Under Wang Hongyi’s command,

The pikemen were expanded to three battalions, with 300 men.

The long sword soldiers originally had only fifty people, but now they have expanded to one battalion and one team, which is 150 people.

The number of archers has not changed, there are only fifty, because it is not easy to train archers.

There is one battalion of cavalry, which is 100 people. The training of cavalry is actually more difficult. That is to say, the horses provided by Wu Siyuan are outstanding and understand human nature. Wang Hongyi smashed the pot and sold iron to create 100 light cavalry.

Plus twenty personal guards.

The total number of people reached 620.

This number has far exceeded the number of people his official position can control, reaching the standard of a guard.

To be honest, if Wang Hongyi didn't have the memory of another life and knew that he was Wang Zunzhi's illegitimate son and that Wang Zunzhi was about to die, he wouldn't have dared to be so bold.

Similarly, without the support of Wu Siyuan's food and horses, Wang Hongyi, even if he was brave, would not be able to build such an elite army.

Wang Hongyi knows this very well.

In particular, the war horses provided by Wu Siyuan were of higher quality than the famous war horses in the world and could be used as heavy cavalry horses.

Such heavy cavalry does not need to be many. If they charge on the plains, they can defeat thousands of troops and tear apart any battle formation.

That is to say, Wang Hongyi did not have heavy armor in his hands, and there were no elite knights who could wear heavy armor. In addition, Shu was very mountainous, and there was no place for these heavy cavalry.

However, Wang Hongyi still established horse farms and cattle farms around Jishui County.

In the racecourse, the war horses supported by Wu Siyuan were matched with a dozen ordinary horses collected by Wang Hongyi.

Wang Hongyi’s idea is also very simple.

Even if the war horses bred are not as good as those provided by Wu Siyuan, even if they inherit one-third of the qualities, they are still better than ordinary war horses and can be used on the battlefield.

that's enough.

As for the cattle farm, this is basically the purpose.

The horse breeds and cattle breeds provided by Wu Siyuan are so excellent.

Wang Hongyi has never heard or seen such an excellent variety in his several lifetimes.

This made him happy, but at the same time he was a little worried.

Worrying about things that cannot be controlled is a common problem among those in power.

Wu Siyuan could vaguely guess that Wang Hongyi was afraid of him, but he couldn't change anything and could only let him go.

Anyway, as long as he can achieve his goal.

Interestingly, when Wang Hongyi was afraid of Wu Siyuan, everyone in Sichuan in Taisu County, Changding Town was also afraid of Wang Hongyi's strength.

Wang Hongyi's strength has developed too fast.

The previous dispatch of spies to lure county residents aroused their vigilance.

In addition, Wang Hongyi and Sichuan Zhongdu already had hatred - General Chen Xiang, the former commander of Sichuan Zhongdu, died in the hands of Wang Hongyi.

It would have been fine if Wang Hongyi had defeated General Chen Xiang in an upright manner, but he was at a disadvantage and used a strange move.

Because of this, many people are not ashamed of Wang Hongyi.

Chen Xiang's former confidant general had always wanted to kill Wang Hongyi and avenge him.

Amid the excitement of the crowd, even though Lu Ji, the new general in central Sichuan, was a mature and steady man, he was forced to report to the commander-in-chief Liu Siming of Changding Town and request an attack on Jishui County.

But at this time, Liu Siming was seriously ill and lying on the bed. It was his son Liu Chaoyi who was in charge of politics.

This star really wants to retire

Out of political considerations to secure his position as commander-in-chief, Liu Chaoyi thought that with the five to six hundred troops in central Sichuan, he would be able to accomplish great feats under a sudden attack.

So Sichuan and Zhongdu's request to launch an attack was approved.

The news came back.

Chen Xiang's former confidants in central Sichuan were all excited and sharpening their knives.

Although Lu Ji was surprised, when things came to a close, he could only prepare for war!

Because the target of the battle was only Jishui County, and Jishui County and Taisu County were adjacent to each other, Lu Ji did not need to make too many preparations. He left 50 soldiers to guard Taisu County, and took more than 500 soldiers with him. The soldiers rushed to Jishui County.

Since the last time they were disabled, Chuanzhongdu has not regained its strength, and its number is only five or six hundred.

However, the information they had received before was that Wang Hongyi was awarded the title of eighth-grade military attache, and he had at most two or three battalions of soldiers, but only two to three hundred people.

Five to six hundred people attacked two to three hundred people.

Under normal circumstances, you will never lose!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

The city wall of Jishui County.

Wu Siyuan wore a feather fan and turban, dressed up like Zhuge Liang, and looked in the direction of Taisu County.

Under the qi gazing technique.

The luck in the sky above Taisu County turned into a black wolf that was not solid enough and was heading towards Jishui County.

This master's weapon is very dangerous!

In other words, Taisu County suddenly launched an attack on Jishui County.

But there was no need for Wu Siyuan and Wang Hongyi to tell this news.

Because Wang Hongyi was beside him, looking at the horizon with him, a solemn look on his face.

It seems that Wang Hongyi also discovered Taisu County's actions through changes in luck.

Wang Hongyi withdrew his gaze, looked back at Wu Siyuan, noticed his dress, and a speechless look flashed in his eyes.

Do you think of yourself as Zhuge Liang or Zhou Yu?

Of course, these are Wang Hongyi’s inner thoughts.

He wouldn't say it.

After he pondered for a while, he said to Wu Siyuan, I have detailed information to send back, and all of Sichuan will launch an attack on this county.

A hint of meaningful meaning flashed in Wu Siyuan's eyes.

Wang Hongyi didn't know that Wu Siyuan knew that he knew the qi-gazing technique.

So when Wu Siyuan heard Wang Hongyi's lies, he didn't expose them. Anyway, just be happy!

He asked casually, Since Mr. Wang knows the news of the other party's march, is he going to set up an ambush?

Wang Hongyi looked decisive and shook his head.

After a pause, he explained, Since ancient times, only by experiencing upright battles can we truly cultivate real elite soldiers and real soldiers!

Wang Hongyi said again, And the opponent only has one guard, and their troops are smaller than ours!

If this is the case, I won't dare to fight openly and win. How will I have the courage to fight for world supremacy in the future?

Unlike Lu Ji who was not familiar with the situation in Jishui County, Wang Hongyi had obtained a lot of information about Taisu County through various means.

After listening to Wang Hongyi's words, Wu Siyuan shrugged, looking indifferent.

Wang Hongyi ignored him and turned around with a gloomy look on his face.

He descended the city wall, gathered troops and troops, and after some preparations, he left the people who were watching the city behind while the rest set off directly.

In front of a jungle, the army led by Wang Hongyi stopped here to rest and eat.

I rested for about two or three hours. In the afternoon, scouts came to report that they had found Chuanzhongdu.

Similarly, the other party's scouts also discovered Wang Hongyi's army.

Wang Hongyi put on his battle armor and ordered all the troops to come out of the camp and form an array on the ground.

The spearmen and swordsmen formed a battle formation according to previous training.

There was a team of light cavalry on each side as support.

Wang Hongyi personally led 20 soldiers at the end of the line, not only as a commander, but also as a military law team to suppress the formation.

The air was filled with a chilling air.

When Lu Ji led five hundred Sichuan soldiers, they saw this scene.

An invisible pressure lingered in their hearts.

This is seriously different from what they estimated.

Kill! A unified voice sounded from Wang Hongyi's side and spread to all directions in an instant.

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