I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 7 Comparison of Two Cultivation Systems

Previously, in reality, Wu Siyuan used the [Shennongjiao Space] to break through the Maoshan Mountain Pure Heart Method to the highest level and opened up the sea of ​​consciousness.

At that time, Wu Siyuan thought that the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness was the Yin Shen.

In fact, it seems now that it shouldn’t be considered a [Yin Shen]!

Compared with the real [Yin Shen], that consciousness is relatively loose and not solid enough!

The most important difference between the two is that the Yin Shen condensed by practicing the [Yi Ding] World Taoism Technique can travel thousands of miles and enter the Yin Ming. Although there are many restrictions, it is amazing. In [ There are advantages in Wangqi and Perception of Heavenly Secrets.

However, the conscious body formed after practicing [Maoshan Mountain Pure Heart Method] to break through to the foundation building stage cannot easily leave the body.

Of course, the mana generated after practicing the Maoshan Qingxin Method and the spells performed will not be affected by the so-called official dragon energy. The real power belongs to oneself.

The methods of the two worlds can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

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Wu Siyuan used the power of [Shennongjiao Space] to break open the Heavenly Gate and cultivated [Yin Shen].

He was actually very interested in [Yin Shen Travel] and entered the land of the underworld to have a look.

Just entering the underworld requires a knack.

Wu Siyuan only has one [Xuan Xin Gui Yuan Jue] in his hand, but he doesn't understand these tips.

Besides, Wu Siyuan had just achieved [Yin God] when [Yin God] was at its weakest.

He himself could feel that without the protection of the spiritual light of [Shennongjiao Space], Wu Siyuan's [Yin Shen] would be severely damaged if it was blown by ordinary wind.

Maybe to ordinary people, this wind is just a gentle breeze and does no harm at all.

That's because ordinary people have physical protection.

And [Yin Shen] has separated from the body and wanders in the world. For them, an ordinary breeze is a disaster that cannot be ignored.

Only when [Yin Shen] has been condensed to a certain extent, can he travel as he pleases and travel thousands of miles at night.

However, [Xuan Xin Gui Yuan Jue] does not contain the method of cultivating in the realm of real people.

If Wu Siyuan wants to go further, he needs to [chat] with those hidden sects!

Regarding the inheritance of their sect's tradition, they would not easily leak these techniques to Wu Siyuan.

So Wu Siyuan must [convince people with reason] to [convince] them!

This leads to Wu Siyuan having to master a certain amount of [Truth Power]!

Thoughts flashed in Wu Siyuan's mind.

After he pondered for a while, he put the matter aside for the time being and took out the [Xuan Xin Gui Yuan Jue] again!

In [Xuan Xin Gui Yuan Jue], most of the spells in Wu Siyuan are disdainful, and there are only a few spells that can catch Wu Siyuan's eyes.

What Wu Siyuan is preparing to practice now is one of these spells.

Taoist qi-gazing technique!

In the Taoist technique of looking at qi, those with little experience can sense the good and bad luck of qi, those with advanced skills can see the color of qi, and those with advanced skills can see the qi of the vast earth.

[Yi Ding] The soul of the male protagonist in the world traveled through time and mastered this [Qi-Wang Technique].

It's said to be mastery, but it's actually more like talent.

[Yi Ding] The male protagonist in the world can use this talent of fortune-seeing anytime and anywhere to watch the fortune of anyone and anything.

Unlike ordinary Taoists, it takes a lot of effort to use the [Qi-Looking Technique], and you may be confused by the secrets of heaven and unable to see anything!

Just like what is written in the world of Yi Ding, Yinmen disciple Tongxuan has mastered the Taoist Qi-Wang Technique to great perfection, but it is still said that this magic is useless.

What’s the reason?

First of all, it is difficult to get started with [Qi-Wang Technique]. You must have talent to get started. Only one person among a thousand people has this talent.

That's all.

However, the results obtained by looking at the results may not necessarily provide a full picture.

For example, when a real dragon emperor is born, he is just a room with red light. When the dragon has no water, his complexion is just that of a person from a county. And there are too many such people. For example, when the ancestors of various dynasties were wandering around in the grass, It’s just county spirit!

Only when the real dragon emperor controls millions of soldiers and civilians, dominates the world, and the dragon enters the sea, will the emperor's spirit be fully displayed.

But what’s the point of seeing it just now?

Even if they are not the True Dragon Emperor, but ordinary people, as long as they gather millions of people, even if they have no foundation, they will still have good luck. Some are even like Huagai, which is not inferior to Qianlong.

One of the great uses of Taoist priests in practicing [Qi-Wang Technique] is to find hidden dragons or people with great luck to invest in, so that over time, they can repay themselves.

But if you can’t see the [Qi-Wang Technique] accurately, what’s the point?

Only by achieving the true Taoist fruit, using Yin Shen to discern subtleties, tracing the foundation from below, observing destiny from above, and deducing from human nature in the middle, can we see a person's panoramic destiny at an early stage!

This [Qi-Wang Technique] is of great use!

Wu Siyuan has achieved the [Yin Shen], which is the so-called [Real Person Dao Fruit]. He is very interested in seeing the power of this [Wang Qi Qi] and what the so-called luck is like. !

Think so.

Wu Siyuan picked up the spell [Qi-Wang Technique] and studied it carefully.

There is a cloud in the book. If you want to practice the art of looking at qi, it varies from place to place and time to time. Find a quiet place with good environment. It is best to practice when the sun rises every day and the first ray of purple light first appears. You can stand or meditate, facing Look at the sun slightly, as if you are looking at it but not seeing it. Go into silence and look back, focus on it and practice it internally. In conjunction with the formula, you can draw the aura of the sun into your eyes and into your body.

Generally, talented people need to work hard for a hundred days at this step.

After a hundred days of hard work, those who have achieved success will have the eight-touch reaction of the skill state, such as seeing light when closed, seeing halos, seeing objects with light, inner vision, etc. This is the second step of cultivation.

After practicing to the point where you close your eyes, relax and enter the sky, nourish your energy and forget about words, and lower your mind to non-emptiness, the art of looking at the energy can be said to be a little accomplished. At this time, you can watch people, houses, and mountains to see whether the energy is good or bad. , you can look for dragons in caves and find auspicious caves.

After cultivating to the state of knowing the ancestral movement and stillness, wonderful awakening and perfect enlightenment, the art of qi reading can be said to be perfect. You can observe the color of the qi and the Qi pulse of the earth!

From observing one person to observing the world!

After reading the introduction and practice methods, Wu Siyuan couldn't wait.

It's just that it's not clear now, so you can't practice.

He endured until dawn, walked out of the room, went to the courtyard, faced the rising sun, and began to practice quietly.

The purple aura was looming in his eyes.

Wu Siyuan closed his eyes, but felt that there were faintly colorful colors, lights and halos around him.

He opened his eyes again with a thought, and found that the things in front of him were faintly shining.

After he closed his eyes and opened them again, the light was gone.

He closed his eyes again and opened them again, and the light appeared vaguely.

After repeating this for many times.

Wu Siyuan's attainments in Qi-gazing have grown by leaps and bounds.

When the boy came to the courtyard to help Wu Siyuan get up, Wu Siyuan's Qi-gazing technique had already been mastered!

That's it……

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