I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 152 Loki: Where did that magic word come from?

While Bell was calling for someone, Finn and Grace, who were explaining to Elsa and Haruhi from a distance just now, also walked over to Riveria and Loki.

"Rivelia, can the mind still be found?"

"Apart from a few who lost consciousness, most of them knew what was going on.

Riveria also became serious when she was talking about business, but the word "heart palpitations" was always revealed in her words.

"There is interference with magic power in that barrier, as long as adventurers with magic power fall into it, they will be affected and lose the ability to use magic. Moreover, magic power runs around the body uncontrollably, and it will also affect personal senses. .

"What caused me heavy damage was the enchantment's counterattack mechanism."

"After my magic power was disturbed, my magic power exploded in my body like a bomb. Generally speaking, it is impossible for anyone to survive in that situation. 35

Yes, Riveria recalled the personal feeling of the moment when she was hurt before, and most of her internal organs were shattered by the explosion of her own magic power. Even if she didn't die on the spot, in that case even if the "Battle Saintess" came to save her, she would not be able to pull her back from the dead line.

Now Riveria is surprised that she is still alive, and she is also curious about how she was cured.

"Finn, how did I get cured? Did I use a panacea?"

"Then you think the situation at that time can cure your injury with a panacea?


Riveria directly gave a negative answer to Finn's inquiry.

"Affected by the interference of magic power, when the magic power exploded in my body, I didn't even have the room to resist. However, since Lv.6's body is strong enough, I still kept a breath."

"Just a panacea in that case wouldn't have healed my ruptured internal organs."

Finn also felt that the situation at the time was not like an ordinary panacea that could be easily saved.

Especially after listening to Riveria's description of the situation at that time, Finn felt that it might be a miracle that Riveria could be alive.

Finn shook his head slightly.

"The one who saved you is that boy."

"We don't know exactly how it works, but you can look back at the tree stump behind it."

Riveria looked back and saw a tree stump, and there was a lot of black ash scattered next to the tree stump. Her eyes were fixed on the tree stump, and she always felt that the aura emanating from the tree stump seemed to have been seen before.

"Don't think about it.

The talking Loki slowly climbed up from the ground, and patted the soil on his clothes with his hands.

At this moment, Loki's expression was not at all wretched and perverted, but had an extraordinary solemnity.

"That kid reversed the vitality of the elf tree, and poured the vitality of the entire elf tree into Riveria's body, which made Riveria survive."


Riveria looked at Loki in astonishment, and then she suddenly turned back to look at the tree stump. No wonder she felt that the aura emanating from the tree stump was familiar to her, and it turned out to be a elf tree.

Of course, unlike Riviria's surprise, Loki was even more surprised at how the kid did it?

Reversing the life force of the elf tree to Riviria, thus prompting Riviria's body to repair itself.

This is a very crude and simple treatment method, in fact, in a sense, one life is worth one life.

But this kind of transformation is not something ordinary people can do, and even magic is too weird.

Loki knew that the magic that the kid used was those magic words, but considering that the boy used those magic words to create a living before, he had to say that the magic words were used in many ways.

"Even if there are many kinds of magic words, it can't cover such a wide field. Where did that boy use the magic words?"

Loki always felt that the origin of this magic word was crucial.

Of course, no matter how serious Loki thinks it is, the rune words come from the World Tree, which is the words recorded on the World Tree. It can be said that it is the product of the rules nurtured by the "world" nature.

Regarding this part of the matter, even if Bell explained it in detail, no one would necessarily believe it.

At least one thing would have left Bell completely speechless.

"Since it is a text that exists on the world tree, where did you know it?" Such a question can make Bell completely blind.

He couldn't say that it was a concept taken from another world called Cú Chulainn's Heroic Spirit.

Even if the gods could see whether the Nether child was lying, Bell's question would probably be regarded by the gods as a product of neuroticism. Even this neuroticism was fully believed by Bell himself.

Maybe Bell explained that, and ultimately he was sent to the hospital for systemic treatment.

On the other side, Bell came to the door of the basement and knocked softly on the outer door.

"Knock knock knock!"

"Come in if you want, Mr. Bell."

The voice of Lord God came from the door, and Bell confirmed that there was no problem and pushed the door in.

After entering the door, Bell subconsciously glanced at the god Hephaestus, who knew that when he glanced over, he collided with the god Hephaestus. 663

Bell subconsciously thought of the sneak attack on his cheek just now, and a blush appeared on his face, but it was quickly suppressed.

"This kid is so cute."

Hephaestus naturally captured this scene, so she felt more interesting.

"Mr. Bell, did you help remove the thing on Hephaestus' face?

Hestia also noticed this scene by the side, but she was a little embarrassed to not mention what Hephaestus said just now.

Hestia also knew that her sleeping appearance was not very good, and she had heard Hephaestus complain about taking Hephaestus' quilt away when she slept at night.

The first person to get up in the morning was Bell, so Hephaestus, who was not covered with a quilt, must have been seen by Bell.

Although Hestia had a lot to complain about, since Hephaestus' quilt was swept away by her, she couldn't complain.

Bell cleared his mind and nodded immediately.

"Yes. When I woke up in the morning, I felt some malice, and I saw the part of Hephaestus' face that was covered with a mask. I found that I could handle it, so I helped deal with it."

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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