I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 24: Destroy Changding Town in one night

Taisu County and Jishui County are immersed in the joy of harvest.

While Wang Hongyi looked at the red clouds in the sky, he felt that a storm was coming and the mountains were full of buildings.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is an ordinary dusk scene, but in Wang Hongyi's eyes, there is a thick dark cloud, roaring with filial piety.

It was the new commander of Changding Town, Liu Chaoyi, son of Liu Siming, who barely stabilized the situation in the town and led his troops to attack Taisu County!

Because Liu Siming died too quickly and suddenly, there were problems with the handover between the old and the new in Changding Town. Many arrogant generals were dissatisfied with Liu Chaoyi.

Liu Chaoyi had to spend a lot of time and energy to suppress the forces in the town, so he turned a blind eye to the fall of Taisu County.

There's just no way around it now.

Taisu County has a good harvest.

Liu Chaoyi couldn't help but ignore it.

Otherwise, if Wang Hongyi completely digests this bumper harvest, he will truly gain a foothold in Taisu County.

At that time, it was really impossible to regain Taisu County.

Therefore, even if the town was not stable enough, Liu Chaoyi still mobilized 15,000 soldiers to capture Taisu County as quickly as possible and seize Taisu County's food for this year, achieving two birds with one stone. Purpose.

Liu Chaoyi had tried his best to stay hidden.

But I don't think so, how can it be so easy to conceal the mobilization of the army!

Not to mention, Wang Hongyi also knows the art of looking for energy.

As long as Tianji is not concealed.

Some big moves of the other party will be discovered by him in advance.

This is also the reason why he harvested wheat in advance.

Wang Hongyi looked at the horizon in silence, and the figure of Wu Siyuan came to mind again - You must be stronger, and stronger!

A hint of gloom flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Wang Hongyi waved his sleeves and said, Send the order, go back to the city, assemble the army, and prepare for war!

Everyone who heard this was shocked!


Three days later.

Taisu County.

The enemy corpses crisscrossed each other had piled up into a small slope under the city. Blood was constantly flowing from the gaps between the corpses. The people in the county were screaming and crying. Almost every moment, they were in danger.

Peng Peng was heard several times, roaring through the air, and the boulders fell, causing the enemy soldiers below who could not dodge to fall down with a crash.

The kill flag remained unmoved. The tooth soldiers who came later were roaring and shouting, their faces as ferocious as blood, and drove the newly drawn strong men into battle with simple spears.

He Zhong gasped like a bellows, mustering up the last strength in his body, and flew towards him with his slanted fingers. With a pop sound, he stabbed hard into the opponent's body, tearing the gushing blood and spraying on the city wall.

The soldiers around him were fighting each other, and the enemy soldiers that were coming over were shot through and fell heavily to the ground.

Suddenly there was chaos in the county town. A group of warriors rushed in and started fighting. Blood spurted out, they stumbled and rolled like blades, trying to tear open the county town's protection.

The leader didn't even use weapons, he just held up a big flag. The flag, which weighed tens of kilograms, swept across his side, and the enemy soldiers behind them swarmed up to kill them.

Not good! Seeing this, He Zhong knew that it couldn't be done. If it continued like this, the city would be destroyed. He tried hard to get through, but he didn't have the slightest strength. At this moment, he only heard an order: Shoot!

Just listen to the continuous sound of Puff, the leader roared, and was hit by more than ten arrows. He was stunned and threw himself to the ground.

As soon as this man died, the morale of the enemy soldiers was finally low, and they surged down like a tidal wave.

The setting sun shines amidst the fireworks that extinguish all the birds.

The setting sun was like snow, and He Zhong also felt that his vision was stained with blood everywhere.

In the distance, the enemy's main line finally retreated and retreated into the camp.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

The battle has been going on for two days.

In the past two days, Changding Town tried its best, even using the most vicious methods, to drive away the nearby people as cannon fodder to attack the city.

However, after being reminded by Wu Siyuan, Wang Hongyi had already expected it and had taken the lead in sending nearby people to Taisu County or Jishui County.

The two counties have had a bumper harvest, so they don’t have to worry about food and drink at the moment.

Therefore, Changding Town had to attack the people in its own town and drove thousands of people to attack the city.

In the fierce battle, all these thousands of people died.

But Taisu County was still not captured.

Taisu County Meeting Hall.

He Zhong, He Sheng and Chai Jia gathered together.

Although the armor on the three of them was stained with blood, their expressions were relatively relaxed.

All I heard was He Sheng said, The Lord's order will be today.

Another general, Chai Jia, nodded when he heard this and said, Yes, tonight! Go back and let your sons have a good rest. Once night falls, and wait for the signal from the lord, we will all go out and defeat the enemy with one strike!

He Zhong, who was silent among the three, nodded solemnly and then left.


Military camp outside Taisu County.

Liu Chaoyi was stationed here.

He stood on the viewing platform, silently looking in the direction of Taisu County.

Still not surrendering? Liu Chaoyi turned to look at a civil servant and asked.

Yes, Marshal! The clerk lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head to speak.

In that case... Liu Chaoyi's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said, Give me the order to rest the camp for a day, and capture it in one fell swoop tomorrow. I promise not to seal the sword for a day!

The civil servant suddenly raised his head and didn't seal his sword? This is to massacre the city!

Of course, this kind of move can also stimulate the morale of the army.

The clerk was stunned for a moment, and then said in a more respectful manner, Yes, Marshal!

The trumpets sounded continuously, and the troops in Changding Town took back their barracks.

The night was getting dark, slowly covering Liu Chaoyi's face.

Liu Chaoyi is actually not as stable as he appears.

The longer he stays in Taisu County, the more dangerous he becomes.

Wang Zunzhi, the old coach of Wenyang Town, is the best at seizing opportunities.

Although I still don’t know why Wang Zunzhi’s Yi Congjun has not appeared yet!

But he must capture Taisu County as soon as possible.

Delay will lead to change!


The night is getting deeper.

In a hidden valley far away from Liu Chaoyi's military camp.

Wang Hongyi is riding a tall horse and is covered in armor.

Behind him were two hundred and fifty cavalry, all wearing leather armor.

This is Wang Hongyi’s hard work over the past six months.

Wu Siyuan presented another two hundred horses.

Wang Hongyi took this opportunity to train a new batch of cavalry, a total of 250 cavalry, all of whom were the best of the best.

Because Wang Hongyi often gave them water boiled with pine needles, they did not suffer from night blindness.

When Wang Hongyi saw that the time was almost up, he said to the two hundred and fifty cavalrymen behind him, Everyone, it's time to make your achievements!

Kill me!

Wang Hongyi waved his hand, and 250 cavalry came out in full force and headed straight for Liu Chaoyi's camp.

In this era, many civilian soldiers suffered from night blindness and could not see clearly at night.

Although Changding Town is on guard, Wang Hongyi's two hundred and fifty cavalrymen are all the best among the best, and the war horses are also excellent breeds far beyond this era. The combination of the two is like an unstoppable sharp arrow. , inserted directly into the heart of the Changdingzhen army.

At the same time, the troops in Taisu County, which received Wang Hongyi's signal, were mobilized in full force under the leadership of several generals.

The Romance of Fairy Wood

That night.

The military camp in Changding Town was bombed.

Liu Chaoyi was killed on the spot.

Twelve thousand soldiers died directly under Wang Hongyi's army, only twelve or three hundred people.

However, the soldiers brought by the bombing of the camp killed each other, and more than 3,000 people lost their lives or lost their ability to fight.

Five thousand soldiers were captured.

More than two thousand soldiers were left and dispersed.

Wang Hongyi did not stop, but cut off Liu Chaoyi's head and led the elite cavalry to attack Changding Mansion overnight.

Dong Dan, the magistrate of Shunyi County, surrendered without a fight after seeing Liu Chaoyi's head.

Wang Hongyi did not stop, and after setting up ten cavalry to maintain order in the county, he continued to attack without stopping.

At dawn, we arrived under the city of Changding Prefecture.

Wang Hongyi asked people to take out Liu Chaoyi's head, spread the news about the failure of Liu Chaoyi's army, and asked Changding Prefecture to surrender, threatening them that if they did not surrender, they would massacre the city when the rear army arrived!

The dignitaries in Changding Prefecture were frightened.

In addition, Liu Chaoyi took away all the elites, leaving the army empty.

After some internal fighting.

The confidants Liu Chaoyi left behind were killed, and the dignitaries in the city opened the city gates and surrendered to Wang Hongyi.

Overnight, Wang Hongyi broke through Changding Town and captured Changding Mansion, shocking the Shu region.

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