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We walked for three miles along the Futian River.

Wu Siyuan came to a house surrounded by a wooden fence.

Inside the wooden fence is a garden and a vegetable garden. It is late autumn, the dew has turned to frost, but there are many chrysanthemums in bloom in the garden, which looks diverse.

These chrysanthemums are as big as colorful balls and as small as lamps. They come in different varieties and have a delicate fragrance, just like a picture scroll.

A middle-aged man was cutting flowers among the flowers.

Hearing the sound, he looked up and saw Wu Siyuan, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

This middle-aged man is Tian Ji.

Tian Ji is already in the realm of a preceptor.

Wu Siyuan turned on the [Detect Aura] skill.

It’s just that the skills are suppressed by this world.

Wu Siyuan's eyes flashed with golden light, and he saw Tian Ji's body glowing with a layer of red and golden light.

If the male protagonist Wang Hongyi comes over and uses his [Qi Watching Skill], he can see more extraordinary things about Tian Ji.

Wu Siyuan's heart moved.

With a faint smile on his face, he greeted Tian Ji politely, I've met Mr. Tian...

Do you recognize me? Although he didn't see Wu Siyuan's identity, Tian Ji did see Wu Siyuan's extraordinary character.

Mr. Tian's wisdom has been spread throughout Wenyang County. Who in Wenyang County doesn't know about it? Wu Siyuan said in a refined manner, even he felt a little disgusted.

If you are an ordinary private school teacher, you will inevitably feel a little complacent when you hear Wu Siyuan's words.

But Tian Ji didn’t.

He is a Qi practitioner in this world, and his mind is gloomy. When he heard Wu Siyuan's compliment, he was not only not happy, but also a little wary.

He frowned and asked, May I ask what your name is?

I'm Li Chengye, my father is Li Cunyi, the magistrate of Kaiming County! Wu Siyuan said.

Li Cunyi! ?

Li Mansion!


Tian Ji was finally moved.

He didn't know that Li Chengye came to his door so suddenly.

Could it be that the dragon spirit is booming and the hidden dragon is about to rise?

Tian Ji thought to himself, but then he felt something was wrong.

Yinmen Zhenren has already calculated that Qianlong will have to hibernate for three years, and only after accumulating momentum will it soar into the sky!

Real people can't make mistakes!

Then why did Qianlong come here today?

Tian Ji's heart was a little confused!

It’s not that his state of mind is not cultivated enough!

But Qianlong is related to his personal Tao career and Taoist future, so he cannot help but ignore it.

Tian Ji managed to calm down and said to Wu Siyuan, It turns out that it's Mr. Li's family who has come to visit the humble abode. The plum blossoms are shining brightly. Please come in!

Tian Ji turned sideways to welcome Wu Siyuan into the room.

Wu Siyuan looked at the pile of books in the room, his eyes moved, and said, Mr. Tian is really knowledgeable. I wonder if you can allow me to browse?

Of course! The sage has a saying, read it a hundred times and you will see its meaning. Mr. Li has this hobby, I am not too late to welcome him! Tian Ji said with a smile.

His eyes flickered, and he was actually observing Qianlong.

Regardless, loving reading is also a good thing for a ruler!

Wu Siyuan glanced at the titles on the bookshelf.

He picked up a few books and flipped through them.

Disappointed, he placed the book back on the shelf.

When Tian Ji saw this scene, there was disappointment in his eyes. Such a perfunctory attitude was not like Mingjun!

But he thought about it for a while, still holding on to some hope, and asked, Mr. Li, are these books indifferent to you? But have you read them before?

Some have read it! Some have not! But you are right, these books are indeed not in my eyes. Wu Siyuan said without concealment, Unfortunately, Mr. Tian did not put the books I was looking for on this bookshelf. superior!

I wonder what kind of books Master Li is looking for? Tian Ji asked, As long as Mr. Tian has it here, Master Li, just tell me!

Then please don't be offended, Mr. Tian! Wu Siyuan suddenly turned his head, looked at Tian Ji without blinking, and said, I want to borrow Mr. Tian's cultivation secret book! I wonder, sir, if I can fulfill my wish next time? ?”

As Wu Siyuan said, drought thunder suddenly struck in the clear sky, making Tian Ji turn pale.

This is Wu Siyuan's revelation of heaven's secret. Under the influence of heaven and man, heaven is warning!

Wu Siyuan had not entered Taoism at this time, so he didn't feel much.

But Tian Ji's face was pale, without a trace of blood, like a dead person.

This is half scary.

Half were caused by drought and thunder.

Tian Ji's breath was unstable, and it took him a while to calm down.

He forced a smile and denied, Young Master Li is really joking. Mr. Tian doesn't have books about ghosts and gods with strange powers!

Wu Siyuan looked at Tian Ji meaningfully and spoke calmly, Mr. Tian, ​​do you want me to make it clearer? I would like to borrow the cultivation secrets of the sect [Hidden Sect] where you belong, please give me your love!

He knows everything!

Tian Ji suddenly lost his mind and looked at Wu Siyuan in horror.

Senior brother... A beautiful middle-aged woman quickly walked over from the room and helped Tian Ji.

This beautiful woman is Tian Ji's junior sister's wife.

The two of them are both members of the Hidden Sect. They have been lurking here for more than ten years. They have supported each other over the years and have a deep relationship.

Tian Ji felt like there was an invisible net covering him, making him a little breathless.

It took a long time.

Tian Jicai managed to calm down and looked at the enigmatic Wu Siyuan with complicated eyes. He said, Master Li, since you know everything, Tian has nothing to say.

Okay. Please give me your love, Mr. Tian! Let me borrow the Taoist secrets of the [Hidden Sect] Taoism. Wu Siyuan said.

In Wu Siyuan's view, this cultivation system is of some value in this world.

Master Li, you are a worldly noble and cannot enter Taoism. Presumably, you are asking for it for the master behind you? Tian Ji asked tentatively, I wonder if you can introduce him to me so that I can take a look. Which master?

Tian Ji misunderstood that there was another monk behind Wu Siyuan, so he asked this question.

But where are there such talents around Wu Siyuan?

If so, he wouldn't take the initiative to look for Tian Ji.

So he shook his head and said honestly, I don't have any Taoist monks around me, but I am very interested in Taoist cultivation, so I came here to ask for help. I hope Mr. Tian will not hesitate to teach me!

Wu Siyuan said it very sincerely, uu read the book

But Tian Ji doesn’t believe it!

Without a monk, how could he, Li Chengye, know my identity?

Therefore, Tian Ji believed that Li Chengye was deceiving him.

He said, Since Mr. Li knows about our Taoist sect, it is related to the inheritance of the Taoist lineage. I'm sorry, but please forgive Tian for not being able to do it.

Wu Siyuan was not angry either, his face was as calm as water, his eyes were deep and gloomy, and he had the aura of a superior person in him.

Tian Ji suddenly felt that he was not looking at a county magistrate's son who had not yet risen to power, but a noble man who was high up in the palace and had his own magnanimity.

Tian Ji thought it was the influence of Qianlong's vigorous dragon energy on him.

But what he didn't know was that this was the momentum that Wu Siyuan naturally developed after he had been in a position of authority for a long time and gave orders.

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