Huang Yuping's words are really Versailles.

Many reporters looked at Huang Yuping and wanted to give him a slap in the face.

At this time, Huang Yuping named another male reporter.

After the male reporter introduced which media he belonged to, he asked, Mr. Huang, I would like to ask, is the wedding blessing of 13,140 yuan a loan or a gift? What conditions are met to obtain this wedding blessing?

This is our group's blessing to newlyweds. It is given free of charge, but it is limited to first-married couples in 2022. Divorced remarried people and divorced remarried people are not within the scope of our gift. Those who meet the conditions can Apply by yourself, and the specific details will be announced later, Huang Yuping said.

No policy is perfect.

Couples who plan to get married in 2022 are naturally overjoyed, while those who get married in 2021 or 2020 feel very unhappy when they see this policy.

This is [not worrying about scarcity but worrying about inequality]!

Fortunately, it was only 13,140 yuan, which was barely within their affordability, but complaints were inevitable.

The questions continued.

A tall male reporter was selected and he asked, What I want to ask is, how many years will [Chaoqun Group] implement this policy?

The current plan is to implement it for three years first, and then check the situation after three years, and then decide whether to continue the implementation, or adjust some terms according to the actual situation. Huang Yuping said.

In fact, what [Chaoqun Group] said to the higher-ups is that [Chaoqun Group] will continue to inject capital into the [New Vision Fund] for at least ten years, but that cannot be said.

Because Wu Siyuan’s fundamental purpose in setting up this [New Vision Fund] is to convert money into influence. Secondly, it is to stimulate the domestic fertility rate and incidentally give the domestic real estate industry a breather.

If Huang Yuping directly said that this policy will continue for ten years, then it may not be able to achieve the effect of stimulating the fertility rate. Many couples may be in a state of hesitation about whether to have children or not. At first glance, there are still ten years, so just slow down, no urgent.

At this time, you need to give them a nervous signal. If you don't hurry up and have a child, maybe this 150,000 yuan interest-free loan will have nothing to do with you.

The Chinese people will be very clear about matters at stake.

Huang Yuping gave the right to ask questions to a foreign reporter this time. After all, [Future City] is aimed at the world, so it still needs the cooperation of some overseas media.

The foreign reporter stood up and asked in Mandarin with no discernible accent, Mr. Huang, we noticed that [Chaoqun Group] promised to inject one trillion yuan into the [New Vision Fund] every year. One trillion yuan is a Very exaggerated data. What we want to know is, when your company made this decision, was it under pressure from some aspects? For example, the authorities...

Huang Yuping's expression changed.

The expression of the director next to him also changed slightly.

This is a global live broadcast, and this foreign reporter is very unhappy.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also noticed that something was wrong. This was sowing discord.

Huang Yuping quickly regained his composure and said with a smile, Yes, our group was indeed under pressure from our boss when we made this decision. The company made too much money, and we, Director Wu, were annoyed by it. I just want to spend the money. I can only say that the troubles of rich people are not something that a poor guy like you can understand... Sorry, I am not talking about you, I am talking about all of us here, including me. In fact, compared with Mr. Wu, we are all poor.

This is a Chinese-style warning and expression of dissatisfaction.

The foreign reporter must have heard it, so his face turned red for a flash, not from shyness, but from anger.

Only Huang Yuping continued to say, Actually, there is something that was not planned to be announced here. It is an internal matter within our group. However, since you mentioned this issue, I just took this opportunity to announce it in advance.

Because our group's performance in 2021 is pretty good and we have made a little money, we, Director Wu, decided to give an incentive award to the group's hundreds of thousands of employees before the Chinese New Year. The lowest employee can receive 50,000 yuan. , can receive up to 200,000 yuan, and at the same time, their immediate family members will also receive valuable benefits. The incentive award does not affect the year-end bonus, that is to say, the incentive award and the year-end bonus are both paid together. Our group internally estimates that issuing this all-employee incentive award will cost our group more than 100 billion yuan. However, we don’t understand the happiness of a rich man like Director Wu.”

Huang Yuping spoke in a humorous tone, which immediately shattered some people's ulterior motives.

He looked at the other reporters and prepared to continue asking questions.

Another foreign reporter asked the question first without permission, As far as I know, Chairman Wu Siyuan only holds more than 30% of the equity in [Chaoqun Group]. This trillion yuan is not only It is Director Wu’s profit, and it is also the profit of other shareholders. Will Director Wu’s use of this money hurt the interests of other shareholders?”

The director's brows were already frowning.

This is imperialism’s determination to destroy itself!

Huang Yuping looked calm. He smiled and said, First of all, I have to explain that this reporter's behavior is not good. I can understand your mentality, but your reckless behavior will affect the order of the venue. , we hope that this kind of thing will not happen in the future, otherwise, in order to ensure the order and fairness of the venue, we will ask these reporters who do not follow the rules to leave and put them on the [Super Group] permanently unwelcome list.

Now let me answer your question! The decision made by our group is a joint decision made with the unanimous consent of all shareholders.

Okay, next one. Huang Yuping searched among the reporters and chose a yellow-skinned male reporter.

Hello, I'm a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun. The male reporter spoke with a strong accent. Huang Yuping frowned slightly. He didn't expect to choose someone from Japan.

Just listen to this Japanese male reporter say, We admire your company's behavior, but charity should be for the whole world. Are these charity measures of your group only implemented for the people of your country? If so, , would it be too selfish?”

Another tough question.

But Huang Yuping is not simple either.

He said calmly, So I suggest that your newspaper come forward and lobby all companies in the world, including companies in your country and other developed countries, to let them use all their profits like our group does. Do some charity in your own country. You are right, charity should be open to the whole world.

The reporter was immediately choked. Do you think everyone is as weird as you [Super Group]?

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