I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 63 The absent [Chaoqun Group] won the lawsuit

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The laws of various countries have similar provisions:

[If the plaintiff refuses to appear in court without justifiable reasons after being summoned, or if he leaves the court midway without permission from the court, the lawsuit may be dismissed; if the defendant counterclaims, a default judgment may be made. 】

But even so.

The top judge in New Delhi looked righteous. After re-examining the evidence provided by [Elephant Weather], he quickly made a new judgment:

[monsoon] The company has misappropriated [Elephant Weather] data, and the nature is serious. [monsoon] The company must not continue to misappropriate [Elephant Weather] commercial data. It needs to publish an apology in the newspaper and pay 50 million U.S. dollars in compensation. All legal costs.


The plaintiff's bench belonging to the [Chaoqun Group] was empty except for the prosecution lawyer assigned by Tianzhu Kingdom.

Anyway, in this situation, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Sitting in the dock, the neatly dressed president of Monsoon Company looked numb.

The judgment to stop stealing commercial data from [Elephant Weather] is nothing. [Elephant Weather] has shut down weather forecasts in most areas of the world. Even if he wants to steal it, he has no choice but to do so unless he can hack into it. [Super Group]'s server.

But if Thomas had this ability, he wouldn’t have to come out to do this [piracy entrepreneurship]!

Thomas had a good idea at first.

Isn’t it just stealing the weather forecast data from [Elephant Weather]?

Even if [Elephant Weather] knew that he was in the country of Tianzhu where local protection was serious, what could [Elephant Weather], an outsider, do to him?

In the end, there was nothing we could do!

How can the world's most powerful pharmaceutical giants take advantage of Tianzhu's generic drug industry?

Why don't you hold your nose and admit it!

Speaking of Tianzhu’s generic drug industry…

Tianzhu's generic drug industry is famous all over the world, known as the pharmacy of the world!

Generic drugs refer to cheaper versions of brand-name drugs that are legally copied after the patent has expired—well,

Under normal circumstances.

But in fact, in Tianzhu, even brand-name drugs that are under patent protection will be copied.

The reason why Tianzhu's pharmaceutical companies are so domineering is because of a law introduced by the Tianzhu government in 1970 - the Tianzhu Patent Law.

The patent law makes it legal to copy an existing molecule, as long as the production process is different.

Drugs are made up of molecules. Tianzhu’s new patent law is equivalent to announcing to the country’s scientists: As long as you flexibly change some production steps, it will not be an infringement and you can imitate any drug in the world at will.

If I go to court in Tianzhu, I won’t be able to sue you!

This is the traditional art of Tianzhu.

The injustice suffered by [Chaoqun Group] in the past when its business data was stolen was not because it was specifically targeted at a Chinese company, but because Tianzhu was indiscriminately attacking global companies.

The Tianzhu government calls this [compulsory patent opening].

In fact, to put it bluntly, I don’t recognize your patent rights!

Brand-name drugs that lost patent protection were forced to a dead end in Tianzhu, and they had to be launched into the Tianzhu market with no choice but to curse.

In 1981, Tianzhu's Zongli also gave a speech at the WHO conference and said: The world with good order in my mind is a world where medical discoveries are not protected by patents. In that world, no one can rely on life and death. Profiteering.”

This sentence is very well said!

Very noble!

But if medical patents are not protected by patents and practitioners cannot make profits, then there will be a problem. If there is no capital to enter this industry, then not so many drugs will be developed.

There are no new drugs, so Tianzhu’s generic drugs can only be copied alone!

And those diseases that have always existed, or even newly developed diseases, can only exist there forever, like a big mountain, towering and motionless.

Cheap generic drugs not only bring hope of health to the poor, but also severely dampen the enthusiasm of brand pharmaceutical companies for research and development.

And it is difficult for a patient to survive by taking one drug for life.

Due to the pollution of rivers and lakes caused by pharmaceutical companies during the pharmaceutical process, as well as the abuse of antibiotics by humans, especially the use of low-quality generic drugs with insufficient active ingredients, it is possible that a new generation of pathogens will evolve the ability to resist drugs. Even taking 100% pure brand-name medicines is no longer effective. This is the legendary drug resistance.

Once the human body becomes drug-resistant, it means that new drugs must be introduced to maintain treatment. Therefore, this depends on the R\u0026D capabilities of brand-name pharmaceutical companies.

Of course, pharmaceutical companies in Tianzhu will not consider this issue, they will only care about making money! Make money in the name of benefiting the poor people!

Tianzhu people have always had this kind of conduct.

You say that the people in your country are poor and have many diseases. They cannot afford expensive brand-name drugs from abroad and can only get pirated generic drugs.

Although everyone cursed on their lips, they understood in their hearts.

After all, you can't just watch others die, right?

But your behavior of being a bitch and erecting a chastity memorial is very disgusting, especially when these words come from the mouth of a country's zongli!

In addition, since you have made a generic drug, the cost is very low, or there is no cost (the original drug requires pharmaceutical companies to invest hundreds of millions of dollars, or even billions of dollars, and it will take this year or even more than ten years to develop it. The cost is very high, and for generic drugs, just buy some equipment and hire a few workers), then you should be guaranteed in terms of hygiene and efficacy. This is a responsible attitude, and the business can last long... Although This sounds ironic.


how to say?

You cannot use the mind of an East Asian to understand the thoughts of a South Asian.

In 2004, the South African government commissioned the WHO to inspect the laboratory of a Tianzhu pharmaceutical factory and discovered a shocking incident of fraud.

This is a generic drug intended to be sold to the South African government for the treatment of severe AIDS patients.

As a result, during the investigation, it was discovered that the patients so-called recruited by the laboratory for human trials did not exist at all, and all the test data were fabricated out of thin air.

That is to say, whether this thing has any curative effect does not require experiments, just rely on your mouth.

After many years of undercover visits, an investigative reporter from Tianzhu discovered that in order to maximize profits, some pharmaceutical companies in Tianzhu adopted a dual-track model in the production and sales of drugs, which means that high-quality drugs are sold to regulatory agencies in Europe and the United States. Products from relatively strict countries with poor quality are sent to countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America with looser regulations.

How bad is the quality? Some medicines even have no effect at all and can only be regarded as [non-toxic food]!

This is actually pretty good, but there are also some weird things mixed into the medicine, such as broken glass, bugs...

Buying these generic drugs is like opening a blind box, which is a terrible thing.

In short, if you are unfortunate enough to buy this kind of generic drug, it will be like opening a blind box. Whether it will be effective depends on luck. If you are not lucky, you may even lose your life...

In 2013, a boy in Uganda who contracted meningitis died after being injected with ceftriaxone produced in Tianzhu, uu reading

Later, after investigation, it was found that the active ingredients of this generic drug were less than half of the standard, and the effect was basically zero!

In fact, not only are there a large number of generic drugs in Tianzhu, China is also a big country of generic drugs!

According to a 2018 statistical data, brand-name drugs account for only 9% of the prescription drug market share in China, while generic drugs account for as high as 63%. Well, proprietary Chinese medicines do not count!

Of course, China is relatively more disciplined, and generic drugs are generally drugs that have undergone a twenty-year patent protection period.

Just like [Baiyunshan]’s [Jin Ge] imitated [Viagra]!

Originally [Baiyunshan] hoped that this generic drug would bring a lot of profits to its company, but now it is being defeated by the proprietary Chinese medicine [Tiangang] launched by [Chaoqun Group] on the market! But that’s a story for another day.

In the field of medicine, transforming from a large pharmaceutical country to a powerful pharmaceutical country is the direction of future development!

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Chapter 63: The absent [Super Group] won the lawsuit (this chapter is relatively weak). Read it for free.

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