Uncle Master, casual cultivators are helpless, unlike our sect, which is deeply rooted.

For them, only by risking their lives can they have a chance of success!

In this case, these secrets will be leaked if they are leaked!

But I think we can't ignore this casual cultivator.

This casual cultivator, under our noses, has quietly colluded with the Li family's Qianlong, and has even gained Qianlong's trust! This is to occupy the magpie's nest!

This also explains why our sect [Qinglian Pond]'s luck has decreased, but the real person is safe and sound!

Because the situation of Qianlong has not changed, it is only us who have changed!

A middle-aged Qi Refiner said slowly.

Tian Ji is so useless! He has been lurking around Qianlong for so long, and he didn't even notice such important things! He really deserves death! A middle-aged woman dressed as a Taoist nun said in a hateful tone.

The leader of [Hidden Sect] waved his hand and said, It's useless to talk about this now!

The most important thing right now is to find out who the casual cultivator behind Qian Long is!

How dare he do such a thing, he must bear the consequences!

This Shu land is my [Hidden Gate] Shu land after all.

[Hidden Sect] A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the leader.

Brother, headmaster, if Qianlong notices this, will he be unhappy? If the dragon is not happy... The old Taoist priest of Xianfeng Taoist hesitated to speak.

The head of the [Hidden Sect] sighed after hearing this and said, We have worked hard to invest in Qianlong, but we can't let others pick the peaches at the last moment and draw water from the bamboo basket in vain.

Even if Long Qi doesn't like it, he still has to do it!

Our sect has been working in Shu for many years. If Qianlong is the hero, he will definitely cooperate with us regardless of past grudges!

The worst thing is, when Qianlong ascends to the throne of Shu King, we will recover our investment and retreat bravely.

Many [Hidden Sect] Qi Practitioners present were silent.

The head of the [Hidden Sect] said again, I have asked Tong Xuan and He Zhen who came down from the mountain to work with Tian Ji to investigate the rogue cultivator behind Qian Long.

With that said, the leader of the [Hidden Sect] looked at the Qi Refiners present and said with a serious face, My fellow disciples, this matter is not a trivial matter and should not be taken lightly.

It's a small matter for casual cultivators. Now the Hidden Dragon trend has begun. The secrets of heaven are in chaos. Even real people can't see through the secrets of heaven. This kind of situation requires our concerted efforts.

Otherwise, if the Qianlong chosen by our sect changes, you and I will not be able to escape from the divine punishment.

Not to mention successful cultivation, even if your life is shortened to the end, you will not be exempted from your sins. After your death, you will have to sink in the underworld and be riddled with sins.

If we don't have future generations of disciples to save us, I'm afraid we won't be able to be reincarnated forever!

The words of the leader of [Hidden Sect] contained a warning.

This is where the doorman is banging!

The reason for this superfluous move is actually related to the letter sent by Tian Ji.

Tian Ji said that Qianlong knew too much about the situation of the Hidden Gate, and it was not like outsiders could know about it.

He was worried that there were people with two minds in the sect.

It's just that Tian Ji and the head of the [Hidden Sect] looked at everyone in the sect and couldn't find anyone with second thoughts.

Either this person is hiding something deeply, or there is no double-minded person at all.

The leader of [Hidden Sect] has no choice, so today's beating words are also to--to arouse the grass and scare the snake!

If someone really has second thoughts, maybe they can be forced out.


However, the [Hidden Sect] leader’s efforts were all in vain.

The reason Wu Siyuan knows so many things about the Hidden Sect is because he has God's Vision!

It has nothing to do with the inner ghost in [Hidden Gate].

In fact.

Because it is difficult to practice Taoism alone in this world, it cannot be connected with luck, and luck is unclear.

Like [hidden door].

In the original work, Li Chengye, who initially invested in Hidden Gate, failed in his fight for the dragon and was killed by the male protagonist Wang Hongyi.

[Hidden Gate] The only real person here was immediately punished by heaven and was deprived of his immortality. After death, he was riddled with sins and fell into the underworld.

Other disciples were also hit hard.

If [Yinmen] hadn't made a decisive decision, they immediately abandoned Li Chengye and sent someone to turn to Wang Hongyi.

As Wang Hongyi grew stronger, became the Marquis of Shu, became the King of Shu, and finally established the Pillar of Heaven and ascended to the position of Dabao, the Hidden Gate was brought back to life, and the sin-ridden real person was able to restore his clarity with the help of the power of Shinto.

Bei Mingdao, another great sect in the north, chose to invest in the barbarians on the grassland, also known as the Black Dragon.

In the original time and space, Beiming Road was successful in investing, and the grassland barbarians took over the Central Plains by relying on endless slaughter.

Beimingdao also took advantage of this and soared into the sky.

But the current Wang Hongyi is a person who traveled through time. After his rise, he unified China, expelled the Tartars, and cut off the dragon veins of the grassland.

Under the backlash of heaven's secret, the prairie dragon veins could not restrain their karma, and Beiming Road immediately suffered divine punishment.

This was the situation at that time:

The filthy air invisible to the naked eye poured in one after another, and the spiritual light of Beiming Dao's ancestors who had accumulated for thousands of years could not resist it. The calamity energy fell on Master Deyang and several key Taoist priests of Beiming Dao, and their karma was eroded in the blink of an eye. luck.

Master Deyang shouldered most of the karma alone and did not resist. His whole body was withering continuously. His body was aging at a visible speed, and he lost his breath in an instant.

The remaining few laughed miserably and read a book

The body also began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all of them died in a matter of seconds.

At that time, the wind and rain were getting worse, and the bamboo trees in the courtyard were swaying under the dark sky. A large number of ghosts and gods appeared faintly, and there was a faint sound of iron chains mopping the floor...

It can be said that once a monastic sect in this world chooses to join the world and compete for dragons, the disciples are like grasshoppers on a rope. They are truly both prosperous and disadvantaged.

You won’t be able to live in peace after death!

So they will definitely not do this kind of behavior that digs into their own corners!

Hearing the words of the leader of [Hidden Sect], their expressions froze, and they all said that they would work together to overcome the difficulties!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

After the leader of the [Hidden Sect] convened the [Qinglian Conference], he did not notice anything unusual.

He came to a monastery and paid homage to the only real person in the world at [Yinmen] - Yinmiao Zhenren.

Also his father.

I saw Yinmiao, a real person with a childlike face and white hair, sitting cross-legged on a jade bed.

He shook his head slightly at the leader of the [Hidden Sect], There are dragons and snakes everywhere. Now that the secrets are in chaos, I can't see anything!

At this time, we must take every step step by step and make no more mistakes!

I will follow the instructions of the real person! The leader of the [Hidden Sect] bowed and replied.

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