I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 25: Great increase in strength (for cups, coffee tables and cutlery, GQ1996 rewards will be

Wang Zunzhi, who was in the Jiedushi Mansion of Wenyang County, was shocked when he heard the news that Wang Hongyi sent someone to report on horseback. After confirming the answer several times and getting a positive answer, he couldn't help laughing, My family's hidden dragon! Wu's hidden dragon! Hahahaha...cough cough cough...

Wang Zunzhi laughed so excited that he couldn't help but cough up blood.

The teeth were stained red and looked terrible!

But Wang Zunzhi still couldn't stop laughing, Hahahahaha... It's worth it even if I die right away!

Wang Hongyi single-handedly accomplished something that Wang Zunzhi had not been able to do for decades. One can imagine how excited Wang Zunzhi would be!

It took a while for Wang Zunzhi to calm down.

Wang Hongyi is so outstanding, so some things must be done first!

First, Wang Zunzhi wanted to determine the identity of Wang Hongyi's heir as soon as possible to avoid Liu Siming's situation when he was in a state of emotional ups and downs.

The second is to find a marriage for Wang Hongyi that will be helpful to him.

Thinking of this, he summoned Wang Yan.

Wang Yan was Wang Zunzhi's third younger brother, but he did not hold military power. He was a veteran of the civil service in Wenyang Town and was deeply trusted by Wang Zunzhi.

Wang Zunzhi said to Wang Yan, Tian'er has made great achievements. I want to arrange a marriage for him. Third brother, you must pay attention to this matter.

Wang Yan nodded and took the order and left.

As soon as Wang Yan left, Wang Zunzhi summoned Qian Wuniang again.

His eyes were full of sorrow, but he said cold and ruthless words, This town is about to hold an heir ceremony. Unexpectedly, my wife was too happy, had a stroke, and passed away. It is a pity. This town is very sad. We will make arrangements for the future. The funeral ceremony...did you hear clearly what I said in this town?

Qian Wuniang's body trembled slightly, her face turned pale, she was stunned for a moment, and finally kowtowed and said, It's clear... Please take care of my child.

Wang Zunzhi promised that her husband and children would be rewarded.

Qian Wuniang went down.

Wang Zunzhi's wife was the daughter of the former Jiedushi. After marrying Wang Zunzhi, he took the position of Jiedushi.

Later, Wang Zunzhi and her three sons died prematurely.

Wang Zunzhi had no choice but to choose Wang Hongyi as his successor, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Wang Zunzhi's first wife, who continued to secretly plot, and even planned to murder Wang Zunzhi.

Wang Zunzhi didn't want his son Wang Hongyi to bear the bad reputation of matricide, so he planned to get rid of his wife as a precaution.

From this aspect, it can also be seen that Wang Zunzhi's methods are really ruthless.

However, in troubled times, it is difficult to survive if you are not ruthless enough.

After dealing with these things.

Wang Zunzhi personally led 1,500 rebel troops to Taisu County.

Together with the 1,600 soldiers Wang Hongyi left in Taisu County and the 3,800 captured soldiers, there were a total of 5,900 soldiers, known as 12,000 soldiers. The soldiers were divided into several groups and surrendered in Changding Town. The county seat was completely controlled and finally met in Changding Fucheng.

This day is the eleventh day of May in the twelfth year of Chuizheng.

Compared with the original work, it took Wang Hongyi more than four months to conquer the town of Changding.

Before Du Gongzhen, the governor of Hongze Mansion in the Shu region, had time to react, he heard the news that Wang Hongyi had completely defeated Changding Town. From then on, facing the enemy from both sides, he felt dizzy and even passed out.

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Wang Zunzhi also wanted to let Wang Hongyi cultivate his own power, so he directly awarded him the rank of fifth-rank guerrilla general. Poludu was directly upgraded to Polu Mansion, commanding 5,000 soldiers and horses. He also served as the fifth-rank magistrate of Changding Prefecture, from the sixth rank. Official positions below grade can be decided by Wang Hongyi himself, and he can finally report to the commander-in-chief.

Because almost the entire Changding Town was captured by Wang Hongyi single-handedly.

Although several other generals and civil servants in Wenyang Town also coveted this cake.

But they did not dare to have any objections to Wang Zunzhi's resolution.

After Wang Hongyi obtained the power of the Changding Prefecture to act at his own convenience, he began to lavishly reward his civil servants and generals. Those civil servants with outstanding achievements, such as Xue Yuan, Lai Tongyi and others, were named county magistrates. However, Chai Jia and He Zhong were better than these military generals. , and also rewarded them one by one as the commander of the capital.

Because the school established by Wang Hongyi was only for a short period of time and the effect had not yet appeared, the civil servants in each county were appointed by them at their own convenience, and then they attacked the powerful, attracted refugees, built water conservancy projects, planted food, and implemented Wang Hongyi's plans in Taisu County and Jishui County policies.

Civil servants can act cheaply, but Wang Hongyi will not let his subordinates recruit military generals on their own, because this will follow the old path of vassal towns and form tooth generals and tooth soldiers, which is not conducive to Wang Hongyi's rule.

Therefore, Wang Hongyi took back the right to recruit soldiers and set up a new military camp. Some veterans who were injured and could not go to the battlefield were put into the new military camp as instructors to train the new recruits.

After the training, qualified and outstanding soldiers were sent to the major generals.

Soldiers who did not meet the standards were turned into box soldiers and sent to various counties to serve as defense forces and were controlled by county captains.

Oh, right.

Some military attaches who fought bravely but were too seriously injured and were no longer suitable for battle were converted to county captains or entered the military system.

The implementation of this policy made Wang Hongyi even more supported by the soldiers at the bottom.

From the perspective of luck, it means that the clouds of luck are boiling and the luck is greatly increased.

Wang Hongyi organized a total of 7,600 captured soldiers and the defeated soldiers from Changding Prefecture gathered in the later period into new barracks. According to the standard of 500 men per battalion, a total of 16 new barracks were set up, and they were placed in Changding. prefectures and major county towns.

In addition to training the defeated soldiers every day, the new barracks also constantly instilled in them the idea of ​​loyalty to Wang Hongyi, thereby consolidating the foundation of Wang Hongyi's rule.

These people, after several months of training, were transported to various Davidic capitals and would become military forces loyal to Wang Hongyi, rather than tooth soldiers who were highly attached to the military chief.

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It is expected that after the training of all new military camps is completed, Wang Hongyi will have 7,500 elite soldiers from the five capitals and 300 elite cavalry who have seen blood, for a total of 7,800 troops.

In Wenyang Town, not counting the troops in Wang Hongyi's hands, there are a total of about 10,000 troops, and there may be some water in them.

Wang Hongyi's strength alone can already withstand the strength of everyone else in the feudal town.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be jealous, dismembered, and framed by the Lord and King Zunzhi.

But Wang Hongyi is Wang Zunzhi's only bloodline at this time, so there is no need to worry.

On the contrary, the better Wang Hongyi is, the happier Wang Zunzhi is.

After seeing the new barracks policy implemented by Wang Hongyi, he thought for a while and deeply praised Wang Hongyi's strategy.

At this time, he no longer concealed his feelings for Wang Hongyi. At the same time, the heir ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner and would be held on June 6, the twelfth year of Chuizheng.

Wang Hongyi was somewhat proud to meet Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan chuckled at him and said, Master Wang, your expansion speed is a bit slow and your strength is a bit weak. You have to speed up!

Wang Hongyi fell silent for a moment.

(Thanks to readers such as Cups, Coffee Tables and Tableware, gq1996, T Cat, 202106172059222422, Full Moon and Waning, Dust in Fireworks, Airplanes in Battle, etc., and other readers for their continued support.)

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