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In a mountain forest in Sichuan, the mountain is steamed by spiritual energy and covered with various flowers.

There is a small path on the mountainside that leads directly to the center of the mountain.

After entering, there is a cave with a mountain gate inside.

Within the mountain gate, a stream flows meanderingly, with gurgling water. Ancient trees stand everywhere, shallow grasses are like grass, flowers and trees are arranged in sparse rows, and a variety of flowers that cannot appear at the same time are blooming here.

The mountain breeze blows, the pine waves and streams combine to create the sound of nature, and the spring water is steaming, but it is really full of spiritual energy.

The mountain gates overlap with each other. The meeting place inside the gate is among a series of houses in a deep valley. There is only one room at the core. There is a rare glass on it. The sunlight is slanting down from above, shining in the center, forming a A circle of white light with a radius of three feet was reflected brightly.

Looking at the light again, there is a round pool three feet wide and three feet high. The water is one foot deep at this time. In the middle is a green lotus-like lotus, half-opened with five petals. More than ten people looked at it intently.

These dozens of people are the core members of the largest monastic sect in Shu, the Hidden Sect.

An old man with a long beard said, My fellow disciples, I have called you here today to discuss the matter of the Hidden Dragon. You know, although you and I are Qi Refiners, we still need to draw on the power of the True Dragon. To help with cultivation, now, I am afraid that the heavenly secrets I had previously penetrated may have changed.

When everyone heard this, there was a look of astonishment on their faces.

Master, how do you say this?

The hidden dragon's person was measured by a real person, how could it be wrong?

Several Yinmen Taoist priests asked aloud.

Recently, I have been looking at the fortune of Shu, but I have found that the heavens are changing, and there are changes. The long-bearded old man, the head of the Hidden Sect, said with complicated eyes, Now, the heavens seem to be shrouded in a fog, and even the secrets are shrouded in fog. Real people are also unpredictable!”

The expressions of all the Hidden Sect Taoists suddenly changed.

The probability of occurrence of variables is very small. Once they appear, they can disrupt the destiny. In serious cases, they can even change the established destiny.

But now, Yinmen has placed its bet on Qianlong Li Chengye. If there is a change in Qianlong's matter, the heavens and humans will sense it, and under the backlash, the entire Taoist lineage may become gray, and many Taoists present will perish forever.

Monks seek great freedom and freedom, and have great desires.

When I think about this terrifying future,

Everyone's expressions were worried.

Master, what are your instructions? A middle-aged Taoist asked first.

The long-bearded old man nodded, his eyes showing satisfaction to him, and said, Tongxuan, Pingzhen, you two are the leaders of our sect. The real person ordered you to go down the mountain and rush to Qianlong's surroundings to investigate the variables. If anything happens, immediately Report to the sect.”

The middle-aged Taoist priest and another handsome man stood up quickly and said, No!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

This kind of oppression from the world makes Wu Siyuan very uncomfortable.

This was something he had never experienced before.

All of his skills are severely suppressed.

Even the internal strength...

Wu Siyuan tried practicing the [Nine Yang Divine Art], but found that even if he took the elixir that had been prepared in the [Shennongjiao Space], he could not condense his internal strength.

Those elixirs could only warm and nourish the whole body, but they no longer had the same effectiveness as before. They allowed him to practice the [Nine Yang Divine Art] to its full effectiveness in a short period of time.

This made Wu Siyuan very disappointed.

He immediately took out the [Gene Potion] again.

Wu Siyuan's [Shennongjiao Space] also contains many useful [genetic medicines] made from rare mutant beasts, which can comprehensively improve various qualities of the human body to inhuman levels, and there is a high probability that they will be developed. produce extraordinary powers.


When Wu Siyuan was about to use this tube of genetic medicine, his spiritual sense sensed an unprecedented sense of danger - he would fail to evolve and die.

Wu Siyuan believed in his spiritual sense and knew that even using [Clover] could not change the result.

He sighed, not expecting that the suppression of this world could be so powerful.

Wu Siyuan put away the [Gene Potion].

Fortunately, his technological creations are not suppressed by this world.

His automatic rifles and [Transformers] can still be used in this world.

That's enough!

The strongest physical force of the individual body in this world is the Sky Exorcist Warrior.

The Heavenly Drive Warrior is not a person, but a group.

It is the Taoist sect of this world that combines Qi refining techniques to cultivate warriors who are proficient in physical killing techniques.

This type of people has been widely adopted by Qi practitioners in this world during the millennium of inheritance. At first, they had different names, but later they were uniformly called Heavenly Exorcist Warriors.

Any one of these Heavenly Expelling Warriors would be a general of a hundred men if released.

But because it is cultivated in combination with Qi refining number.

Because of the special rules of this world, heaven and humans are sensing it.

Therefore, killing warriors these days will shorten their lifespan.

They often die violently within a few years.

It is extremely difficult to train a Heavenly Drive warrior.

Unless absolutely necessary, major monastic sects will not easily send out warriors to perform missions.

They all stay in the mountain gate to protect the real person and other key figures!

However, no matter how strong the Heavenly Exorcist Warriors are, they are only mortal bodies.

The so-called You have magical powers, I have spears and cannons!

Wu Siyuan casually took out an automatic rifle and jumped them.

So they have nothing to fear from Wu Siyuan!


Wu Siyuan's thoughts were racing in his mind, and he made a decision. He got up, took two followers, rode an ox cart, and headed for Futian County.

Originally he didn't want to bring his entourage, but Li Chengye's father Li Cunyi was worried and insisted on asking Wu Siyuan to take him.

The reason for riding an ox-cart, not a horse-drawn carriage, is because of the current wars in various vassal towns, and horses are strategic materials. Even if the people are wealthy, most of them use ox-carts instead.

It’s just that the bullock cart is not fast and bumpy.

It takes longer.

Wu Siyuan finally arrived at Futian Village in Futian County. uuread a book

Futian County is a medium-sized county within the county.

Futian Village is the furthest village from the county seat.

Because of the Futian River, a small river about half a mile away from the village entrance, it was named Futian Village, with the same name as the county seat.

Tian Ji, a member of the Hidden Sect, and his junior wife lived in this village and opened a private school.

Because he was knowledgeable and looked out, many families sent their young children to him for enlightenment and learning.

Tian Ji selected the outstanding ones and accepted them as his direct disciples, teaching them carefully.

There are three in total.

This is the team Tian Ji created for Qianlong.

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