After the press conference, several official media came out to speak and asked about the [Future City].

These are a few specially arranged for the press conference. By asking questions from the media, they will explain the various preferential policies that the authorities have introduced for the City of the Future. The main purpose is to promote this City of the Future to the world. After all, , [City of the Future] bears the important task of the authorities absorbing the assets of domestic and foreign wealthy people to supplement the land finance.

Don’t think that everyone in China is saying that the economy is not good and that rich people will have no money.

According to relevant wealth reports, the total wealth owned by wealthy families in China reached 160 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.6% over the previous year and 1.6 times the country's total annual GDP.

Of the 160 trillion yuan, investable assets reached 49 trillion yuan, accounting for 30% of the total wealth.

Among them, the number of rich households with a total wealth of 6 million yuan has reached 5.08 million, an increase of 70,000 households from the previous year, with a growth rate of 1.3%. The number of rich households with investable assets of 6 million yuan has reached 1.83 million. household.

The number of high-net-worth families with a total wealth of tens of millions of yuan reached 2.06 million, and the number of high-net-worth families with investable assets of tens of millions of yuan reached 1.1 million.

The number of ultra-high-net-worth families with total wealth of RMB 100 million reached 133,000, an increase of 3,300 over the previous year, with a growth rate of 2.5%. Among them, the number of ultra-high-net-worth families with investable assets of RMB 100 million Reached 79,000 households.

The number of international ultra-high-net-worth families with a total wealth of US$30 million reached 89,000, an increase of 2,400 from the previous year, with a growth rate of 2.8%. Among them, the international ultra-high-net-worth families with investable assets of US$30 million The number reached 56,000 households.

The situation abroad is similar.

In the past two or three years, although the economic environment has been bad, the wealth of the rich has grown faster and faster.

The number of ultra-high-net-worth individuals in the world increased by nearly 50% compared with 2019, setting a record high. The so-called ultra-high net worth individuals refer to individuals with a net worth of more than $50 million.

As of 2021, the number of ultra-high net worth individuals worldwide has increased by 46,000, reaching 264,200.

In 2020, the number of ultra-high net worth individuals worldwide increased by 43,500.

This means that the number of ultra-high net worth rich people in the world has increased by nearly 90,000 in the past two years, an increase of more than 50% from about 175,000 in 2019.

The [Future City] that the authorities and [Super Group] are planning to build is just their idea.

Of course, whether the goal can be achieved depends on the subsequent publicity and the implementation effect of [holographic projection technology].

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The press conference that the whole network paid attention to is over.

But like every previous press conference of [Chaoqun Group], this press conference also caused a sensation among the general public.

This has made some friends and businessmen feel sad. They hold product launch conferences and spend a lot of money on publicity, but the discussion has not been high. Among mobile phone manufacturers, only [Apple Mobile] holds product launch conferences. , will have the effect of attracting national attention.

But this has not been possible in the past few years.

Because [Chaoqun Group] has always launched epoch-making technologies in recent years, but [Apple mobile phones] have never had amazing designs.

If [Chaoqun Group] hadn't been banned, [Dasheng Mobile] would not have been able to leave the country, otherwise [Apple Mobile]'s performance would have been greatly affected.

However, the impact in the country is still quite large.

Cook has always said before that because of poor performance in China, more [Apple mobile phone] production capacity should be transferred to Tianzhu to save costs and increase profits.

In fact, the fundamental purpose is to say that if I can't make money, if your authorities don't give me profits, and if you consumers don't buy my mobile phones, I will move the production line.

However, after being beaten by Wu Siyuan last time, Cook did not dare to say this publicly.

After all, although [Chaoqun Group]'s Smart Butler Assistant Xiaolan cannot go overseas, it is operating normally in China.

Although there is no exact information on the number of users, [Apple], based on the installed base of its own mobile phones, has guessed that the installed base of [Chaoqun Group]’s “Smart Butler Assistant Xiaolan” has reached hundreds of millions and is heading towards 5 The target of 100 million is rising. As [Chaoqun Group] develops more and more products around the core of Smart Housekeeper Assistant Xiaolan, the number of users of Smart Housekeeper Assistant Xiaolan will also reach its peak.

A relevant consulting agency released a report predicting that the number of domestic users of Smart Housekeeper Assistant Xiaolan will become second only to [!

If [Chaoqun Group]'s Smart Butler Assistant Xiaolan is not blocked overseas, its number of users could exceed the total number of [WeChat] users in a very short period of time.

This made the top management of [Penguin] very nervous, because the intelligent housekeeper assistant Xiaolan

They originally thought that [Douyin], which competes with [WeChat] for user traffic, is [WeChat]'s biggest rival in the social field.

Who knows, the one who defeats you is never your competitor!

Just like the rise of takeout, food such as instant noodles has suffered a waterloo.

Of course, after the black swan event came, instant noodles came back to life again, which is another story.

Now more and more Chinese users have become accustomed to the existence of Smart Housekeeper Assistant Xiaolan.

They have now entered the era of real mobile phone intelligence.

Wu Siyuan, the boss of Chaoqun Group, has been confirmed by the outside world as a true nationalist.

Cook did not want to take the risk of being sanctioned by [Chaoqun Group]. If he said that he would transfer production capacity, Wu Siyuan would be unhappy at that time, and he would directly stop [Smart Butler Assistant Xiaolan] from authorizing [Apple mobile phones]. [Apple Domestic sales of mobile phones have at least fallen by more than half.

If this is the case, [Apple's] shareholder meeting can hammer him to death!

Cook is a smart businessman, he would never say such stupid things

Let’s go back to the impact of this press conference on the outside world.

In China, the general public is discussing endlessly, but smart people have already expressed their opinions with actions.

After calling the customer service staff of [Chaoqun Group] and some national staff to understand the specific situation, I decisively obtained the certificate.

According to statistics, after the press conference and the launch of the New Vision Fund, the number of marriages increased significantly, accounting for 23% of the number in the same period.

And these newlyweds also received 13,140 yuan of wedding blessings from the [New Life Vision Fund] in their accounts on the second day after receiving their certificates.

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