I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 13 Scared to the point of vomiting blood

Two hundred cattle and thirty thousand shi of grain were a very simple matter for Wu Siyuan.

There are cattle, sheep and horses in Wu Siyuan’s [Shennongjiao Space].

On 100,000 acres of land, not to mention 200 cows, 2,000 cows can be produced.

As for thirty thousand shi of grain, that’s even simpler.

Not to mention 30,000 stones, it was 300,000 stones, or 3 million stones, which was nothing for Wu Siyuan.

It's just that he can't take it out at will.

Otherwise, Wang Hongyi will be suspicious of him and create variables for his cooperation.

In an era before machinery, cattle were an important production tool.

Two hundred cows, this gesture was quite big for Wang Hongyi's power at this time.

And thirty thousand shi of grain.

Nowadays, each household needs two stones to save some food every month.

Thirty thousand dan of grain can feed 15,000 households for one month, and can feed 3,000 households for five months.

These two things can immediately improve Wang Hongyi's strength and will be of great help to Wang Hongyi's next plan.

Wang Hongyi plans to train troops next.

Create an army that is completely obedient to you.

And military training requires a lot of food.

After Wang Hongyi pondered for a while, he extended his right hand and said, Happy cooperation!

Wu Siyuan also smiled, Happy cooperation!

Wang Hongyi sent Wu Siyuan out of the door, held Wu Siyuan's hands, and said sincerely, With your help, I am as powerful as a tiger!

Wu Siyuan looked extremely moved, Lord...

Wang Hongyi's biological mother was standing by, looking on kindly and gratifiedly.


It was almost dusk when Wu Siyuan rushed back to Li Mansion.

As soon as he returned, he was called over by Li Cunyi and scolded him, I am becoming more ignorant every day, just wandering around outside!

Li Cunyi had great hopes for Li Chengye, so his requirements were so high.

After he scolded Wu Siyuan, he took him to the study and said as he walked, Do you know that Mr. Tian Ji has been waiting for you for a long time to visit?

Tian Ji? Why did Tian Ji come to me? Wu Siyuan whispered in his heart.

Li Cunyi continued to say, Mr. Tian Ji has a good reputation in the local area. He has many talents and has cultivated many outstanding disciples. You must perform well.

After saying that, he took Wu Siyuan into the study.

Tian Ji was not the only one in the study, but there were also two people dressed as Taoist priests. They were both elegant and distinguished people.

They chatted over genuine tea, looking very leisurely.

When they heard Li Cunyi and Wu Siyuan come in, they turned around and looked at each other with smiles.

One of the Taoist priests suddenly froze.

He pointed at Wu Siyuan, his expression was full of shock, and his words were a bit incoherent, What a... person...

Of course I am a real person, am I still fake? Wu Siyuan smiled meaningfully.

Upon hearing this, the Taoist priest looked at Wu Siyuan in horror and immediately vomited blood.

When Tian Ji saw it, he had a strong ominous premonition in his heart, and he also used the [Qi Watching Technique] to look at Wu Siyuan.

This look would scare him to death.

Qi Refiner...impossible...how could you... Tian Ji was also shocked and lost his mind.

A few of them originally wanted to come and meet the casual cultivators behind Qianlong.

But I don’t think Qianlong is a Taoist.

This confuses them!

Especially Tian Ji.

He met Wu Siyuan some time ago and clearly found that Wu Siyuan was just an ordinary person.

How come you started practicing Taoism in such a short period of time?

Are you a Taoist wizard who comes once in a thousand years?

Tian Ji was shocked to death.

The remaining Taoist doesn't know [the art of looking at Qi], so it's better.

But he also knew that now was not a good time.

He pulled Tian Ji and Taoist Tongxuan, bowed his hands to the stunned Li Cunyi, and then left.

After they left, Li Cunyi still didn't reply.

I brought my son to see you.

Then one of you vomits blood

What a nonsense!

One of them is Tian Ji, who has a well-known local literary name.

Seeing once is better than hearing it a hundred times!

Li Cunyi shook his head, feeling baffled.

Wu Siyuan took the opportunity to go back to his room.


It's dark outside.

In the wilderness.

Taoist Pingzhen looked at Tian Ji and Taoist Tongxuan in confusion, and asked anxiously, What happened?

The two heard this.

Tian Ji smiled bitterly.

Tongxuan's face was even more ugly.

As a result, Taoist Pingzhen became even more anxious and asked again, Did something happen to Qianlong?

Something happened! Something big happened! Tian Ji beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Li Chengye has practiced Taoism! And he has become a real person!

Although Taoist Pingzhen had already made a guess in his mind, when he heard what Tian Ji said, he was still so shocked that he stepped back, How is this possible... How can Qianlong enter Taoism? How can Qianlong cultivate into a real person?

Yes! How is it possible! How is it possible! Taoist Tongxuan said repeatedly.

Hey! Tian Ji sighed.

Taoist Ping Zhen managed to regain some sense. He said, Qianlong is no longer a Qianlong if he practices Taoism. The Dragon Qi will choose its master again. It's just... that's it. That's all. We must inform the master about this matter and let the real person know it. Make a decision!

Upon hearing this, Tian Ji and Taoist Tongxuan nodded in agreement.

Tongxuan Taoist said, When using [Circular Light Technique], with the strength of the three of you and me, we can barely cast this spell.

Tian Ji and Taoist Taoist Ping Zhen had no objections. The three of them brought a basin of water, consumed their mana, and worked together to cast the spell.

The water ripples.

There was a flash of light.

The figure of the leader of the [Hidden Sect] appeared on the water.

Tian Ji, Tong Xuan, Ping Zhen, what news have you found out? The leader of the [Hidden Sect] knew something was wrong when he saw the three of them performing [Yuanguang Technique], and asked with a serious face.

Master, we discovered that... Qianlong has cultivated Taoism! And he has also achieved the status of a real person! The three of them looked at each other, and finally Tian Ji spoke up.

What... The leader of [Hidden Sect] thought he was mentally prepared, but he didn't want to lose his bearing after hearing the news.

The water surface rippled, indicating that the leader of the [Hidden Sect] was by no means calm.

He quickly cast a spell to stabilize the communication.

If interrupted this time.

With the strength of Tian Ji and the other two people, there is no way to cast [Circular Light Technique] again in a short period of time, so [Hidden Gate] will not be able to know the situation on Qianlong's side at the first time.

Tongxuan, is this true? The leader of the [Hidden Sect] looked at Taoist Tongxuan and said aloud.

Yes, Master, Junior Brother Tian Ji and I looked at each other and saw that Li Chengye, the original hidden dragon of the Li family, had left the family to practice Taoism. Taoist Tongxuan said in a low tone.

No wonder, no wonder... the leader of the [Hidden Sect] said, No wonder the luck in the sect has declined, but no other abnormality has been seen!

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