This Qinglian Pond is related to the foundation of [Hidden Sect].

[Hidden Gate] has been passed down for seven hundred years. Every year, hundreds of disciples travel around the world, either presiding over Taoist temples, accumulating incense, curing diseases and saving people, accumulating merit, or getting close to officials and assisting in governance. In this way, they can accumulate a little bit of luck.

Due to good luck, three hundred years ago, three real people were alive at the same time, assisting the king, and were destined to obtain the Qinglian mutant species, which led to the creation of this small Qinglian pond.

To be precise, it was three hundred years ago that [Hidden Sect] was finally qualified to intervene in the Dragon Fight and successfully assisted Qianlong in ascending to the throne. The benefit he received was that he became the leader of the Sect of Shu, with deep luck, and created the Qinglian Pond. .

This Green Lotus Pond is between the real world and the Dharma Realm. It can prevent the [Hidden Sect]'s luck from being lost, and it can cultivate the green lotus and strengthen its luck. Just by looking at the depth of the water, you can know the [Hidden Sect]'s luck. A very important point is that the requirements for casting magical spells of [Hidden Gate] have been reduced. Through [Green Lotus Pond], you can easily cast the magical spells of [Hidden Gate].

The importance of [Green Lotus Pond] to [Hidden Gate] can be seen.

It’s no wonder that many elders and disciples of [Hidden Sect] looked so ugly after hearing the news.

As soon as the leader finished speaking, an old Taoist priest hurriedly asked, Master, has Qianlong changed? How is the real person's condition?

[Yinmen] has long ago invested in the Li family's Qianlong, and has been connected to the Li family's destiny. It has long been a prosperous situation for both people, and a loss for both people.

It may not seem like much to ordinary people.

But there are heavenly and human beings in this world, and Qi Refiners are the most sensitive. If Qianlong changes, [Hidden Sect] will also be hit hard.

Among them, the real person who clicks on the [Hidden Gate] of the Li Family's Hidden Dragon Cave will be the first to face the impact of God's power.

Therefore, the Taoist priest asked this question.

The real person is fine. The leader of the [Hidden Sect] waved his hand and said.

Many elders and disciples breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the true person of [Hidden Sect] is not lost, there is still a chance for everything.

Another [Hidden Sect] disciple asked, Master, can you find out the cause of this accident? We can take precautions!

The leader of the [Hidden Sect] looked serious and said, Dragons and snakes are everywhere, the secrets have been obscured by the fog, and even the real person can't find out the clues, but is being counterattacked.

But today, I received an urgent letter from Tian Ji Feige, and I know the reason! The leader of the [Hidden Sect] said with a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Everyone present knew Tian Ji, he was an important chess piece in the hidden dragon's movement sent by the Hidden Sect into the world.

Of course, [Hidden Sect] sent Tian Ji.

It is also because [Yinmen] believes that his talent for cultivation is not good, and he practices mostly earthly techniques, and is not valued by [Yinmen].

Senior Brother Head, what is said in Tian Ji's letter? asked an old Taoist priest who was relatively close to the head of the [Hidden Sect] and looked like an immortal.

Hearing this, the head of the [Hidden Sect] glanced at all the [Hidden Sect] members present. After a moment of silence, he said, Tian Ji's letter said that the Qianlong Li Chengzheng of the Li family came to the door and asked for the Taoist cultivation secret book!

What? Many [Hidden Sect] Qi Practitioners present were shocked and lost their bearings.

Although Tian Ji's words were short, the message behind them was very big.

Immediately, a [Hidden Sect] Qi Master looked at the [Hidden Sect] leader and asked, How did the Li Family Qianlong know the secret of my Taoist Sect?

As soon as he finished speaking, another [Hidden Sect] Qi practitioner asked, How did Li Qianlong know that Tian Ji is a cultivator?

Did Tian Ji practice the essential skills for the Li family's Qianlong?

There must be someone behind the Li Family Qianlong!

Suddenly, the venue next to the [Green Lotus Pond] was as noisy as a vegetable market.

A group of Qi practitioners who were originally immortal and elegant, are now no different from ordinary people!

The leader of [Hidden Sect] had to use the magic power of [Green Lotus Pond] to cast spells, Quiet!

After a burst of invisible fluctuations.

Only then did these Qi practitioners, who had lost their Taoist minds, regain their mental state.

The leader of [Hidden Sect] frowned and looked at everyone.

The elders and disciples of [Hidden Sect] all looked ashamed.

a while.

The leader of the [Hidden Sect] looked away, lowered his eyes, and said, Tian Ji said in the letter that the Qianlong of the Li family not only knew that he was a cultivator, but he also clearly knew that Tian Ji was our [Hidden Sect] The middle man!

The expressions of all the Qi Refiners present changed again.

The head of the [Hidden Sect] continued expressionlessly, In addition... the Li family Qianlong is very clear about our Taoist sect. He threatened Tian Ji with the [Hidden Sect] incident to bring out the secret book of Taoism!

Senior Brother, have you given Tian Ji? The same old Taoist priest with immortal style asked.

Tian Ji said that he gave Li Jia Qianlong a Taoist cultivation book that he accidentally obtained. In addition, Li Jia Qianlong also asked him some cultivation terms... Everyone, let's discuss, what do you think of this matter?

The old Taoist priest with the immortal style frowned. After pondering for a while, he was the first to speak, Brother, the leader, I think the Qianlong of the Li family is definitely not asking for the secrets of cultivation from Tian Ji because of him. The Qianlong of the Li family has a great atmosphere. Luck, great cause and effect, in this case, he will not be able to start practicing Taoism at all.

The real person feels the same way. [Hidden Sect] leader Fu Xu said with approval.

Qigong masters in this world are not allowed to hold official positions, except for national masters and specially appointed doctors of curses.

Once you become a parent official, the dragon energy will pollute the so-called Tao foundation, and you will no longer be able to start practicing Taoism.

Even if you have already started, after becoming a parent official, your cultivation will only regress under the dragon energy.

People like Li Chengye who have great luck and great cause and effect cannot enter the Tao.

This is common sense in this world.

Of course, this common sense was broken by Wu Siyuan and Wang Hongyi, the male protagonist of this world.

Wang Hongyi will not talk about it for now.

And Wu Siyuan is because of the golden finger and the [Shennongjiao Space]. Under the infusion of energy, all natural barriers are broken.

The gate of heaven was opened overnight and he became a Yin Shen.

This leads to changes in luck.

It’s just that the people in [Hidden Sect] don’t know yet.

They thought so hard that they didn't even know that this was the reason that caused the change in luck in their sect [Qinglian Pond].

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

In other words, the Qianlong of the Li family went to Tian Ji to ask for the secrets of cultivation for other people. And there is only one kind of person who would pay so much attention to the secrets of cultivation of this sect? The old Taoist priest with Xianfeng Dao bone said with gleaming eyes.

Rogue cultivator! A middle-aged Taoist priest helped the old Taoist priest tell the answer.

That's right! The old Taoist priest nodded.

Only casual cultivators without inheritance would pay so much attention to our sect's monastic classics!

Only casual cultivators can know so many inside stories!

The old Taoist priest sighed and said, It's just that he is a casual cultivator after all.

Long Qi is the tyrant! If he tells Qian Long the inside story of the fight for the dragon, isn't he afraid that Long Qi will be suspicious of him in the future? The gain outweighs the loss!



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