Wu Siyuan also didn't expect that his talent in the art of looking at energy was so high.

I don’t know the reason why he achieved the real person status.

Or his personal talent.

All in all, it took less than an hour for Wu Siyuan to master the art of looking at energy.

If someone from the Dao Sect in this world knew about it, especially the Tongxuan of the Hidden Sect, I would probably want to cry.

Comparing people to each other is so annoying!


Sir, you got up really early today. The young man in gray clothes said with surprise when he saw Wu Siyuan standing in the courtyard.

Wu Siyuan turned his head to look, and with a thought in his mind, he activated the Qi Watching Technique.

I saw a flash of light deep in Wu Siyuan's eyes, and saw a circle of pale white light floating around the young man in gray.

According to the classification of Yi Ding world.

The luck of ordinary people, that is, all people, is generally white.

Officials below the eighth rank have white luck, but it is much richer than that of ordinary people.

Qualitative changes begin at the eighth level, and luck is blanched red at the beginning.

Seventh-grade officials are dark red.

Officials of the sixth grade are pale yellow.

Officials of the fifth rank are bright yellow

Fourth-grade officials are blue.

Officials of the third rank are dark blue.

The color of second-grade officials is dark purple.

First-rank officials are dark purple.

The gray-clothed young man in the Li Mansion has only white luck, which just reflects his identity.

Of course, if one day. This little guy in gray clothes has good luck, and his luck will change accordingly.

A person's talent and ability will also be transformed into luck and ability.

If this young boy in gray clothes has the talent of Crouching Dragon, even if he is just a servant, the luck displayed under the Qi Watching Technique might be blue and purple.

Wu Siyuan suddenly remembered the skill detection aura that comes with Shennongjiao Space.

This skill also allows Wu Siyuan to see the aura of everything.

Different situations will show different auras.

Wu Siyuan first used this skill to check the quality of fruits at the fruit wholesale market.

When Wu Siyuan's career just started, this skill played a very important role.

He suddenly had an idea and wanted to know what would happen if he used the Looking Qi Technique and also used the Detection of Spiritual Light at the same time.

Just do it!

With a thought in Wu Siyuan's mind, the skill of detecting spiritual light, which has almost become his talent, appeared, overlapping with the original skill of looking at energy.

Wu Siyuan's vision suddenly turned pure white.

After an instant, the pure white dissipated, and Wu Siyuan's vision returned to normal.

But what I saw was not what it was before.

The luck situation of the young man in gray that Wu Siyuan saw before was a ball of white light.

But what Wu Siyuan sees now is still a ball of white light.

But in the white light, there is a group of words floating up and down.

Wu Siyuan was very surprised and took a closer look:

Virtue: 8

Reputation: 4

Abilities: 11

Health: 15

Status: 9

Wealth: 13

After these two skills were combined, something like this was actually formed?

Are these virtues, reputation, ability, health, status, and wealth the six major factors that make up luck?

It's amazing!

Can I clearly see a person's situation through his luck?

If that's the case, then this art of looking at energy is no longer useless!

On the contrary, it is of great use!

Wu Siyuan said in his heart.

A translucent text box suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

It is detected that the host has acquired the Oriental Qi Technique, combined with the skill Detection of Aura], your skill of Detection of Aura] has been improved, allowing you to gain insight into the subtle.

Wu Siyuan felt happy when he saw this text.

Originally, this art of looking at qi was a bit useless.

But after combining it with the detection aura, it gave Wu Siyuan a big surprise, and it was also very useful when he returned to the real world.

For example, as an authenticator.

In the real world, there are many wealthy children. For example, my family owns a dozen or so rent-collecting houses in a first-tier city. Because I don’t want to be a worm waiting to die, I drive my Maserati to a small company every day and work as a front-desk clerk.

They might have concealed themselves well before, but now under Wu Siyuan's fiery eyes, they had no choice but to reveal their true colors.

The column Wealth in Personal Luck will expose all their situations to Wu Siyuan without reservation.

In addition, this art of fortune-seeing can also be used to identify talents and abilities.

As a company boss, you definitely want your subordinates to be truly capable elites.

However, due to various practical reasons, some of the people who can be promoted to management must be fake.

Once there are too many such people, the profitability of the entire company will inevitably decrease.

This is something a boss doesn't want to see.

But if there is this art of fortune-seeing, then the abilities of all employees will be clearly visible in front of him, and the boss can select the outstanding ones and focus on training them.

Oh, you said that Wu Siyuan has the Four-Armed King Kong, an artificial intelligence that monitors and analyzes employees' work conditions to obtain comprehensive personal portraits of employees. The proportion of fraud in Chaoqun Group controlled by Wu Siyuan is very small. uuread a book

Just pretend I didn't say what I said above.

In fact, this ability has little use in the real world where Wu Siyuan has been operating for a long time, but when Wu Siyuan travels through the new world, this skill is still very useful for Wu Siyuan to quickly discover various talents and control the situation.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Young Master, Young Master... The young man in gray clothes saw Wu Siyuan just staring at him blankly, but did not make any movement or speak for a long time. He was frightened and felt a little panicked. He secretly thought that the young master had been hit by evil spirits, right? He shouted quickly.

Oh, it's Li Shan. I was just thinking about something, and I was fascinated! Wu Siyuan came back to his senses and said casually.

Master, then I will help you wash up. Li Shan said in a natural tone.

Yeah! Wu Siyuan nodded lightly, turned around and went back to the house.

Li Shan followed.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

A beautiful mountain in Sichuan.

The place where the hidden door is located.

The Hidden Sect Core Meeting, which had just been held not long ago, was held again.

All the participants looked confused and worried.

It's probably not a good thing that these core meetings are held so frequently.

They all looked at the long-bearded old man in the center in silence. He was the son of Shandai Zhenren and the head of the Hidden Sect.

He pointed at the Green Lotus Pond, the core treasure of the Hidden Sect, and said, This Green Lotus Pond has been growing since then, but since yesterday, there has been a sudden change. Instead of increasing, it has decreased. Overnight, it has decreased by one-fifth. This It’s just ominous!”

Upon hearing this, the faces of all the participants changed drastically.

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