I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 14 Fighting for the dragon is like going to the gambling table

Humanity fighting for the dragon is like a gambling table.

The relationship between Qi Master and Qianlong is like two gamblers who have a close relationship.

The Qi Master gave all the bets to Qianlong and asked him to bet together.

If Qianlong loses the bet, then everyone will rush to the street together.

If Qianlong is very successful at the gambling table in the early stage, Qianlong's 100,000 yuan will turn into one million, and the Qianlong investment of 50,000 yuan will also make half a million yuan.

The corresponding thing is that Qianlong successfully became the king.

Qianlong continued to gamble and competed for the position of gambling king, while the Qianshi took away 200,000, leaving the remaining 300,000 on the table, and continued to gamble for Qianlong.

Even if Qianlong loses in the end, Qi Refiner will not suffer any loss and will still make a small profit.

But if Qianlong's hand skills are very poor in the early stage, not only will he lose his 100,000 yuan, but he will also lose the Qi Refiner's 50,000 yuan, which will be a blood loss for both parties.

The Qi Refiner's fifty thousand miles might be borrowed from loan sharks at high interest rates. In the end, debt collectors come to the door, and the Qi Refiner has no choice but to jump off the building.

But now the situation of [Hidden Gate] is quite special.

Qianlong is already on the gambling table.

[Hidden Gate] has also given out part of its chips.

Then Qianlong said I didn't want to play anymore, so he changed his mind and became an opportunist like Qi Lianshi.

This confused the original speculator - [Hidden Gate].

[Hidden Door] It’s very embarrassing now.

Qianlong has become a Qi Refiner, but the dragon's cave he clicked will not disappear. The dragon's energy will only be transferred from Qianlong to other blood relatives. However, Li Chengye's younger brothers are relatively young. In this case, , the variables are huge.

The so-called slow step means slow step.

Originally, fighting for the dragon was a matter of narrow escape. Now that something like this happens, the Li family's uprising will only be delayed, and the delay will bring variables. You must know that there are dragon auras in other places, and the dragon auras in other places will not wait. Man, whether [Hidden Gate] should continue [Following] is also a difficult question.

After the leader of the [Hidden Sect] learned about this matter, he did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately came to the monastery where the real person of the sect practiced, and reported the matter.

When Master Yinmiao of [Yinmen] heard this, his expression changed, his brows were furrowed, and he murmured, It shouldn't be!

[Hidden Sect] The leader does not dare to disturb.

a long time.

Master Yinmiao sighed and said, The secret of heaven is indeed unpredictable.

The leader of the [Hidden Sect] took the opportunity to ask, Zhenzhen, now that the Qianlong has changed, where should we [The Hidden Sect] go?

What he means is, should [Yinmen] continue to invest in the Li family, or should it choose another investment target?

If you continue to invest in the Li family, the risk of failure will increase.

And after this incident, are the Li family really Qianlong?

Even Yinmiao Zhenren can't be 100% sure.

And choosing another investment object is not that simple!

First of all, all the luck and resources that [Hidden Gate] had invested in the Li family were in vain.

Now it's just the Li family's hidden dragon entering the Tao, and the essence has not changed, so the [Hidden Sect] is just a loss of luck.

But once [Hidden Sect] gives up its support for the Li family.

Then there must be divine punishment under the influence of heaven and man.

Although Yinmiao Zhenren will not die, he will still be severely injured.

Even the entire [Hidden Sect] will be damaged.

Of course, this result is much lighter than the punishment Li Chengye received after his death in the original work, which was supported by the Hidden Sect.

In that case, the real person in [Hidden Gate] would not only die physically, but he would also be riddled with sins after death and would not be able to enter [Hidden Gate] and enjoy the blessed land in the underworld.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

How to choose?

Master Yinmiao fell into deep thought.

Nowadays, the land in the middle of Sichuan is filled with white qi. This is the qi of counties and counties.

Chengdu is filled with red aura, but this is just the agitation of the three counties, and may not be a sign of the sky. After all, Wei Cundong in Chengdu is already fifty and is too old to unify Shu or even plan the world.

The hidden dragon in Shu should be between the Wenyang County Prince Shoutian or the Li family.

After some hesitation, Master Yinmiao was still unable to decide.

The main reason was that Wu Siyuan suddenly entered Taoism and became a real person, which caught him off guard and lost confidence in his own judgment.

Just listen to Master Yinmiao saying to the head of [Yinmen], First observe the changes in the Li family's dragon energy, and then send disciples to contact Wang Shoutian.

Master Yinmiao wanted to hedge his bets.

Of course, this kind of behavior will make the dragon angry and may be self-defeating.

So after a period of time, a choice must be made immediately.

Yes, Master. [Hidden Gate] Master paused and said.

Master Yinmiao's eyes moved slightly, and then ordered, In addition, let Tongxuan and the others find a way to find out about the Li family's Qianlong cultivation. If necessary, the old Taoist will go out in person to meet with this [Master Qianlong] for a while!

Wu Siyuan started practicing Taoism from an ordinary person and achieved the status of a real person in a very short time. This is really unbelievable.

Master Yinmiao had a guess in his mind, suspecting that Li Chengye was taken away by a real man, which was why he could practice Taoism so quickly.

As for how the real person who seized the body bypassed the taboo and successfully took the body of a man of great luck, this is what the real person Yinmiao didn't know.

Perhaps this Master Duo She has a secret method. Master Yinmiao thought in his heart.

But no matter what, until this matter was clarified, Master Yinmiao felt very uneasy, feeling as if he was trapped in a huge conspiracy, and he was afraid that the foundation built by the ancestors of the past generations would be destroyed in his hands.

Therefore, he must thoroughly understand the details of this [Master Qianlong]!

Even if necessary, all the Tianshu warriors of the sect will be dispatched!

Get rid of those who are harmful to the sect!

Master Yinmiao secretly made this decision in his heart.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Here fate took a turn.

Because Wu Siyuan took away Li Chengye's body, started practicing Taoism, and achieved the [real person status].

Wu Siyuan had nothing to do and did not communicate with others. He just immersed himself in studying the monastic system of this world.

The original fate line belonging to Li Chengye changed.

For example, Wang Jieting.

Wang Jieting was the adopted daughter of Wang Zunzhi, the Jiedushi of Wenyang County. She was born with the destiny of a young phoenix. Li Chengye fell in love with her by chance, and then successfully married Wang Jieting, which completely inspired his destiny of a hidden dragon.

But now, Wu Siyuan never leaves the house, so naturally love at first sight won't happen, and Wang Jieting will naturally stay in her boudoir.

On Wang Hongyi's side, because of Wu Siyuan's support, his power developed particularly quickly.

Not only did he build Jishui County into a county town with over a thousand households ahead of schedule, and the commander-in-chief was granted the title of seventh-grade magistrate of Jishui County, and he recruited several outstanding talents from Lai Tongyu, he also personally trained troops, practiced day and night, imposed strict laws, and shared weal and woe. , and finally developed an elite army.

To celebrate, Wu Siyuan gave Wang Hongyi a hundred uncastrated war horses.

While Wang Hongyi was happy, he became even more wary of Wu Siyuan.

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