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Chapter 65: Subduing weakness and exaggerating threats

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During an interview, the cabinet secretary of the Tianzhu authorities suddenly said, It is obviously Western countries, not Tianzhu, that sanctioned [Chaoqun Group]! But it was Tianzhu that was unfairly treated by [Chaoqun Group]. I think this is It shouldn’t be! Tianzhu and Huaguo have the same history of humiliation. They both paid a heavy price for the country to establish national independence. The two countries are neighboring countries and have a long history of historical exchanges. Only by working together can the two countries be mutually beneficial and win-win! Facts On top of that, Tianzhu has always welcomed [Chaoqun Group] to invest...

This cabinet secretary is not an ordinary figure in the Tianzhu authorities.

This is not the female assistant working in a black silk skirt that many veteran drivers have in mind.

His status is very high in the Tianzhu authorities. He is the highest head of the Tianzhu administrative department system. He directly takes orders from the national zongli and is extremely powerful. His functions include: chief adviser to the Tianzhu zognli, connecting the zongli office and different Tianzhu governments. The administrative department connects Tianzhu's elected political system and the non-elected civil service/civil service system. It is in charge of the Cabinet Secretariat and is in charge of Tianzhu's civil service system. It is the No. 1 boss in the civil service system!

You can regard him as the incarnation of Tianzhu zongli's will.

Of course, what a person like him says will not be ignored.

The outside world generally believes that what he said actually means that the Tianzhu authorities are seeking medical treatment in a hurry, and they are submissive and flattering to the [Super Group] with the dignity of a country.

Such behavior even carries a bit of humiliation.

International political commentators, on the one hand, are disdainful of Tianzhu's behavior, and on the other hand, they also express concerns about the influence of the [Super Group].

Today, [Chaoqun Group] can use its influence to block the country of Tianzhu and prevent other mobile phone manufacturers from investing in it.

Tomorrow, [Chaoqun Group] can apply this method to other countries.

[Super Group] This is even more domineering than the beautiful country!

Some radical commentators believe that major mobile phone manufacturers should not be threatened by [Chaoqun Group] and build factories wherever they want. When all mobile phone manufacturers unite, even [Chaoqun Group] must compromise.

This comment is very good, as long as all mobile phone manufacturers can unite.


If this was the case, Wu Siyuan had nothing to do.

Provided that,

All mobile phone manufacturers can unite and not be defeated individually by [Super Group].

The current situation is that Huaguo accounts for three of the top five mobile phone brands in the world!

Such a situation leaves no room for implementation of the commentator's suggestions.

Some political commentators said that [Chaoqun Group] is not an ordinary company. It has already shown very strong political intentions. The better it develops, the greater its oppression of other countries. This can be clearly seen from its [sanctions] on Tianzhu, so the development of [Super Group] must be suppressed. The current sanctions imposed by various countries on [Chaoqun Group]’s [Elephant Weather] and [Smart Fitting Room] are correct, but they are not enough. They should be extended to other businesses of [Chaoqun Group], and [Chaoqun Group] cannot be allowed to It continued to suck blood from overseas, and eventually turned into sharp fangs and bit them.

In fact, there is no need for these political commentators to remind us. Politicians or interest groups in various countries, or rather major countries, have already noticed this.

The abilities displayed by [Super Group] this time really shocked them.

[Chaoqun Group] relies on its unique [artificial intelligence technology] and its strength to hold major mobile phone manufacturers hostage, forcing them to follow its baton.

If [Chaoqun Group] is allowed to continue to develop and strengthen, it is entirely possible for [Chaoqun Group] to completely control this global mobile phone industry chain.

At that time, its influence was even more terrifying.

Currently, the Western countries, led by the Beautiful Country, are already secretly discussing how to contain the [Super Group]!

Of course, what they want to contain is not only [Chaoqun Group], but also Huaguo, who is behind [Chaoqun Group].

Some political commentators began to play up the [Huaguo threat theory] wildly on the Internet!

This is a small trick that Western countries have used for many years.

But it has been to no avail.

But things are different now.

[Chaoqun Group]'s blockade of Tianzhu made them make a big fuss.

Having mastered public opinion, they took advantage of the opportunity to criticize the [Super Group] to exaggerate the [Huaguo Threat]!

The Huaguo threat theory that did not have a big market in the past is now accepted by more Western countries.

Many Western people interviewed expressed their dissatisfaction with the [Chaoqun Group], as well as concerns and even fears about the rise of Huaguo.

Some Western people even called on the government to take measures to deal with this situation in interviews.

They say that we should buy more domestic products and less Huaguo products.

There are no longer a minority of people who hold this view.

This situation makes Huaguozhengfu, who has been paying attention, worried.

Although curbing the development of Tianzhu is in line with China's strategic significance, China does not want to become the focus of conflicts. This will isolate China internationally and affect its future work.

In fact, Huaguozhengfu also sent a commissioner to communicate with Wu Siyuan.

What the above means is that [Super Group] should stop doing things in moderation and not do it to the extreme.

Wu Siyuan hummed slightly, indicating that he understood.

The commissioner with a complicated expression went back to reply.

Wu Siyuan knows that in fact, it is not only foreign forces that are afraid of his [Super Group] now, but also domestic ones!

No matter how good [Super Group]’s performance is!

After all, [Chaoqun Group] is just a private company, just his private company, Wu!

It’s normal for people above to be worried!

In fact, this is also inevitable.

When an economy develops to a certain level, it will have political demands.

The political appeal of Wu Siyuan or [Chaoqun Group] is to enhance his or [Chaoqun Group]'s influence in the world, and then provide him with the resources to travel through time.

As the influence of [Chaoqun Group] increases, the influence of other companies or other organizations will naturally decrease. uuread a book

In this process, entanglements and conflicts of interest will arise.

Whether it is between enterprises and countries, or between countries.

How to properly handle these situations will be a big problem facing Wu Siyuan.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Internationally, major media with obvious political leanings have used this [Tianzhu incident] to continuously exaggerate the [Huaguo threat theory] and [Super Group threat theory]!

And within Tianzhu Kingdom.

The cabinet secretary's remarks also exposed the authorities to attacks from the opposition.

They criticized the authorities for being weak!

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Chapter 65: Admitting weakness and exaggerating the threat theory is free to read.

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