I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 23 Li Cunyi was so angry that he vomited blood

Didn't it mean that it can only be increased by 30%?

Where is this 30%?

This is doubled, one hundred percent!

It's actually normal.

The 30% increase in yield compared to normal wheat that Wu Siyuan mentioned was based on the wheat standards of modern society.

But now that scientific breeding of wheat seeds has not continued, the yield per mu is much lower than that of actual wheat.

That’s why this situation occurs!

As the saying goes [If you are one step ahead, you are a genius; if you are a few steps ahead, you are a madman]!

In the same way, under Wang Hongyi's rule, if the wheat yield is more than ten or twenty percent, it can be said to be a good omen.

But if the yield is doubled, then he is a monster!

This situation must be attacked in groups.

Maybe several Shu forces in Changding Town and Hongze Mansion would abandon their old grudges and attack Wang Hongyi together.

Wang Hongyi is currently developing well, but he does not have the strength to resist so many forces at the same time.

He made a prompt decision and told Lai Tongyu, Block the news and cannot spread this news.

Don't worry, my lord, I have blocked the news! Lai Tongyu is also a knowledgeable person and has taken protective measures. However, he looked at the heavy wheat sea, frowned and said, However, this harvest...

What Lai Tongyu was talking about was that after the wheat harvest was fully harvested, it would be difficult to block the news.

Wang Hongyi pondered for a moment and then said, Let the army come in to assist in harvesting! The final yield per mu will be reported to the outside world at 2 dan.

In addition, keep the wheat seeds and continue planting! Wang Hongyi was still reluctant to part with the wheat seeds with such an amazing yield. After all, in this era, oh, no, in which era, food is the most important strategic food.

With enough food, Wang Hongyi can easily raise more soldiers and expand his strength.

So Wang Hongyi couldn't give up.

Besides, Wu Siyuan said that this wheat seed will degrade from generation to generation. Maybe the next time it is planted, the yield will not be so exaggerated!

Yes, lord! Lai Tongyu ordered to go down and make some preparations.

Wang Hongyi began to mobilize troops to harvest wheat.

Of course, there was too much wheat, and Wang Hongyi's army alone was not enough, so farmers were also mobilized for harvesting.

It's just that all the harvested wheat is shipped away without being weighed.

It took three days of continuous harvesting to finish harvesting more than 100,000 acres of wheat.

Because it was agreed before.

In this round of reclamation and planting of wasteland, all the harvest belongs to Wang Hongyi.

So the people are very cooperative.

Final measurements were taken in the privacy of the granary.

There are a total of 130,000 acres of wheat fields, and 490,000 shi of wheat are harvested. On average, one mu has more than 3 shi, which is close to the yield of 4 shi per mu.

This is because some wheat fields are grown with ordinary wheat seeds.

490,000 shi of wheat produced 370,000 shi of flour.

This amount has exceeded the conventional 70% powder extraction rate.

The civil servants and generals under Wang Hongyi who knew about this looked very excited.

Even the most reckless general knows that this matter is not simple.

Xue Yuan's face flushed with excitement and he said, Lord, this is the foundation of eternity!

Wang Hongyi is calm as usual, but this small amount of land per mu makes you so excited. You are so small, if you have never seen the land per land in modern society, it would be scary!

However, these 370,000 stones of flour can indeed alleviate Wang Hongyi's tight financial situation at this time.

Because of Wu Siyuan, Wang Hongyi has always had a sense of crisis, so he behaved much more aggressively in developing his strength.

He continued to recruit refugees and expanded his army.

Now there are 5,000 households in Jishui County, which is almost reaching the county level.

Taisu County is a little closer, but it still has 3,000 households, which meets the standards of Zhongxian County.

The two counties combined have 8,000 households, more than two-thirds of which were recruited by Wang Hongyi to sweep away the mountain people.

These people had no surplus food and had to rely on Wang Hongyi for temporary support.

A household's monthly rations require at least two stones.

For one thousand households, it would be two thousand stones.

Wang Hongyi has more than 5,000 households that he needs to support first, which requires 10,000 dan every month.

This does not include Wang Hongyi's army.

Wang Hongyi captured Taisu County, and Wang Zunzhi allowed him to build the capital of Polu and control 1,500 people.

But in fact, Wang Hongyi went out of his way to build a military force. On the surface, he built a capital, but secretly the number of troops was seriously exceeded. The real strength was 2,500 people, which was almost close to the soldiers of the two capitals.

Of course, Wang Hongyi reported this situation to Wang Zunzhi.

Wang Zunzhi just glanced at him, beat him, and then rewarded him with weapons, supplies and food to train and raise his troops.

In fact, it means tacit consent.

Wang Hongyi is his illegitimate son. If Wang Hongyi is so outstanding, Wang Zunzhi will only be happy, especially since his life is not long now. The more outstanding Wang Hongyi is, the more relieved he will be.

Otherwise, he would be worried that after his death, Wang Hongyi would not be able to suppress the proud soldiers of Wenyang Town!

However, despite Wang Zunzhi's support, Wang Hongyi spent a lot of money raising these two thousand and five hundred soldiers.

People eat what horses chew, especially since Wang Hongyi is constantly training his troops, the consumption is almost equivalent to that of five thousand households.

This puts great pressure on Wang Hongyi.

That is to say, with the support of Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan sold the Li family and said in front of Wang Zunzhi that he admired Wang Hongyi's achievements and was willing to donate food and silver on behalf of the Li family to show support.

Li Cunyi was also present at the time, and when he heard this, he was completely stunned.

The money accumulated by three generations of the Li family was intended to be used for the rebellion, but now it has been donated by you [being a good person]?

What a prodigal!


After Wang Zunzhi heard this, he specifically asked Li Cunyi if it was true.

In front of so many civil servants and generals, can Li Cunyi be said to be fake?

I could only shed tears in my heart and said calmly on the surface, this is the duty of a minister.

Wang Zunzhi was overjoyed and praised the Li family. Then he asked Wu Siyuan if he was willing to serve as an official?

Or serve as an official in Wenyang County, or serve as the magistrate of Taisu County?

Li Cunyi thought that although he had donated a large amount of money and food, it would be good for Wu Siyuan to get an opportunity to serve as an official.

Especially the position of county magistrate of Taisu County.

It is a certainty that Wang Hongyi will become the successor to the commander-in-chief.

Sooner or later he will leave Taisu County.

At that time, as the magistrate of Taisu County, wasn't Wu Siyuan the most likely person to inherit the position of magistrate of Taisu County?

Isn’t the opportunity for the Li family to take off as a hidden dragon?

Then...Wu Siyuan refused.

Wu Siyuan said that he has limited talents and knowledge, and believes that he is not yet capable of taking this position, and still needs to study with Wang Hongyi for a period of time.

Wang Zunzhi was also surprised when he heard this. Is there anyone who doesn't want to be an official these days?

But when Li Cunyi heard this, he couldn't catch his breath and he vomited blood and passed out.

In chaos.

This matter has just passed away.

On the contrary, the Li family has become the laughing stock of Wenyang Town.

After Li Cunyi found out, he just recovered a little bit, but was so angry that he completely gave up on Wu Siyuan.

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