finn already understands the importance of special talents, especially Haruhime and the adventurer named Kassandra.

"It looks like the expedition will be temporarily put on hold again."

However, this is not a big problem. After all, the spare "Not Bad" series of weapons that can fight against 50 layers of new monsters have not been built yet, and the expedition itself will also be postponed.

Now that he understands the information about that special talent, Finn knows that Loki can't help it, just like he did against the Ishtar family last time.

At this moment, Loki is taking a deep breath, trying to calm his mind.

"Nima, why are the children of the lower world so perverted when I don't know?"

Even though he kept roaring in his heart, Loki was very eager to know which family the adventurer named Kassandra belonged to.

"Which family is she from? Also, what does she look like?"

You don't need to be picky in terms of ability, but you still need to pay attention to other places.

Seeing that God Loki hurriedly asked Kassandra's personal information so quickly, Bell didn't give any answer.

"I'm not done yet, Loki God."

Loki frowned slightly.

"Not finished yet?

"So, does God Loki think that the restrictions I just mentioned are real restrictions? It just gave the "prediction" a direction, and I haven't said the real problem. And if it's just some of the above questions, would I still say what I said before?

Well, Loki also felt that the restrictions mentioned earlier didn't really seem like restrictions, which made Loki concentrate again.

Since the previous ones are not restrictions on ability, they are just a positioning of ability.

"The biggest problem with Kassandra's ability is the curse that comes with this ability itself."

"She can indeed see a corner of the future in her dreams, but the future she sees is cursed. Even if she tells others about the future she sees, as long as that person does not meet certain conditions, No one will believe what she says.""

"Unintelligible, unassurable is the 'curse' that Cassandra has to endure.

Loki didn't expect the biggest problem to be Cassandra herself.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・

The power of peeping into the future is too strange, even if the future peeping is related to oneself, but after knowing the future, some people will think about changing it.

He thought that if he had this kind of power, Loki would do the same thing.

But she never thought that the difficulty of implementing it lies in Cassandra herself, who possesses such power.

What he said is the truth, but no one can understand it. This kind of thing is really hopeless for anyone.

Of course, what's even worse is that no one but the parties will believe what Cassandra said.

"No wonder this kid said that Finn wouldn't take Kassandra seriously without his reminder."

"If I stand in the same position as her, maybe I'll be skipped as an illness?"

This curse is actually the curse of cognition.

Only things that only you know will not become facts, and only things that everyone knows and recognizes will become facts.

"That's a pretty bad curse."

Loki was speechless about such a curse.

Such a curse is really too bad for such an ability.

Suddenly, Loki thought of a very serious problem.

"So, Cassandra's abilities are pretty much useless to me.

"What Cassandra sees is the future, and adventurers who can accept her information need at least a certain degree of luck."

Yeah, if this is Cassandra's curse, then this secret will always be a secret, and it won't be known by someone like it is now, or even revealed to her directly.

Bell went on to explain.

"The future is the arrangement of fate, and luck can also be said to be a kind of fate. Therefore, only adventurers with a high enough luck value can trust Kassandra's words."

"Wait, isn't that Cassandra's curse? How did you know that?

"If you are not talented, I have a good luck value.

PS: Asking for collection...for flowers...=for evaluation 5.

"So didn't I just say it? Only those who meet certain conditions will believe what Cassandra said.

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