Wang Hongyi and Wu Siyuan went to their home in the village together.

Some distance away from the door of my house, I saw a lot of people gathered in front of my house.

Wang Hongyi's expression remained as usual, and the bullock cart continued to move forward, arriving at the door of his house in a few clicks.

It turned out to be the village chief Zhang Qing. He brought a young man with whip marks on his face to plead guilty to Wang Hongyi. This young man was his son Zhang Qingyun.

When Wang Hongyi returned to his hometown, he happened to meet Zhang Qingyun teasing a girl.

This girl followed Wang Hongyi for many years in her previous life, and finally committed suicide to accompany Wang Hongyi after his death.

Wang Hongyi punished Zhang Qingyun for this.

After Zhang Qingyun returned home, his father Zhang Qing learned what happened and knew that the matter was serious, so he immediately brought his son to plead guilty.

Although Wang Hongyi was not happy, for the sake of the Queen Mother, he changed his mind, accepted the gift from Zhang Qing, and revealed the matter.

Not to mention how the young and frivolous Zhang Qingyun was furious when he returned.

Here, Wang Hongyi retreated to the left and right, and he and Wu Siyuan were in the same room, looking at each other in silence.

Wang Hongyi used the Zhanwang Qi Technique on Wu Siyuan, and saw a layer of golden light all over Wu Siyuan, and from the top, there were waves of red and white water light hanging down.

And deep in this golden light, there is something even more terrifying hidden.

Wang Hongyi seemed to have spied something extraordinary, his eyes stung, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, there was nothing unusual.

But the shock in Wang Hongyi's heart was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

In another time and space, Li Chengye, who took away his inheritance and became the King of Shu, actually became a Qi Refiner, and even achieved a real person among Qi Refiners! Since ancient times, if an emperor does not practice Taoism, he cannot become an emperor if he practices Taoism. !Li Chengye, this is the way to escape the secular world!

But the reason why Wang Hongyi was so upset was not just this.

But Wu Siyuan suddenly became a real Qi practitioner, which was a huge deviation from Wang Hongyi's understanding of the future, leaving him confused.

Wang Hongyi was still in shock.

On Wu Siyuan's side, he also used the Qi Watching Technique, which was a mutated Qi Watching Technique that was combined with the Detection of Spiritual Light!

I saw clouds above Wang Hongyi's head, with strands of white air filling them, forming a faint seal.

The outer outline of the seal is golden, but the inside is filled with white air. It is already half full, but if you look closely, you can still see the gray air mixed in it.

The golden seal and cloud energy were brought about by the superposition of Wang Hongyi's own luck and official position.

The discouragement is a sign that the public sentiment in Jishui County under Wang Hongyi's rule has not yet been completely settled, but it seems that this situation will soon happen.

This is a scene that ordinary Qi practitioners can see.

But Wu Siyuan could see it more specifically and clearly.

Under his gaze, there was a line of text rising and falling in the clouds of Wang Hongyi's luck:

Virtue: 52

Reputation: 49

Ability: 88

Health: 20

Status: 80

Wealth: 42

Total Luck: 331

Sure enough, he is much stronger than the average person. Wu Siyuan thought to himself.

Yin virtue is one's destiny.

Wang Hongyi has no destiny because he traveled through time.

You can only use killing to earn your own life.

The current destiny was obtained by Wang Hongyi after killing the enemy town commander with the help of the mountain people, so it is not high.

But taken together, it is already much better than ordinary people.

For example, the total luck of Li Shan, a servant of the Li family, is only 60 points, while Wang Hongyi's luck has reached 331 points at this time, which is more than five times that of Wang Hongyi.

The gap between people is really too big.

Wu Siyuan sighed in his heart, and Wang Hongyi over there also recovered from the shock.

He looked at the enigmatic Wu Siyuan, considered his words, and said, Young Master Li is indeed very handsome. Why are you looking for me today?

Cooperation! Wu Siyuan said with a grin.

Cooperation? When Wang Hongyi heard these two words, he immediately thought of another world,

When Li Chengye took away his foundation, a dark look flashed in his eyes, and a murderous intention emerged in his heart.

However, he immediately remembered that Li Chengye in front of him had become a successful Qi practitioner and could no longer follow the path of humanity.

This murderous intention dissipated randomly.

He deliberately showed a look of surprise and said, The Qilin'er of the Li family is willing to come under my command to help? Then I will sweep the bed to welcome you.

When Wu Siyuan heard this, he sighed and said, Wang Shoutian, Mr. Wang, I think we should talk openly and honestly! There is no benefit in being afraid of each other!

Wu Siyuan specially emphasized the words Mr. Wang.

Wang Hongyi fell silent.

After a while, he said expressionlessly, I'd like to hear the details!

Wang Shoutian, let's call you by this name. After all, you and I are not from this world! Wu Siyuan directly revealed the secret.

After Wang Hongyi heard this, his first reaction was to look back.

No one behind him.

He turned his head again, only to hear Wu Siyuan say again, Don't worry, the mother of your body and your subordinates are not eavesdropping!

I don't understand what you mean! Mr. Li must have worked too much and has something wrong with his mind. Why don't you go back home and have a good rest. Let's talk next time!

As he said this, Wang Hongyi waved his sleeves and was about to leave.

He made up his mind to find a way to kill Wu Siyuan after he returned.

After all, uu reads books

Reincarnation is his biggest secret!

Young Master Wang, are you going to be my partner or my enemy? Wu Siyuan said slowly, I dare to tell you, and I'm not afraid of you being silenced! And do you think you have the ability to get rid of Daoist masters who have become Me?

Wang Hongyi calmed down and sat down again.

He was silent for a moment and then said, Master Li, please tell me.

Wu Siyuan laughed, and then started talking nonsense.

That day when I traveled across time, I discovered that there was another consciousness traveling through time at the same time and falling into the mountains. It must be you.

Wang Hongyi didn't ask anything about what he said, he just looked at his eyes, his nose and his heart.

Wu Siyuan continued, We are all time travellers!

According to my observation during this period, you are interested in the hegemony of the dynasty.

But I am interested in a happy and immortal life.

The power system in this world is really interesting. If you seek Taoism, you cannot be an emperor, and if you are an emperor, you cannot cultivate immortality!

Our interests do not conflict!

What do you want? Wang Hongyi finally said.

It's very simple! Let's cooperate! I will help you conquer the world, and you will help cut down mountains and destroy temples, collect the world's secret scriptures, and help me cultivate Taoism and become an immortal! Wu Siyuan said.

In this world, the power of individuals is limited, and the power of the system is omnipotent.

Therefore, Wu Siyuan said this.

How can you help me? Wang Hongyi looked at Wu Siyuan.

It's very simple! You have your trump card, and I also have mine! Wu Siyuan said, Now it's the three sons competing for the throne. You three marshal's relatives all want to become the marshal's heirs and take over this game. Jiye, now that you have defeated the enemy town and occupied Jishui County, you already have an advantage, but this advantage is not obvious enough. I think two hundred cattle and thirty thousand stones of grain can show the commander-in-chief your ability!

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