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Chapter 77 High Betrothal Gift (please subscribe)

At the same time, on [Douyin], there was also news that several mothers who were pregnant last year and gave birth recently had their applications for interest-free home purchase loans of 150,000 yuan approved.

These situations are not isolated cases, but there are many people who got these real money by sharing through [Douyin], [Moments], and [Weibo].

Suddenly, the whole people became excited, and many people were talking about getting married.

Many girls are actually not that realistic.

It's just that the pressure in society is too great, making them insecure about the future, so that couples quarrel constantly.

Maybe if you miss it, it will really be a lifetime thing.

And the [New Vision Fund] established by [Chaoqun Group] gave them the courage to go forward together.

Even if you don't do well, at least you have the blessing of [Super Group].

You may not be able to get rich, but you can give your child a sheltered home after it is born.

Therefore, the number of couples receiving certificates has increased significantly during this period.

The media are a bunch of guys who act according to the prevailing circumstances.

As soon as I saw the change in the trend of society, my sweet love immediately started to blow again.

In today's society, one obstacle to love leading to marriage is high betrothal gifts.

The official statement said that high betrothal gifts should be rectified.

Even Wu Siyuan, the well-deserved richest man in the world, did not come out for the press conference, but it was rare for him to come out to talk at this time. He criticized the high betrothal gifts, saying that this is not marrying a daughter, but selling a daughter, whether it is because of vanity - such as neighbors We received 288,000 yuan as a gift to marry our daughter, so my daughter must not be less than him. The 288,000 yuan gift cannot be less. At the same time, the man is required to have a house, a car, and a name. In order to exploit the daughter, the daughter’s gift is used on the son. , and then throw away two or three quilts as a dowry.

Wu Siyuan said that such behavior does not make people feel graceful, but makes people feel ashamed. Treating daughters as commodities and squeezing daughters to help poor sons not only harms the daughter's happiness, but also harms the son, making it difficult for him to enjoy his old age. Instead, life is a mess.

The reason why the government and Wu Siyuan spoke out against high-priced betrothal gifts is because they both deeply realized that high-priced betrothal gifts have become an important factor affecting social stability, and it also affects the marriage rate.

In the current domestic gender relations and social relations, if the marriage rate is low, then the number of newborns will naturally be low.

This is naturally what the authorities want to avoid.

Wu Siyuan also knows that if the situation of high-priced betrothal gifts is not cracked down, then the [vision] of his [New Vision Fund] may only be a [vision]!

After investing so much money, you can only see a bang in the end.

This was a step he didn't want to see.

Many couples have gone to the step of giving gifts, but in the end they failed, which is really a pity. This excessive betrothal gift has become the biggest obstacle to the blossoming of love for many people, and will also have an impact on society, families, and marriages.

High-priced betrothal gifts can also cause many harms. For example, it can lead to a deterioration of social atmosphere, make male families who are not wealthy return to poverty, and lead to conflicts between husband and wife after marriage.

The change in social atmosphere is due to the high betrothal gifts in a place, and many of them are caused by mutual comparison. When one family's betrothal gift is higher than the local average, others will increase their betrothal gift accordingly. When the amount of betrothal gifts gets higher and higher, the betrothal gifts lose their original meaning and become a tool for comparisons and competitions, hurting both recipients of the betrothal gifts and damaging the overall social atmosphere.

In this area, Yuzhang is famous throughout the country for its high betrothal gifts.

There is even a proverb among the people: Yuzhang's betrothal gifts are the best in the world, Pingle's betrothal gifts are the best in the world, and Pingle's betrothal gifts are the best in Jiangxi and Ganzhou.

The betrothal gift in some places here is 100,000 when I was in high school and 200,000 when I was in college. In the past two years, it has started at 300,000, and I hope it will increase to 388,000 this year, because Yuzhang people value auspicious numbers.

The bride price is only part of it.

In some places here, the requirements for men are: 300,000 betrothal gift + house + car, so if the man wants to get married, he can’t do it without 1 million.

But today's society is said to have entered a moderately prosperous society, but how many families can actually come up with a net worth of 1 million in one go?

Most families cannot afford it.

If the local social customs are like this, then in order to get a wife for the children, the only choice is to borrow, from relatives and friends, from banking institutions, or even more exaggeratedly, from loan sharks.

The money was taken away by the mother-in-law.

But the debt was left to the new family.

A large amount of money was spent on fixed asset investment (houses, cars, household appliances) before marriage, and the remaining cash was relatively reduced. Poor and humble couples suffer from everything, and they also need a lot of cash flow in their daily lives.

If the cash flow is barely enough to survive and you have to pay off debt, then life will be difficult.

When newlyweds encounter emergencies and cannot come up with cash, the weak relationship between husband and wife will be put to the test. This is one of the reasons why the divorce rate is increasing now.

In 2021, 7.643 million couples were legally registered for marriage throughout the year, with a marriage rate of 5.4 per thousand, while 2.839 million couples were legally processed for divorce.

In addition, high betrothal gifts have led to an increase in the number of marriages that are untimely, and can also lead to various deformed marriages: fraudulent marriages, marriage exchanges, etc.

Even marriage fraud has developed into a business.

Human traffickers use women to deceive older men into marriages in remote areas. They ask for gifts ranging from tens of thousands to more than 100,000 yuan in the name of purchasing jewelry, clothes, mobile phones, etc. After the marriage, the women separate for various reasons and flee with the money.

And some smart women even use their marriage as a bargaining chip, choose a target, ask for high betrothal gifts, and then make all kinds of mistakes after getting married, looking for excuses to get divorced. After a divorce, the bride price will naturally not be returned.

Many of these betrothal gifts are the savings of the man's family over the years, and the man's family has even incurred debts for it. To be taken away by the woman like this is not something that any family can easily bear.

After the man's demands are fruitless, he will sometimes do some extreme behavior, which develops into a vicious incident and has a serious impact on social security.

Many years ago, there was a tragedy in which the wife's family was exterminated because of high-priced betrothal gifts.

The man came from a poor family, so he collected 120,000 yuan to give to the woman as a bride price for the wedding.

Who would have thought that after getting married, the woman thought she was beautiful, could not live her life with peace of mind, and had more and more conflicts with the man.

Eventually it came to divorce.

The man thought it was okay to leave, but asked the woman to return the 120,000 yuan gift.

The woman refused.

Then something else happened.

In a rage, the man killed the woman's family, including a several-year-old child.

Although the man was eventually caught and arrested, the bitter consequences had already been achieved.

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