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There is no problem if you ask Thomas, the president of Monsoon Company, to publish an apology in the newspaper.

But if you ask him to pay 50 million US dollars in compensation, you can't even kill him.

[monsoon] The company is now on the verge of bankruptcy. It cannot even get out even 5,000 US dollars, let alone 50 million US dollars.

[Super Group] single-handedly made the country of Tianzhu disgraced and miserable.

Tianzhu's domestic attitude towards the [monsoon] company has also undergone a 180-degree change.

Originally, Monsoon Company was the entrepreneurial star of Tianzhu and was proud of it.

But now, [monsoon] company has become a disaster that they hate most.

In particular, [Elephant Weather] has taken the initiative to shut down weather forecast services in most areas of the world. This has left [monsoon] with no place to copy. It can only use the weather forecast data of the National Meteorological Administration. However, in this way, its weather forecasting service is no longer available. The accuracy of forecast data is not as high as before.

Users are not fools.

They quickly noticed something was fishy.

This confirms the theft of [monsoon] company, even though the Tianzhu court previously ruled in favor of [monsoon] company.

As a result, [monsoon]’s few remaining customers were lost again.

Every day, users criticize the [monsoon] company and Thomas on its official website or social media.

They called Monsoon a company of thieves and Thomas was the most shameless person they had ever seen.

It can be said that the current [monsoon] company and Thomas are in disgrace both domestically and internationally.

Thomas was already lying flat on his back.

Even if a big shot in the Tianzhu Kingdom warned Thomas.

But he just didn't have the money.

You want me to apologize, but you want me to give you $50 million! No!

People in Tianzhu also know the current situation of [monsoon] company.

In fact, they are just showing off.

Just to show [Super Group]!

At the request of the big shot, Thomas numbly published a newspaper in several well-known newspapers in Tianzhu, admitting his previous commercial infringement of stealing [Elephant Weather] and saying that he felt guilty and had stopped the infringement, hoping to get [Superior] Group] one party’s forgiveness.

Thomas' apology was featured prominently in these prominent newspapers.

Honestly, these locations are [valuable]!

But the money was not paid by Thomas.

He was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. He bluntly said that he could not afford it. If he wanted to apologize, he could only find a third-rate tabloid and buy an inconspicuous position as a tofu block.

How is this possible?

The big shots in Tianzhu did not agree to this at first.

They are there for show.

As a last resort, the big shot paid for it and then credited it to Thomas, spending a lot of money to buy important positions in several well-known newspapers.

Thomas doesn't care anymore. He has plenty of debt anyway. He is like a marionette now. Let these big shots do whatever they want!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

after Thomas' apology hit the newspapers.

The Tianzhu authorities mobilized the media and began to report this matter vigorously. In fact, the purpose was to let [Chaoqun Group] see:

Look, what you think is unfair has been answered fairly, so don't mess with us now!

A media person known internationally for his sharp words commented on this matter, Tianzhu is like a dog. It used to show its teeth at others, but after being beaten, it wagged its tail!

The news spread back to Tianzhu.

Although the Tianzhu authorities were angry, they remained calm and did not reply.

Because getting into a quarrel would only make Tianzhu more embarrassed.

What they hope most now is to resolve the [Super Group] incident as soon as possible, instead of getting into a quarrel with an insignificant international media person.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

[Super Group] Do you know about this?

of course I know!

The day the Tianzhu Court made its decision, the other party sent the legal judgment to [Chaoqun Group].

Then it was thrown into the trash can before it was delivered to Huang Yuping.

When the country of Tianzhu vigorously mobilized the media to publicize this incident, the news spread back to the country as quickly as possible and caused waves.

The people in the country were very relieved after seeing this, and then they all looked at [Chaoqun Group] to see [Chaoqun Group]'s next reaction!

[Chaoqun Group] did not respond at all, but was slowly shrinking and reorganizing its business.

No reaction is the greatest reaction!

The Tianzhu authorities, who were waiting eagerly, felt a little cold, wondering if [Chaoqun Group] had not seen their [sincerity], so someone forced Thomas to pay $50 million to compensate [Chaoqun Group].

Even if you kill Thomas, you won’t get $50 million!

Thomas said that he only has [monsoon] company now, and he can use this company to pay off debts! But not a penny.

What a beautiful thought!

Tianzhu officials actually considered offering [Monsoon] company 50 million U.S. dollars as compensation to [Chaoqun Group].

But now [monsoon] company is in a mess.

Doing this will only offend [Super Group] even more!

After thinking about it, I still don’t dare to do it!

But [Chaoqun Group] must pay back the US$50 million, so that [Chaoqun Group] can see their sincerity and have room for negotiation!

But Thomas really has no money!

It's even more difficult to get the officials to pay.

So after a quarrel, Thomas' personal property was mortgaged, and he was forced to sign a $50 million debt.

A certain big shot took out the money with his white gloves and transferred the money into the international business account of [Chaoqun Group]. He also sent a special notice to [Chaoqun Group] - the money was given and the sincerity was also shown. We can have a good talk. Let’s talk.


[Chaoqun Group] has collected the money.

However, [Chaoqun Group] has no intention of contacting and negotiating with Tianzhu.

Even if the Tianzhu authorities go through official channels, [Chaoqun Group] refuses to talk.

And those mobile phone manufacturers, seeing how tough [Chaoqun Group] is, have taken more and more actions.

[Rice Company] stated that it will invest 1 billion yuan to build a factory in Annan. uuread a book

[Apple] also stated that it would stop building its supply chain in Tianzhu and look for more suitable countries around the world.

Many domestic mobile phone supporting factories in Tianzhu have applied to the local government to close their factories - of course, these applications have been rejected by the local government.

………………………………………………………… .....................................

The Tianzhu authorities are now in a state of confusion, and they hate the [Chaoqun Group] to the core!

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