If Tianzhu is turned into a dumping market for Chinese mobile phone companies, that is, mobile phone parts are shipped from China, assembled in Tianzhu, and then sold with the label Made in Tianzhu.

Wu Siyuan has no objection.

Just like now, the beautiful country wants to achieve the same goal in the chip field.

The beautiful country has always wanted to move the entire chip manufacturing process back to China and turn China into a chip consumer market.

This can firmly control the position at the top of the industrial chain, so as to continue to obtain high profits and restrict China more conveniently.

But just as the beautiful country is doing everything possible to prevent chip production plants with advanced processes from landing in China, Wu Siyuan does not want domestic mobile phone manufacturers to support Tianzhu's mobile phone industry chain.

In the past, [Super Group] did not have this influence.

Yes, although [Chaoqun Group] developed very well in the past, it was mainly in agriculture, animal husbandry and retail.

Even though [Chaoqun Group] launched the [Audition] project as a software product, the main impact was on e-commerce platforms and clothing companies.

For manufacturers in industries such as mobile phones, [Chaoqun Group] can have business communication and dealings with them, but [Chaoqun Group] cannot do it if they want them to be obedient.

But all this changed after [Chaoqun Group] acquired [Warwick]'s [Honor Full Series Business], integrated it into [Wushi Smart Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd.], and launched [Dasheng Mobile]. .

Although [Monkey King Mobile] has sold less than 10 million units so far, this is mainly due to the lack of chips. Once the supply of mobile phone chips can be stabilized, the sales of [Monkey King Mobile] will skyrocket.

The main reason is that the [artificial intelligence technology] equipped on [Monkey King Mobile] has become famous all over the country, oh, no, around the world.

There are many mobile phone enthusiasts in the world who want to buy a [Monkey Mobile].

The fanatical attitude is even worse than that of the [Apple iPhone] back then.

Coupled with the [chip stacking technology] of [Monkey King Mobile], it can use 28nm chips to stack into the performance of 3/4nm chips, which makes [Monkey King Mobile] not affected by international forces.

Basically, domestic mobile phone manufacturers and equipment suppliers have a judgment in their minds, that is, they believe that [Monkey King Mobile] will replace [Apple Mobile] and dominate the global high-end mobile phone market - if [Apple Mobile] cannot be in [ If [artificial intelligence technology] catches up, it would be wishful thinking for [Apple] to earn more than 60% of the profits of the mobile phone industry as it did in the past.

In fact, since [Monkey King Mobile] attracted global attention, the sales of [Apple mobile phones] have slowed down significantly, and [Apple Company] has already felt the chill.

What makes them feel painful is that the technology of [Dasheng Mobile] is just like the company that created them [Chaoqun Group], stinky and hard. [Apple] has obtained hundreds of [Dasheng Mobile Phones] through some channels. Mobile phone] was handed over to the company's scientific research department for cracking research, but unfortunately, nothing has been found so far.

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[Chaoqun Group]’s restriction order is not aimed at terminal mobile phone manufacturers such as [Rice], but at the parts and electronic component suppliers of these mobile phone manufacturers.

There are hundreds of electronic components in a mobile phone. Although it is not as large as that of cars and airplanes, it should not be underestimated. There are dozens of manufacturers involved behind it.

[Chaoqun Group] told these equipment suppliers that they would either close their factories in Tianzhu within a year, or they would be permanently listed as non-cooperators by [Dasheng Mobile].

These mobile phone equipment suppliers are really crying.

In the early years, in order to open up the Tianzhu market and better do business in the Tianzhu market, [Dami Mobile] used orders to force these mobile phone equipment suppliers to go to Tianzhu market to open factories with [Dami Mobile].

At the beginning, [Dami Mobile]'s tactics were tough. If you don't agree with it, then I won't place an order.

At that time, [Dami Mobile Phones] received orders for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of mobile phones a year, which was difficult for them to give up.

In addition, the Tianzhu market is attractive enough. After [Dami Mobile] guaranteed sufficient orders every year, these mobile phone equipment suppliers collectively went overseas and went to the Tianzhu market.

However, the business environment in the Tianzhu market was complicated after all, and companies going overseas at that time were in trouble.

The key supplier of [Dami Mobile] [Helitai] is an electronic component manufacturer and supplier of many mobile phone brands around the world. It is a company that produces camera modules, thin film transistors (tft), capacitive touch screen modules (ctp), flexible Companies that manufacture key mobile phone components such as printed circuits (FPCs) and fingerprint sensors.

It was reported on August 6, 2018 that [Holitai] signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the government of Andhra Pradesh in southern India, planning to build a 75-hectare mobile phone parts production site in Tirupati Town, Andhra Pradesh. factory.

But little news has been disclosed since then.

Until April 9, 2019, Jiwei.com released a report stating that [Helitai] had officially terminated its plan to invest and build a factory in Tianzhu due to issues such as cooperation with the local government.

Although Helitai issued a rumor-refuting announcement on the same day, denying the above-mentioned reports of terminating Tianzhu investment, it confirmed that it had changed the location of the factory from the original Andhra Pradesh to the planned factory in Uttar Pradesh.

Although [He Litai] gave an explanation, this action can also show how ugly the Tianzhu local government is.

If you want to kill a pig, you must at least trick the pig into it.

Well now, the pig has already been sharpening its knife before it comes in.

That is to say, the potential of the Tianzhu market and the requirements of customers make [Helitai] unable to give up the Tianzhu market.

Otherwise, it would really be walking with a bucket.

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These mobile phone equipment suppliers finally made good deals with the demons and monsters of Tianzhu, and invested a lot of money to build factories, debug production lines, recruit workers, and enter the operation stage. When they are ready to harvest the results, [Chaoqun Group] comes here again One move was a huge blow to them.

If we really follow the requirements of [Chaoqun Group] and close the production line, then the initial investment will be completely in vain.

The loss is huge.

These mobile phone equipment electronics manufacturers have a million reluctances in their hearts.



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