I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 18 Fengshan and the Black Dragon on the Grassland

For the current plan, we have to close the mountain! Master Yinmiao said.

Hearing this, the leader of the [Hidden Sect] showed an expression of disbelief.

He said, Father... Master, has the matter become this serious?

The other party didn't know how to reincarnate into Li Chengye, the hidden dragon of the Li family, and restored his memory and cultivation of a real person. Moreover, he also had a powerful treasure in his hand, when talking about Wu Siyuan's [Shen Nongjiao Space] , Master Yinmiao was still horrified, No matter what his purpose is, we have already lost!

One wrong move, and the whole game is lost! Master Yinmiao sighed.

If we give up the fight for the dragon this time, then... The leader of the [Hidden Sect] hesitated to speak, with a melancholy look on his face.

Master Yinmiao understands what the head of [Yinmiao] has not said, Seal the mountain and give up the fight for the dragon, then all the previous investment will be completely in vain, and Master Yinmiao, as the initiator, must bear the greatest price, and together with [ Hidden Gate] will suffer another heavy blow.

And this kind of severe damage, without external luck to make up for it, cannot be recovered by the [Hidden Sect] alone in two to three hundred years.

Of course, the greater possibility is that it will go downhill directly, and eventually the Taoism will sink. If there is no opportunity, there will be no way to rise.

This decision hurt not only the current disciples, but also the ancestors in the blessed land of the underworld.

Master, do you really want to do this? Real people under the underworld... said the leader of [Hidden Sect].

No one would have thought that just a few days ago, [Hidden Sect] was still the leader in Shu tunnels, but within a few days, it would suffer heavy losses and be forced to close the mountain.

I'm just worried that sealing the mountain won't be able to eliminate this disaster! Master Yinmiao sighed, We also need to make some other preparations to spread out a few of our sect's Taoist disciples, so that one day, the Taoist lineage will be destroyed and there will be no more Opportunity to rise.”

The leader of [Hidden Sect] was so shocked that he could not speak. The situation was so serious.

As for the ancestors under the underworld, I will travel to the underworld and talk with them in detail. Master Yinmiao said.

A real person can live a hundred and twenty-three years, or even longer.

Yin life spans more than a thousand years.

[Hidden Gate] has been passed down for seven hundred years, and there is more than one real person.

After the physical death of these real people, the Yin gods will enter the underworld, enjoy the worship of the sect in the blessed land of their own sect, and feel great freedom and freedom.

Through some magical means, [Hidden Gate] can still communicate with the living world and the underworld.

Father, but you... The leader of the [Hidden Sect] said, his eyes became wet.

I will be punished by heaven and die in pain for seven days, Yinmiao said calmly.

Seeing that the leader of the [Hidden Sect] still couldn't let go, he sighed and said, Idiot, my calculation was wrong and it has caused the master's sect to suffer. How can I drag the Tao lineage and perish together for the sake of my own life and death and my personal immortal industry? !”

I only hope that the next generation of disciples will have outstanding people who can revive Zhongxing again and save me from the sea of ​​suffering. Master Yinmiao sighed.

Hey, God's secret is so awesome, I can't see through it after all!

The luck of Qinglianchi will be all handed over to you! From now on, it will be up to you!

Go! Master Yinmiao weakly waved his hand and asked Master [Yinmen] to leave.

[Hidden Gate] After kneeling three times and knocking nine times, the real person left with a sad look on his face.

One day later.

Master Yinmiao traveled to the underworld and communicated with the senior masters in the blessed land of the sect, and finally reached an agreement.

The head of the [Hidden Sect] made three copies of the important classics in the sect and gave them to three disciples with moderate talents in the sect, and condemned them to leave Shu.

If one day, [Hidden Gate] ceases to exist, then these three people are the hope for [Hidden Gate] to be revived in the future.

Three days later.

[Hidden Gate] Officially closed the mountain, opened the mountain protection formation, and hid the entire mountain gate in the mist.

From then on, he would not go out of the mountain until the weather was right, and he would not have any contact with the outside world.

As for those disciples who have been sent out.

It's worth giving up.

After the news got out.

The entire monastic community was in an uproar.

Northland, in a border town near the grassland.

There is a Taoist temple in the south of the city, a place in Shilidian, with beautiful scenery and close to the official road.

This Taoist temple has been built for more than ten years.

This Taoist temple is not big. In total, except for the temple in the front hall, there are only a dozen rooms in the front and back, and there are only a few courtyards. The front door uses a very ordinary wooden door, unpainted, wood-colored. The gate, on the contrary, seems to make this Taoist temple feel more natural and free.

Behind the Taoist temple, right next to the back door, there are dozens of acres of fertile farmland. It was bought by the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple and managed by tenants. The Taoist priests can live without relying on incense money.

This Taoist temple enjoys a high reputation in the local area and is very popular.

People who come to offer incense and worship the gods often come in small groups. Although it is not as popular as the famous Taoist temples in big cities, it is rare among Taoist temples of the same size.

The reason is that the god worshiped in this Taoist temple is quite effective.

When it was first built, couples who had been childless for many years came to ask for a child. When they returned, the woman actually became pregnant.

The young women who came here to seek good marriages also married the right men one after another after they returned.

If you ask for a son, you will get a son, if you ask for a husband, you will get a husband, if you ask for a prosperous career, you will get a prosperous career. This efficacious god naturally attracts people from all over the country to come to worship.

Every day at seven o'clock in the morning, the gate of the Taoist temple will be opened on time, and it will be cleared and closed at five o'clock in the evening.

At this time, in the backyard of the Taoist temple, a middle-aged Taoist was silently observing the sky.

This middle-aged Taoist seems ordinary.

But if there are Taoist cultivators in this world who open their [spiritual eyes] and take a look, they will find that the middle-aged Taoist is surrounded by clear light and his Taoism is very deep.

This man is nothing else.

It is the Deyang Taoist from the Beiming Taoist sect of the Beidi Taoist sect!

Beiming Dao was founded by its master, Jin Shiqing, and has only been passed down for three generations today. Although it has met with immortals and taught secret formulas and drank the sacred water, its foundation is not strong.

Deyang Taoist is the second generation.

I saw Taoist Deyang looking at the sky for a long time, and finally turned into a long sigh, saying, The struggle for dragons in the world is to win or die! Even the leader of the Shu Taoist sect [Yinmen] who has been in charge for three hundred years was forced to close down after his failure. The result, and the fight for dragons in the world has just begun! The result is dangerous!

“With big risks, there are big rewards!”

I will work hard for the sake of Taoism, and for the sake of Taoism, I will survive a narrow escape, but I will not regret it!

Taoist Deyang looked at the grassland again.

Many tribes on the grassland are vying for supremacy and are already preparing for a hero, who will be unified soon.

Once unified, the dragon energy will condense.

This is a black dragon with a heavy killing karma.

But the dragon energy is also stronger than all the princes.

This is the Qianlong chosen by Taoist Deyang to make a move!

To be precise, it was not Taoist Deyang who selected him, but his master, Zhaoyang Zhenren.

When Master Zhaoyang passed away, he had a clear vision and suddenly realized the secret of heaven. He discovered that the black dragon of the grassland was destined by destiny, so he sent Master Deyang to build a Taoist temple here in order to rely on this black dragon of the grassland and promote Taoism!

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