I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 21: In charge of two counties

Dusk is like blood.

The north wind is bleak.

The battle before the jungle has already decided the winner.

Everyone in Chuanzhong in Changding Town misjudged Wang Hongyi's strength.

This miscalculation cost Lu Ji, the commander-in-chief of central Sichuan, his life.

The entire Sichuan army was defeated. One hundred people died in battle, two hundred and two were captured, and the rest fled.

The soldiers trained by Wang Hongyi finally became truly elite soldiers after the baptism of war.

The losses in this battle did not exceed fifty, and Wang Hongyi's army still maintained its combat effectiveness.

So Wang Hongyi just thought about it briefly and asked He Yi, who had been recruited, to lead the cavalry and light cavalry to attack, rush to Taisu County as quickly as possible, and wait for an opportunity to seize Taisu County!

Wang Hongyi led the infantry behind.

In the battle just now, this cavalry played a major role. It was precisely because it penetrated the battle formations in Sichuan that it was able to end the battle so quickly, and its own losses were less than 10%, and it still maintained its success. The combat effectiveness of the establishment.

He Yi's cavalry was fast and dared to arrive before the retreating troops fled back to Taisu County.

Lu Ji's troops left in Taisu County were not large.

Lu Ji's head was cut off and thrown into the county town, which further undermined the morale of the soldiers defending the city.

Everyone is worried.

Wang Hongyi had previously sent several spies lurking in Taisu County to take advantage of the opportunity, killed several guards, and took the opportunity to open the county gate.

He Yi cavalry rushed in.

Taisu County surrendered immediately.

By the time Wang Hongyi arrived, the entire Taisu County was already within his grasp.

Wang Hongyi was immediately overjoyed. On the one hand, he sent soldiers to control key areas in the county and maintain order. On the other hand, he sent soldiers to ride back to Wenyang County without stopping to report the situation.

At night.

Inside the residence of the Jiedu Envoy of Wenyang County.

When Wang Zunzhi heard the news, he was angry at first and then happy. After rewarding the cavalry who reported the news, he laughed and said, This is my Qilin!

Wang Hongyi's outstanding performance means that he no longer has to worry about having no successor.

Early the next morning.

Wang Zunzhi personally led his own army and went to Taisu County with his secretariat Li Xian. First, he assisted Wang Hongyi in guarding Taisu County to prevent Changding Town from counterattacking. Second, he gave Wang Hongyi rewards to enhance his reputation.

Before arriving in Taisu County, Wang Zunzhi originally thought that Taisu County would be chaotic just after it was conquered. However, he later discovered that the entire county seemed very orderly. Although the people had uneasy looks on their faces, they were still calm and there were many shops. After reopening for business, there are no soldiers disturbing people on the street.

Wang Zunzhi heard that when Wang Hongyi first occupied Taisu County, there was an incident of rape and robbery by soldiers.

As a result, Wang Hongyi caught him, reiterated military discipline in front of everyone in the army, and beheaded him!

This move severely shocked the minds of some people in the army.

After Wang Zunzhi heard this, he secretly applauded.

In the troubled times, tooth generals and tooth soldiers were unruly and domineering.

Wang Hongyi did what Wang Zunzhi wanted to do but couldn't.

After all, the basis of Wang Zunzhi's rule is these tooth generals and tooth soldiers. Without their support, Wang Zunzhi's rule will be unstable.

Wang Hongyi, on the other hand, gave up on the elite military route and instead used large-scale military training, strict military discipline, and clear rewards and punishments to develop an army that obeys orders and prohibitions.

Although in a one-on-one situation, these soldiers are worse than the tooth soldiers.

But once a scale is formed, the advantage of opposing generals and soldiers is overwhelming.

And it is also convenient for Wang Hongyi to manage.

If this kind of disobedience to military discipline occurs, Wang Hongyi will behead him immediately.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Wang Zunzhi met Wang Hongyi on the street.

At that time, Wang Hongyi was inspecting the county town with his subordinates.

Seeing such a situation in Taisu County, Wang Zunzhi was delighted. Not only did he not pursue Wang Hongyi's private expansion of troops, he couldn't help but praise him and said, Shou Tian can fight immediately and his subordinates can govern the people. He is really a capable minister. !”

When Wang Zunzhi praised him as an able minister, the officials nearby did not object.

Indeed, Wang Hongyi’s achievements deserve this title.

In this world, a good title is actually a reputation, which can bring luck and power to the owner.

After Wang Hongyi heard the praise of Capable Minister, he found that a trace of luck was coming from all directions and merged into the destiny above his head.

At this time, a spy reported back.

Report, after hearing the news of the defeat last night, the commander-in-chief of Changding Town, Liu Siming, was so angry that he died of illness.

Wang Zunzhi and Wang Hongyi were stunned when they heard the news.

The reason why Wang Hongyi was stunned was that Liu Siming died several months earlier than he expected.

After Wang Zunzhi was stunned for a moment, he laughed a few times, with infinite joy in his laughter.

He immediately said, Guo Yi's captain Wang Shoutian made great achievements in expanding the territory and established the capital of the captives. Wang Shoutian was specially appointed as the commander of the capital and was in charge of the soldiers of the capital. The soldiers and manpower were recruited and dismissed by themselves. In addition, Taisu was also responsible for collecting water. The magistrate of the second county is in charge of the affairs of the two counties!

Wang Hongyi's expression was slightly startled. He was actually promoted by skipping a grade. He quickly knelt down and said, Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for the reward!

This reward is quite generous, and it also allows Wang Hongyi to take charge of the military and political affairs of the two counties. The meaning of this is very obvious.


When the surrounding officials heard about this reward, their eyes showed surprise, and they soon understood.

It seems that the commander-in-chief has chosen a good successor.

In the original work, Wang Hongyi also defeated the capital of Sichuan and captured Taisu County.

But at that time, Wang Zunzhi handed over Taisu County to the management of the Li family.

Because Changding Town would not just watch Taisu County be swallowed up by Wenyang Town, it sent a large army to attack.

The strength accumulated by the three generations of the Li family was consumed a lot in this round of attacks, and in the end they were unable to pose a threat to Wang Hongyi.

But now it's different.

First, Wu Siyuan traveled to Li Chengye.

Wu Siyuan has no intention of seeking hegemony - he has long been tired of playing this kind of game.

For him, cultivating immortality is more important.

So he started supporting Wang Hongyi very early.

All this was seen by Wang Zunzhi, who believed that the Li family was loyal and reliable, and even sent the righteous queen Jieting to his door.

Because there were no tricks, so Wang Zunzhi didn't find out that he had any ulterior motives. Naturally, Li Chengye's father, Li Cunyi, was not transferred from the position of magistrate of Kaiming County to Taisu County like in the original work.

Wang Hongyi's behavior of defeating Taisu County and making Liu Siming angry to death was also an important reason for Wang Zunzhi's decision to let Wang Hongyi take charge of the military and political affairs of the two counties.

When the old coach of Changding Town dies and the new coach takes over in a hurry, he must go through a period of adjustment.

This adjustment period can be as long as one and a half years, or as short as three to five months.

This time is enough for Wang Hongyi to run the two counties well and strengthen his own power so that he can take over his business in the future.

Even if Changding Town leads a large army to attack in the future, Wenyang Town is not blind, and Wang Zunzhi will not sit idly by and ignore it. When the time comes, Changding Town will definitely not be able to get good things, and in the end it will be a trade-off. , ate the entire Changding Town.

Of course, Wang Zunzhi thought that he would not be able to see this scene.

But he has absolute confidence in whether his illegitimate son can do this!

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