I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 1 Time Travel and Time Travel

Wu Siyuan was in splitting pain. He woke up on the bed in an antique room. Looking around, he saw all the primitive things and no modern equipment. He vaguely knew in his heart that he had traveled to an ancient world this time.

I just don’t know why, but after this time travel, my mind was like a lake of jelly, extremely chaotic, and various mixed memory fragments flashed from time to time, which made his nerves ache!

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing loose ancient robes came quickly to him, with a worried look on his face, and said, Chengye, my son, are you feeling better? You suddenly fainted at home yesterday...

Chengye? Fainted? When Wu Siyuan heard this, he felt a little familiar. Suddenly, there was a blur of light and shadow in front of his eyes. Just as he was about to do something, he fainted.

The middle-aged man was frightened and frightened, and shouted quickly, Please call the doctor! Please call the doctor quickly.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

One day later, Wu Siyuan regained consciousness.

With a slightly pale face, he stood beside the bed and remained silent.

He had indeed traveled to an ancient world, but it was not the historical dynasty he remembered, but an imaginary dynasty.

At the end of the dynasty, social conflicts were acute, the people were in dire straits, the imperial court's control over local areas was greatly reduced, and warlords, no, I should say vassals, were rising everywhere, attacking each other, creating a scene of chaos.

The previous middle-aged man was Wu Siyuan's father who had traveled through the physical body. His name was Li Cunyi, and he was the magistrate of Kaiming County, Wenyang County, Sichuan Province.

The county magistrate is Bailihou!

The Li family is considered a wealthy family in Wenyang County.

The physical body Wu Siyuan traveled through was named Li Chengye.

After Wu Siyuan inherited Li Chengye's memory, he saw some familiar names and remembered them all at once - this is the world of [Yi Ding]!

In the original world of the novel, Li Chengye rebelled and wanted to usurp the foundation of the feudal town, but was besieged by Wang Hongyi, the hero who traveled from time to time and had the memory of two lives, and eventually committed suicide.

Of course, Wu Siyuan has also traveled through time. He doesn't want to die so cowardly, which will naturally change Li Chengye's ending.

But that's not the point.

In fact, the nameless ring initially took him through not this world of [Yi Ding], but the world of [The Immortal Path of Thieves].

As a result, when the nameless ring took possession of him, he encountered the golden finger [Plum Blossom Root] of the hero of The Legend of the Immortal to fight back, and finally came to this world in a roundabout way.

This is why!

As soon as Wu Siyuan traveled through time and regained consciousness, he would feel such a headache.

Because too many memory fragments were crammed into his mind, it was very confusing.

There are memories of Li Chengye for more than 20 years.

There are some memories of Fei Ziyun, the male protagonist in the world of Stealing Heaven and Immortal Path.

and Wu Siyuan’s own extremely complex memory.

So many memories mixed together.

It took Wu Siyuan, who had extraordinary mental power, a lot of time to sort it out.

Of course, there are some gains.

Li Chengye's memory was not much, and it did not help Wu Siyuan much. It mainly contained knowledge about the geography and various forces in the world of [Yi Ding].

What is of research value to Wu Siyuan is Fei Ziyun's memory in the world of The Immortal Path to Stealing Heaven.

Wu Siyuan didn't get many memories.

There are only a few parts, and they all focus on the experience of the first world Fei Ziyun traveled through.

The power system of that world is very similar to the world where Wu Siyuan lives, that is, the world of [Yi Ding].

However, the power system of the world of [Pirates of Heaven] is obviously stronger than that of the world of [Yi Ding].

[Yi Ding] There are cultivators in the world, and they are divided into six levels according to their realm: mage, high-gong, preceptor, alchemist, real person, and national master.

The level of national preceptor is quite special, it is a real person who has been canonized by the country!

Just because he has great righteousness, he can absorb the luck of the court and mobilize the luck of the court, so his power is beyond that of ordinary real people.

But essentially, there is no difference.

In Wu Siyuan's view, the realm of real people in the world of [Yi Ding] is actually the level of Yin Shen in the world of [Stealing Heaven and Immortal Path].

[The Immortal Path of Stealing Heaven] Cultivators in the world are divided into four major realms: Qi Refining, Yin Shen, Earth Immortal, and True Immortal. Each realm is divided into ten levels.

After the tenth level of Qi refining, you can break open the Heavenly Gate and become a Yin God.

The Yin God can swim into the underworld at night and has incredible power. It can have a life span of 120 years and a Yin life of 1,200 years.

After reaching the tenth level of Yin Shen, he became an Earth Immortal.

Earth Immortals have a lifespan of two to three hundred years and can be reincarnated three times without suffering from the mystery of the womb.

True immortals are immortal!

But before the Earthly Immortal, whether it was a real person in the [Yi Ding] world or a Yin Shen in the [Stealing Heavenly Immortal Path] world, they would be severely restricted in the face of the human master's dragon energy.

In the face of the master's destiny, mana will be blocked.

A real person who has become a Yin Shen is no different from an ordinary person. A few armored soldiers can easily kill him.

This is the truth that the law does not harm noble people!

To put it bluntly, for those who have not become immortals, magic is just the use of spiritual power to leverage the power of nature. It can be said to be an illusion.

But after becoming an Earth Immortal, things are different.

In the world of [Stealing Heaven and Immortal Path], one of the most basic conditions for becoming an Earth Immortal is to own a piece of blessed land.

There is wisdom and spiritual energy in the blessed land.

With the help of the aura of the blessed land, practitioners of the tenth level of Yin Shen have the chance to become earth immortals.

However, the aura of blessed land is limited, so the number of earthly immortals in the world of [Stealing Heaven Immortal Path] is also very rare.

In fact, when it comes to the root cause, it comes from the suppression of the world.

In other words, the spiritual energy of the world is thin.

[The Immortal Path of Stealing Heaven] The world is a little better, and it still has a little spiritual energy.

But in the world of [Yi Ding], the spiritual energy is really extremely thin.

After Wu Siyuan woke up, he discovered this situation. The spiritual energy in the world of [Yi Ding] is comparable to that of the real world, but it is better than the real world.

Because the real world is a truly magical place.

Perhaps because of the extremely thin spiritual energy and the needs of the cultivation system, Wu Siyuan discovered that cultivators in these two worlds relied heavily on dynasty luck.

Obtain cultivation qualifications by absorbing luck.

Whenever times are troubled, these cultivators and cultivating sects will be ready to take action and choose to join the world and fight for the dragon.

Because after the dragon fight is successful, the dragon energy will be fixed in the cauldron, which can immediately improve the realm of these cultivators. It is not a problem to become a real person, but it is also related to their future cultivation.


The body possessed by Wu Siyuan, Li Chengye, also has cause and effect. His ancestors were buried in the dragon's cave. The dragon's energy flourished for three generations and finally appeared in his generation. Now it is recognized by a monastic sect called Yinmen in Shu. It's Qianlong, and it has been invested early.

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