I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 22: Try to improve your strength

If Wang Hongyi conquered Jishui County at the beginning, it can be said that it was luck.

But now Wang Hongyi captured Taisu County in one fell swoop and annihilated the capital in central Sichuan.

Two successive commanders of Sichuan Province died in his hands.

In this case, it cannot be said to be luck.

Wang Hongyi single-handedly captured Taisu County, which not only had a huge shock to the entire Wenyang Town, but also attracted the attention of important officials in the military and political system of Wenyang Town. It also had a sensational effect outside Wenyang Town.

The reputation of [Wenyang Young Tiger] has spread throughout Shu.

This brought a lot of luck to Wang Hongyi, allowing his new natal Qi to be completely stabilized.

Many families have already listed Wang Hongyi as a key observation target.

Some families have started investing and sending out family members.

Of course, Wang Hongyi did not know these things at this time.

Even if I know, I will neither be proud nor pay too much attention.

Because Wang Hongyi knows deeply that only strength is the foundation of all glory.

After Wang Zunzhi left, he went into the management and development of the two counties with an even more sleepless and forgetful attitude.

Because Taisu County was captured and the two counties were connected together, the vast land in between could be developed without having to worry about being attacked by enemies before.

This alone can develop 100,000 acres of fertile farmland. Together with the 30,000 acres of farmland previously developed, there are 130,000 acres of land, which can support tens of thousands of households and 2,000 completely off-the-job soldiers.

Right now, what Wang Hongyi lacks is not land, but farmers.

Therefore, while Wang Hongyi was planning Taisu County, recruiting refugees, encouraging mulberry fields, and building water conservancy projects, he was also stabilizing public security, expanding the army, and promoting officials.

In this troubled world with constant fighting.

A stable area is still very attractive to refugees.

Coupled with Wang Hongyi’s measures:

When the refugees come, they have porridge to eat, but they have to work and are paid for their work.

When spring comes, they will be sent out to reclaim wasteland and build water conservancy projects.

After the wasteland is reclaimed and planted, each household will be given thirty acres of land.

Tax exemption for the first year.

Starting from the second year, half of the land tax per acre will be levied, and there will be no other land tax.

Although collecting half an acre of land seems extremely heavy, in fact if there are no taxes on other aspects, it is already good governance.

Therefore, the refugees came eagerly like crucian carp crossing the river.

Not only the refugees from the surrounding areas were attracted, but also the people from further afield who had no place to stand, dragging their families with them.

In other words, it was Wang Hongyi who laid down these two pieces of land, and the original forces were all gray, like a piece of white paper that he could paint on.

Otherwise, if Wang Hongyi is sent to other places in Wenyang County, even if he has extraordinary talents, he will not have much basis for governance.

There is no other reason. The cake in one place is only so big. It has been eaten up and wiped out by various intertwined interest groups. There is not much left for Wang Hongyi to win people's hearts.

The Point Guard Is Here

If Wang Hongyi wants to take back the cake and redistribute it, it will trigger a counterattack by these interest groups, and the possibility of doing nothing in the end is very high.

So, how important it is to have a base that you can fully control!

Wang Hongyi didn't understand this in his previous life, so he watched Li Chengye rise in Jishui Town, cultivate his own party members, and eventually replace his position.

In this life, I won't make this mistake again.

However, Wang Hongyi frowned again when he thought of Li Chengye.

For this guy who claimed to be a time traveler, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in fog. Wang Hongyi could not understand it at all, and at the same time, he was extremely afraid of him.

Oh, right.

This time Wang Hongyi captured Taisu County.

It was not only Wang Zunzhi who gave the reward.

Wu Siyuan also gave me something - wheat seeds!

He told Wang Hongyi that this kind of wheat was of excellent quality and its yield per mu was 30% higher than that of ordinary wheat.

It weakened from generation to generation.

Second-generation wheat seeds are only 25% higher than ordinary wheat seeds.

The third generation is 20% higher.

It will not stop weakening until the yield is the same as that of ordinary wheat.

When Wang Hongyi heard about the characteristics of this wheat seed, he looked at Wu Siyuan, the surprise in his eyes could not be concealed.

Wu Siyuan fanned his feather fan at that time and said, Please, I am also a time traveler after all. It is not normal to have a golden finger.

Wang Hongyi got goosebumps when he saw Wu Siyuan's action. He twitched the corner of his mouth, was silent for a moment and then said, What do you want?

Your strength is still too weak. At the very least, you must become stronger again. Before Wang Zunzhi dies, you must have more strength. Only then can you give me what I want! Wu Siyuan looked at the mountains in the distance, the bell spirit spirit , said the handover between heaven and earth.

Before Wang Zunzhi dies... Upon hearing this, Wang Hongyi's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Wu Siyuan's senses were sharp at this time, and he noticed something. He turned back to look at Wang Hongyi and said, You don't have to be like this. I know some people-telling skills at least. Wang Zunzhi has been suffering from diseases for many years after many years of conquest, just like Liu Siming. It won’t be long before things get better!”

If you are so good, Wang Zunzhi will definitely accept you as his heir and become his legal heir! No matter how outrageous you do, Wang Zunzhi will not do anything to you! On the contrary, the better you do, the better Wang Zunzhi will be. I appreciate you! So, work hard to expand. Wu Siyuan patted the seventh-grade county magistrate on the shoulder and left.

Wang Hongyi's eyes were dark and unclear. He took a deep look at Wu Siyuan's back, then withdrew his gaze and strode towards the Taisu County government office.

In a blink of an eye, it’s May.

The sun is already very hot, and even in the morning, there is a terrible suffocation.

The wheat planted last year has basically matured, and the new rice is growing very lushly.

A gust of wind passes through, blowing the wheat waves and carrying the fragrance of wheat, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

In such a climate, Wang Hongyi walked in the fields with a group of civil servants.

In the tens of thousands of acres of fields, there is a large sea of ​​wheat, and the golden rice seeds are shining in the sun, which makes people very comfortable at first sight.

Lai Tongyu (who used to work as a clerk in a business firm in Hongze Prefecture, but was framed because his wife was coveted for her beauty. Wang Hongyi went to ask for her in person, and she was hired as an official by him. He was blessed by his ancestral spirit) walking in the fields, with feet under his feet. It's silt. He said to Wang Hongyi excitedly, My lord, this wheat is ripe and can be harvested today and tomorrow!

Moreover, Lai Tongyu paused, lowered his voice and said, Lord, I have tried harvesting several acres of land and found that the yield is far higher than that of normal wheat seeds. On average, one acre of land can harvest 4 shi.

Wang Hongyi's expression changed when he heard this.

In this era, without urea fertilizer, an acre of wheat normally cost 2 dan, but now, Wu Siyuan gave him twice as much wheat seed.

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