I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 153 The purpose of Loki's visit this time

This is very Versailles.

Of course, Bell himself knew how disgusting "jealousy" was.

That's a part of desire, and it can be said that as long as it is an emotional creature, it is more or less jealous. Even the gods who are idle and bored in the heaven are also jealous, otherwise how could Ishtar be so hostile to Freya?

Wouldn't the two gods collide if it wasn't for the desire to haunt it?

It's just that Bell was more curious about how the poison of jealousy appeared on the face of Hephaestus.

The curiosity about this question made Bell's eyes locked on the god Hephaestus.

"God Hephaestus, since when did the right side of your face look like that?

This question is more or less private, and more or less the meaning of exposing scars.

As a matter of fact, Bell, who is a family member, can't ask casually, let alone the secret of his own master god, but the secret of other master gods.

Hestia knew that Bell was unintentional, but Hestia worried that Hephaestus didn't think so.

Of course, Hestia's worries were superfluous, and Hephaestus obviously didn't think about it in that direction, and gave the answer directly.

"Since the day I became conscious, the right side of my face has been what you saw before.

"Does the day of consciousness begin?"

The answer got Bell thinking.

"If the God of Hephaestus was already targeted by the "Poison of Jealousy" when he became conscious, then it should not have been deliberately done by other gods, maybe it was a natural occurrence.

As for the cause of the Seven Deadly Sins, Bell just knew that one was born from desire, but he really didn't know what happened to this phenomenon that occurred after becoming conscious.

In fact, Bell's more understandable is that someone led this thing to the god Hephaestus.

But if it is attached since birth, then the result of the second person's guidance should be excluded.

But can gods be born with such filth?

In fact, Bell found out when he checked before that the "venom of jealousy" in Hephaestus had not only eroded to the surface, but had even eroded deeper.

"That mask should have a certain sealing function, or else it wouldn't allow Hephaestus to last that long."

Of course, guesswork can only end here.

Bell quickly put down this speculation, and now he still needs to take the two goddesses to meet the sudden arrival of the Loki god above.

"I will study the issue of "jealousy poison" carefully afterwards, and I will make a conclusion after I have come to a certain conclusion.`"


Right now, Bell's knowledge of this "toxic poison" is still too little, and he can't say too much about some things, and he himself is half-understood.

"Now, Lord God and God Hephaestus need to make some preparations.

"why is that?"

"Because the God of Loki is here, with her family on it."


Hestia was completely awake now, and she couldn't understand why Loki came here early in the morning with his family.

"Why did she come here early in the morning? Wasn't it enough to lose face last time?"

"No! Lord Bell, how did Loki get in? With so many traps and barriers set up outside, she can also bring people in?

Bell needs to explain here, or it just feels unprofessional as he did before.

"Lord God, both the barrier and the trap are working very well. The barrier and the trap have successfully brought them down, and the "Nine Magic Princess" touches the barrier's counter-attack mechanism, especially because of the "magic explosion" ' was mortally wounded. "

Loki and his family were brought down.

Just listening to the description of these words made Hestia and Hephaestus think of such a picture. As for Loki bringing those few family members here, Bell mentioned the name of "Nine Magic Princess" just now, so it's clear that Loki must have brought the only Lv.6 of the family members.

Of course, they are more concerned about the situation that "Nine Demon Princess was fatally injured" in the words just now.

It is normal for ordinary adventurers to be injured because of stepping on a trap, but this is a Lv.6 adventurer.

At this moment, Hestia was a little worried that her children had gone too far.

"Mr Bell, you're not going to kill the Loki child, are you?

The muscles in Bell's face twitched slightly.

"Lord God, the expedition is about to start now, and I have no personal grudge with the Loki family members. It's just that the "Nine Demon Princess" wanted to find the weakness of the barrier and released magic power to detect it, and happened to run into it. The trap I set up is what caused the damage.

Hestia was slightly relieved to hear this, as long as Bell didn't deliberately want to kill the Loki family's child, it would be fine.

And Hestia also knew why Bell wanted to join forces with the Loki Familia.

On the one hand, it is for the family to find a backer they can rely on, and on the other hand, it is for the expedition.

Thinking about it carefully, why would Bell target the Rocky family's children?

"Is the Loki child all right?"

"It's okay, after a simple treatment, the physical injury has basically recovered.

"That's good."

Although she didn't deal with the flat guy Loki, Hestia wasn't bad enough to want to attack Loki's child.

Shaking her feet, Hestia lowered her head to find the slippers beside the bed, simply put them on and then raised her head.

(Hello Wang Wang) "Then go up and meet Loki.

"Hestia, wait a minute."

Hephaestus, who was still sitting on the bed, also stood up.

"I'll go too."

This time, the purpose of Loki's visit is definitely not simple. After all, the arrest of the Ishtar family has just ended, and Loki, who has just taken over the two children, will never go out with a few important family members of his own family. visit.

Hephaestus was not worried about Hestia Ling.

The number of times Hestia was pitted by Loki was relatively small, and Loki would not really let go of Hestia to death.

She was just a little concerned about the purpose of Loki's visit this time.

Even if Hephaestus thought with her heels, she knew that this time Loki was aiming for Bell.

For this purpose, Hephaestus still wanted to hear with a hint of curiosity.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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