I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 154 Thanks to Haruhi Sanjo Ye

Bell came up with the two goddesses, and it was not until this time that Hestia and Hephaestus noticed that it was not only Loki and her three Lv.

One was wearing well-fitting clothing, clearly Far Eastern.

A very cool dress, one can tell it is Amazon style.

They know the three Lv.6s of the Loki family, but they are not familiar with the two children behind.

Bell naturally knew these two people, so he pointed at Elsa, who was wearing a cool bronze skin and introduced it.

"This is Aisha Bellka, a member of the former Ishtar family.

"The other is Haruhi Sanjo Ye, who is also a member of the former Ishtar family.""

Hestia immediately became interested.

Glancing at these two children, it goes without saying that they are very rare adventurers, and they should have all been transferred to Loki's family by now.

Ishtar was repatriated by Uranus yesterday, and Hestia could almost imagine that Loki was waiting for Ishtar to be repatriated to the heavenly stall to convert the two children.

"Rocky, why did you come to my side early this morning? And you brought your two new children with you.

"What did you say I came to 663 for?"

"It's not that my children were rescued by your children yesterday, I brought them here to thank your children.

Loki just rolled his eyes away.


Hestia didn't understand what the purpose was, and Bell added it next to him.

"Lord God, it was the night before yesterday when the Loki family was besieging and suppressing the Ishtar family who colluded with the dark faction, and the two were chased by more than a dozen Ishtar family members and ran into our territory. 99

"It was that time."

Hestia remembered that Bell was saying that someone outside was going to deal with it, but it turned out to be Bell's recommendation to Loki's two children.

At this time, Haruhime, who was standing beside Loki, took a step forward and bent down with her lower abdomen in her hands.

"Although it is a little late, please allow me to express my thanks."

After raising her head, Sanjono Haruhime's eyes were fixed on Bell, but because of the hood, she still couldn't see clearly what the hero who saved her looked like.

"If it wasn't for your (bgaf) help, neither Aisha nor I could have escaped the hunt that day."

There was deep gratitude in the words of thanks. Bell could feel that such a person might really not be suitable to stay in the Ishtar family.

"Don't thank me. I'm just treating you as bad guys who sent information to Loki God, don't thank me as if I were a good guy."

"Since it's the second part of life, just absorb the lessons of the last time, and don't let your life become like the last time.

Speaking of saving the girl, Bell didn't want to accept such kindness.

His behavior is not actually a good person, but because he knows some things, he uses some information that is beneficial to him to do some self-satisfying things.

In fact, Chun Ji knew this, Lord Loki had already told her these things yesterday.

But that's not what she really cares about.

Maybe the boy in front of him really used the information of her and sister Elsa, and even sold their information to Lord Loki. But Chun Ji still wanted to thank him, thanking him for standing up under those circumstances the day before yesterday.

Haruhi knew how hard the life of the Ishtar family was.

And because of her own special skills, she always does things that she doesn't want to do, and even she helps to do a lot of bad things, Chun Ji also knows that she is also a bad woman.

In the past when she was in the Ishtar family, no one had stood up to help her.

Even she could only accept the fact that she was a sacrifice.

But at this time, someone stood up to help her, perhaps just telling Lord Loki about her. But Chun Ji understood that if it wasn't for this notification, she still had no hope of breaking away from the Ishtar family.

"Even so, I am very grateful to Lord Bell."

That hope was given to her by the person in front of her, which Chun Ji always kept in mind.

And the chase the night before, if it wasn't for the appearance of this person in front of me, Sister Elsa and her would be doomed. But it was because of the appearance of this person that Sister Elsa and her were prevented from being killed by those chasing soldiers.

The boy who stood up in the crisis that night has become a forever hero in Chun Ji's heart.

Although there was no extra consolation, Haruhi was still very grateful.

Bell glanced at Haruhime and sighed silently.

"I don't know if such a simple girl is lucky to live in this chaotic world."

However, considering the naive fox in this idea, Bell couldn't help but remind him.

"Don't trust anyone who shouldn't."

"Now that you have joined the Loki Familiar, you should remember this sentence. There should be no unnecessary trust between adventurers and adventurers, and it is what you need to do to always be vigilant about anyone. .

Loki stared at the guy who said such a thing with a speechless expression on his face.

"Hey, hey, your kid's condition is really serious. 35

Bell knew what it meant, but he wouldn't change his mind and attitude.

"Whether it's sick or not, I think the God of Loki, who is a god, should be the clearest."

"There are too many situations where there are good and bad adventurers.

"For example, the family members in the Soma family are a group of people who have lost their humanity for the sake of wine. They are not even human beings, but a group of guys who are dazzled by desire. When facing those people, Loki God Do you still think my words are serious?"5

Good guy, this makes Loki unable to refute.

The Soma family is really in such a bad situation, even more serious than the simple words just said.

Bell continued without hearing any rebuttal.

"It is the most correct way to speculate on the hearts of others with the greatest malice. Because no one knows, whether the companions you think standing behind you will come out with knives to give you a knife at any time.

Having said that, he paused for a while.

"However, you can put your utmost trust in what you think you can trust. 35

In the end, that kind of approach is something that many people can't do, and Bell still recycles the words in the middle.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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