I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 155 Suppression of the Brave

"Sure enough, he doesn't trust anyone... No, to be precise, he doesn't trust any adventurer."

"But he is also convinced that some people can be trusted, but now he has not encountered such people."

From his brief words, Finn could hear the attitude of the boy in front of him towards adventurers.

"If this boy is in our family, it might be even more difficult than Ace."

Finn can feel his head aching when he thinks of Ais, who is growing fast among the younger generation.

His gaze refocused on the boy in front of him.

Ace's problem is even more mild compared to the boy in front of him, and this boy's problem is the real serious problem.

If it is said that Ais is constantly pursuing strength because of too painful memories, then the young man in front of her has experienced hardships, knows that people's hearts are sinister, and continues to steadily move forward to gain strength centered on rejecting others.

Maybe it sounds like the gap between the two is not big, but the details gap~ is too obvious.

Ais sometimes does some actions that people around her can't understand, but in Finn's view, what Ais hopes to do is to increase her accumulated "ability points" in constant adventures, so that she can continue to improve.

The code of conduct that the people around them cannot understand is actually the difference in aptitude and strength between the people around them and Ais.

But the boy in front of him had a completely opposite personality and way of doing things to Ace.

Ais's behavior is completely reckless "to wear everything".

However, this young man's style of behavior is mainly cautious, and he is cautious in doing things. In addition, he has magic words with various effects. Whether it is concealment, assistance or treatment, he is not inferior to any professional magician.

And the aggressiveness of this boy and the growth rate of this boy cannot be ruled out.

"It's just that this boy doesn't show his true emotions, making it difficult to judge his situation."

Loki, who dragged his chin, stared straight at the boy in front of him.

"Boy, you didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

Bell didn't quite understand Loki God's words.

"There are some things that God Loki can say directly. After all, we are an alliance, so we don't need to be so tempted."

"I mean, did your kid plan to attack adventurers, so that you have prepared special measures for adventurers? 35

"The means against adventurers... ah, if you mean the means against "abnormal resistance", then my answer is "yes".

"So straightforward to answer."

Rocky thought that this kid would be a little more euphemistic, but she didn't expect such a fast straight ball, which made her catch the ball without any preparation.

"You are really direct. Then you don't know that it's just this, can I go and talk to the guild about your problems?"

Bell sat there without panic at all, just staring at God Loki quietly.

"I don't think the Loki god should have done such an unwise act. The moment we became an alliance, the Loki family was already bound to our Hestia family.

"If I'm suspected of being a threat to Orari because of this issue, isn't the Loki Familiar also the biggest threat to Orari?"

"I think, as soon as this issue is exposed, the first thing the guild suspects is whether the Loki Familiar has already obtained the means to "restrain" adventurers. 39

good boy!

Loki only felt that his teeth were slightly itchy from being bitten by himself.

She also knew that once something really broke out, her family would be completely unclear.

Bell didn't care about Loki God's gaze at all, and continued the conversation just now.

"If the guild conducts a search within the Loki Familia with great fanfare, will the Loki Familia still make it clear?"

‘When adventurers know that their safety is not in their own hands, how will they react?

"The Loki Familia's business for many years will be ruined.

Bell's eyes were on Captain Finn.

"The purpose of Captain Finn becoming an adventurer is to raise the banner of the little people and let the little people rise again, right? 35

"If such a thing is exposed, the villains should be treated as more aliens, right?"

Then he turned his attention to the "Nine Magic Princess".

"I don't know the purpose of vice-captain Riviria becoming an adventurer, but no matter what the vice-captain of Riviria does, regardless of the attitude of the elves, it is necessary to maintain the image of the elves in the whole world, right?"

ask for flowers 0

"The deputy head of Riviria is the royal family of the elves. The royal family dominates the lives of most of the adventurers in Orari, and the fate of the elves will come to an end, right?"

Finn and Riveria both frowned.

There is no doubt that the words just now were threats.

But they are very clear that once the matter is really exposed, as long as the young man in front of him just says a few words, public opinion will make the villains and elves move in the worst direction.

Finn's voice gradually cooled.

"So, do you think the guild chooses to listen to you?"

Bell just spread his hands in front of Lord God and God Hephaestus.

"Of course, as long as there is the affirmation of the two gods, the guild will choose to search the Loki family even if they don't believe me.

"It doesn't matter whether you can find those things or not, what matters is the "attitude" of the guild.

"As long as the guild takes action against the Loki Familia, then Captain Finn, do you think the bottom-level adventurers will believe in your Loki Familia?

"Awesome to speak of. 39

"Maybe the bottom-level adventurers have nothing, but when they make a decision about who they believe, they will influence most of the adventurers to believe."5

"Then "yes" and "no" will no longer matter.

"The important thing is that most adventurers will believe my words."

Bell's emotions were calm from beginning to end, and that's how he said those words so calmly.

Sure enough, Finn, who was worried, was still shaken.

He didn't dare to gamble.

And as an adventurer for so many years, Finn actually knows the darkness of the human heart better than anyone else, and also knows that Orari has countless pairs of eyes waiting for the fall of the Loki Familiar.

Once those people find such an opportunity, those people will never give up such an opportunity to destroy the Loki Familiar.

He felt a little depression and powerlessness in his heart.

Although he knew that if the boy in front of him really did this, then his adventurer's life would be over. But once he does this, maybe it's not just his adventurer's life that ends.

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

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