I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 5 The Secret of the Li Family

Wu Siyuan said slowly, Mr. Tian is proud, I admire you...

When Tian Ji heard this, he thought Wu Siyuan had changed his mind, stopped forcing himself, and felt more relaxed. Who knew that Wu Siyuan said in the second half of the sentence, It's a pity that because of Mr. Tian's move, the Hidden Sect of Shu was implicated. Maybe he said If your pulse sinks, that’s another thing!”

Mr. Tian, ​​if in the future, my Li family gains power and soars into the sky, then there will be no such thing as a hidden door!

Poor Yinmen] invested in my Li family for so long! But in the end, it ended up with an unhappy ending!

Under the punishment of God, can a real person who doesn't know your noble family still survive in the world?

Mr. Tian, ​​you will be an eternal sinner of the Hidden Sect from now on!

Wu Siyuan looked at Tian Ji calmly.

Tian Ji was so frightened that he backed away continuously, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Originally, Yinmen] was so actively investing in Qianlong because he wanted to wait for Qianlong to gain power, unify Shu, become the Queen of Shu, share his luck, and help the sect's industry.

But now, the Dragon Qi is not happy, Qianlong and Yinmen are not of the same mind, let alone sharing the luck. Once Qianlong loses power, under the punishment of God, I am afraid that the real person will be stripped of his immortality and die in pain for seven days. , Yinmen] Other Taoists will also be hit hard.

As for him, a person directly involved in the Hidden Sect, I am afraid that he will inevitably be robbed by weapons, be riddled with sins after death, and will inevitably suffer eternal destruction in the underworld.

Thinking of this, Tian Ji couldn't help but turn pale, and there was a battle between heaven and man in his mind.

Tian Ji's wife, a beautiful middle-aged woman, had a worried face on her face and held her husband's hand tightly.

Wu Siyuan did not force him, but the old god turned around and continued to read the books on the bookshelf.

He turned his back to Tian Ji and said, Confucius said benevolence, Mencius said righteousness. But only when righteousness is fulfilled can benevolence be achieved. Mr. Tian, ​​can you be a commoner without guilt?

Tian Ji's expression became extremely depressed, and he felt that Wu Siyuan seemed to know everything.

He was like a puppet, unable to resist at all.

Tian Ji sighed and finally compromised, Master Li, I can't take out the master's secret book.

However, here, Tian, ​​there is a Taoist book that he got by chance, called Xuan Xin Gui Yuan Jue!

This technique has ten levels in total. If you practice it to the extreme, you can reach the realm of a master.

If given the chance, it is not impossible to break through the realm of master refiner and become a real person!

Tian Ji said, taking out a simple-looking book from his pocket.

Wu Siyuan didn't expect that he would be a personal collector!

After he pondered for a while, he smiled and said, In that case, I would like to thank Mr. Tian for teaching me!

Wu Siyuan took the book from Tian Ji's hand, flipped through it a few times, and then put it in his pocket.

He thought for a moment, then asked his entourage to take out fifty taels of silver and handed it to Tian Ji, This is a little thank you! It's not respect!

Tian Ji didn’t want to accept it.

But Wu Siyuan did not take back his hand.

Tian Ji sighed and then put away the fifty taels of silver.

Wu Siyuan then asked some questions about the cultivation terminology in Xuanxin Guiyuan Jue.

Tian Ji didn't want to say anything at first, but seeing Wu Siyuan's firm eyes, he sighed again and answered Wu Siyuan's questions.

after a while.

Wu Siyuan felt that there was no doubt anymore, so he saluted Tian Ji and said, Thank you Mr. Tian for teaching me.

It's getting late!

I won't disturb Mr. Tian's rest.

Leave now!

After Wu Siyuan was about to leave, Tian Ji couldn't help but said, Mr. Li, this is just a heresy! You were born with great luck and you are going to do a big career. Don't lose the big for the sake of small things! That's all I've said. That’s it…”

Tian Ji felt complicated.

Upon hearing this, Wu Siyuan smiled, nodded, then stood up and left.

The sun is still shining brightly outside the door in the afternoon.

Wu Siyuan got on the bullock cart and followed him on his way.

Before dusk, he successfully returned to the Li Mansion, and was then summoned by the possessed object's father, Li Cunyi, the magistrate of Kaiming County.

Li Cunyi said to Wu Siyuan, This time we attack Changding Town.

It was originally a defeat, but unlike Wang Shoutian, the commander-in-chief's cousin, who contacted the mountain people in the mountains, a strange army emerged. With the help of the mountain people, they counterattacked the enemy's barracks and killed the enemy's commander Chen Xiang.

If it were the original owner Li Chengye, he would inevitably be surprised when he heard the news.

But now the owner of this body is Wu Siyuan.

He didn't change his expression when he heard it, but he secretly thought, has the plot of the novel begun?

Wang Shoutian is the male protagonist of the novel Yi Ding, and later changed his name to Wang Hongyi!

Li Cunyi is quite satisfied with Wu Siyuan's performance. He feels that he is not afraid of honor or disgrace and can be of great use. He thinks that he has trained him well over the years!

He continued, Now that the enemy in Sichuan has been basically destroyed, return to Changding Town! The commander-in-chief rewarded him and handed over the abandoned county Jishui County obtained this time to Wang Shoutian to manage, and appointed him as the eighth-level fruit. Captain Yi, and Captain Diannong from the eighth rank.

The great commander-in-chief is so kind to you!

Li Cunyi couldn't tell whether he was jealous or envious.

Originally, he planned to come to Jishui County to lay the foundation for his son Li Cunyi.

The Li family has big secrets and big ambitions.

At this time, Li Chengye didn’t know it yet, but his father, uu read a book

Li Cunyi knew it well.

Li Chengye's great-grandfather, Li Yu, moved to Shu. At that time, there was no great chaos in the world. He held the position of county magistrate and was an upright official. He was buried in a chosen place after his death.

Seven days after the burial, a Taoist priest came to talk to Li Chengye's grandfather Li Ji, saying that by chance and a coincidence of heaven and earth, the Li family had been buried in the dragon's veins and would become a great nobleman in the future.

It's just that the dragon's veins still need to be driven by heaven, and there must be three generations of hidden dragons!

It's just that dragon energy is precious and cannot be wasted. If you take over the military power in advance, killing will be very costly and will not be good for taking off. Therefore, starting from Li Chengye's grandfather Liu Ji, he concentrated on civil affairs, governing the country, benefiting the people, and accumulating virtue.

Li Cunyi followed.

Three generations of Qianlong, the great-grandfather Li Yu presided over the dragon fortune, which is the first generation. The grandfather Liu Ji turned to civil service and was in charge of politics, which is also the first generation. Li Cunyi is the third generation.

After three generations of hidden dragons, the Li family will become full of dragon energy and soar into the sky.

Therefore, Li Cunyi values ​​​​Li Chengye very much and has always been strict with Li Chengye!

He had already made plans for Jishui County, but now it seems that he has failed in vain.

It seems that the commander-in-chief's preferred heir is Wang Shoutian. Wu Siyuan said casually, not caring about this.

Yeah! Li Cunyi nodded, In this battle, the performance of the Marshal's other two clan relatives was not good. Only Wang Shoutian was a blockbuster! If nothing else, he will be the Marshal's heir!

My son Chengye, you must focus on Wang Shoutian. Li Cunyi ordered.

I know. Wu Siyuan nodded calmly.

Li Cunyi pulled Wu Siyuan and said a few more words before letting him leave and go back to rest.

In Li Chengye's room.

Wu Siyuan was alone, took out the Xuanxin Guiyuan Jue that he had coerced and induced from Tian Ji, and studied it carefully.

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