I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 19 Civil and Military Government

When Wu Siyuan got married, Wang Hongyi was not idle either.

As the son of a rich man, he even risked his own life and went to Hongyang Mansion to recruit talents. He actually recruited talents like Lai Tongyu and Chai Jia, who were either literary or military.

Wang Hongyi became very lucky.

In the same month, bandits broke into and robbed houses around Jishui County. An old wealthy landowner was robbed of many belongings.

Landlords and old wealthy people came to Wang Hongyi crying.

After investigation, Wang Hongyi discovered that this bandit had a certain relationship with He Wulang, the leader of the mountain people who had taken refuge in him before.

He Wulang also knew several secret passages in the village where the bandits lived.

So Wang Hongyi sent He Wulang to lead hundreds of elite troops to attack.

It didn't take much time.

The mountain stronghold where the bandits lived was breached, and the bandits laid down their heads. The mountain residents in the mountain stronghold were forcibly moved to the foot of the mountain, and were organized into three hundred households.

Including the original households, there are 1,100 households.

Because of Wu Siyuan's previous support, there was no food shortage like in the original work.

Wang Hongyi was able to focus on other things.

Under Wu Siyuan's suggestion and Wang Hongyi's original consideration.

Wang Hongyi implemented public toilets and public bathhouses in Jishui County and prohibited open defecation.

Then he built a literacy school and invited several gentlemen to teach simple characters and simple calculations. They asked for nothing more than basic knowledge of reading and writing their own names. If they could recognize a hundred characters, they would be considered qualified.

Children in Jishui County are forced to go to school, only attend half-day classes, and the remaining half are sent home to work in the fields.

There is no way, this is the limitation of the times. Children have to work as farmers to help their families when they are very young.

Wang Hongyi also understands.

Then Wang Hongyi vigorously built canals and reclaimed wasteland. This is what Wang Hongyi has been doing since he established himself in Jishui County.

At this time, the hundreds of cattle given by Wu Siyuan came in handy.

Over the past few months, tens of thousands of acres of fields have been reclaimed around Jishui County, and wheat and some vegetables have been planted.

There is more land, but what worries Wang Hongyi is that the population is too small.

At this time in the original work, Wang Hongyi's food supply was always relatively tight.

But because Wu Siyuan supported another 30,000 shi, the total amount was 50,000 shi of food, which could feed a thousand households for thirty months.

small book booth

In terms of food, Wang Hongyi doesn't have to worry.

So Wang Hongyi offered very good conditions to recruit refugees and introduce people.

He Wulang took the initiative, and after obtaining Wang Hongyi's consent, he moved thousands of tribesmen from the mountains around Jishui County and at the foot of the mountains, established Hejia Village, and allocated fields.

Of course, more of the population comes from Taisu County, adjacent to Jishui Town.

This is the territory of Changding Town, with a capital in it - Sichuan Capital.

Chen Xiang, the former commander of Sichuan Central Capital, was killed by Wang Hongyi in a surprise attack. After being disabled, he retreated to Taisu Town for repairs.

Military maintenance requires money.

When they couldn't get it from their superiors, Sichuan Province had no choice but to exploit the people.

As a result, the people of Taisu County lived a miserable life day by day, and countless people were forced to sell their wives and children.

After Wang Hongyi learned about this from Wu Siyuan, he sent a spy to quietly go to Taisu County to encourage the people, and organized and arranged for them to go to Jishui County to live.

By the time the central Sichuan capital reacted, sealed the city gates, and conducted detailed investigations, Wang Hongyi had already pried away 1,500 people from Taisu County, divided the fields and built 500 households.

At this time, Jishui County was already a county town with nearly 2,000 households.

According to imperial regulations, those with more than 6,000 households are called upper counties, those with more than 3,000 households are called middle counties, those with less than 3,000 households are called lower counties, and those with less than 1,000 households are not called counties.

Wang Hongyi had already reached the standard for establishing a county before, and now it was almost reaching the standard for a central county.

This is Wang Hongyi’s achievement in civil affairs.

But if a county is prosperous but does not have the corresponding ability to protect itself, it is just a fat sheep.

Wang Hongyi has a gap in his chest, so he will naturally not make this mistake.

He invested more in military affairs.

First of all, he clarified the reward and punishment system in the army. There are rewards for merit and punishment for demerits. The rewards and punishments are clear, which greatly boosted morale.

A martial arts hall was also established in the army.

The school is for young children in the county, while the martial arts hall is for adult soldiers in the army.

At the beginning, Wang Hongyi did not have very high requirements for him. On the one hand, he asked the soldiers to learn to write their own names and know simple numbers. On the other hand, he asked an experienced veteran to come up and share his combat experience.

Only when Wang Hongyi's power further expands can this martial arts hall slowly develop into a military school, training a steady stream of non-commissioned officers for his army, and ensuring that combat effectiveness can be formed in the shortest possible time.

However, there is still a long way to go to achieve this step.

At the same time as establishing the martial arts hall, Wang Hongyi also established a medical hall, recruited doctors, established ranks, and granted official positions.

The hospital is divided into two departments, one is the medical department and the other is the pharmaceutical department.

However, medicine is not divided in this era, so although there are two departments, they are all the same group of people.

Wang Hongyi taught them the concept of disinfection and asked them to prepare gold sore medicine, which were needed for marching and fighting, so as to prepare for the next war.

Wu Siyuan gave timely advice and asked Wang Hongyi to send people to secretly collect pine needles, boil water secretly, and give it to the soldiers.

This is a secret recipe that can cure night blindness.

Night blindness, commonly known as blindfolded eyes, is a medical term that refers to the symptoms of unclear vision or complete invisibility and difficulty in movement in dimly lit environments or at night. This symptom is usually due to a lack of vitamin A.

Ancient people were malnourished and many people suffered from night blindness, so night fighting was rare in ancient times.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but that it’s difficult!

In ancient times, people were also afraid of bombing the camp at night.

Because once the soldiers blow up the camp and suffer from night blindness, they will really kill both the enemy and us!

When the volunteers entered the DPRK, hundreds of thousands of people suffered from night blindness due to malnutrition, which was solved with this recipe.

This prescription is worth a thousand dollars. With it, Wang Hongyi's soldiers are not afraid of night battles.

But it’s not worth it if you tell me.

Wang Hongyi had a mental understanding and didn't say much, but secretly implemented it and supplied the boiled pine needle water to his own army day and night.

At that time, Wang Hongyi captured Jishui County, and Wang Zunzhi named him the eighth-rank Guoyi captain, in charge of the second battalion.

The establishment of the vassal town consists of five people in a team, ten people in a fire, and fifty people in a team. The leader of the team is already a serious military attache. From the ninth rank, he is called a deputy lieutenant.

The second team is a battalion, and the commander is called Peirong Xiaowei, a ninth-grade military attache.

Five hundred people make up one guard, and the chief officer is Xuanwu Xiaowei. Three guards make up one capital, with the commander of the capital and the rank of general, who can be called a general. There are 1,500 people.

There are guerrilla generals in the three capitals and one government, with a total number of five thousand people!

The two battalions are 200 men.

But at this time, Wang Hongyi had already more than 200 troops under his command.

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