Although [Chaoqun Group] has not disclosed its countermeasures to the outside world, there is no airtight wall in this world.

Following the actions of [Chaoqun Group], relevant news soon became available on the market.

It turns out that [Chaoqun Group] has issued ultimatums to domestic companies that cooperate with it.

If you want to continue to cooperate with [Chaoqun Group], then you will not be allowed to invest in Tianzhu.

If you have invested in Tianzhu, you must withdraw within one year.

Otherwise, [Chaoqun Group] will choose to terminate cooperation or suspend cooperation depending on the situation.

In fact, the news on the market is not true.

To be precise, this news is only partially correct.

[Chaoqun Group] has given domestic companies an ultimatum of [choose one from two], well, just like what e-commerce platforms do to those companies.

However, [Chaoqun Group] is targeted and only issues a [choose one from two] ultimatum to domestic electronic components and other relatively high-tech companies.

Yes, to put it in layman’s terms, [Chaoqun Group] is attacking the mobile phone industry’s investment in Tianzhu.

Since 2014, domestic mobile phone companies have begun to launch overseas, and Tianzhu is a key international market they have chosen.

The reason for doing this is on the one hand to respond to the country's Going Global Strategy, and on the other hand because the domestic mobile phone market is fiercely competitive and has turned the blue ocean into the red ocean, from an incremental market to a stock market.

What does that mean?

The incremental market is that last year there were 100 million mobile phone sales, and this year there are 200 million mobile phone sales. The market will increase by 100 million mobile phone sales, which will allow mobile phone companies to live very well.

However, last year the sales volume of mobile phones was one billion units, and this year it is still one billion units, or even dropped to 900 million units. As a result, mobile phone companies will be under great pressure. If they want to grow, they will have to spend more energy. Go grab food from other mobile phone companies.

Because the pressure of capital will force companies to continue to expand, otherwise the company will not die, but will slowly decline.

At that time, [Sohu], [Sina], and [Yahoo] were at their peak.

But now is the era of [Penguin] and [Ari], and [Yahoo] has no sense of existence at all.

Therefore, if an enterprise wants to survive, it must continue to expand and grow, which is determined by its endogenous power.

However, if mobile phone companies like these want to continue to grow, in addition to grabbing the shares of other mobile phone companies, the other is to open up the international market.

Tianzhu, with more than one billion people, is an extremely vast market, which has immediately attracted the attention of domestic mobile phone companies that have established themselves.

Among them, [rice mobile phone] is positive.

Because [Dami mobile phones] focus on cost-effectiveness, and Tianzhu’s GDP is not high, which means that per capita income is low, and the pursuit of products is high quality and low price, and [Dami]’s [Redmi mobile phone series] perfectly fits this market.

[Dami Mobile] can be said to attach great importance to the Tianzhu market and invest heavily.

In 2014, [Rice] entered the Tianzhu market. In October of the same year, [Rice] sales in Tianzhu exceeded 500,000 units.

In 2015, [Rice] held its first large-scale overseas press conference in New Delhi, the capital of India, and released [Rice 4i] priced at 12,999 rubles.

In March 2016, [Dami] launched [Redmi 3] in the Tianzhu market. This mobile phone detonated the Tianzhu market. As of September of that year, [Redmi 3] had sold a total of 2.3 million units, with an average of 7 One sold in seconds.

In December of the same year, [Rice]’s share in Tianzhu increased to 10.7%, ranking second in market share, with revenue of US$1 billion, making it profitable for the first time in Tianzhu.

By the fourth quarter of 2017, [Rice] ranked first in sales volume in Tianzhu for the first time.

In 2018, [Rice] Tianzhu ranked first in market share, with annual shipments reaching 41 million units and revenue of nearly 22.97 billion yuan.

In the third quarter of 2019, [Dami] sold 12.6 million mobile phones in Tianzhu. During the same period, it sold only 9.7 million mobile phones domestically.

This also means that Tianzhu has become the largest single market in the world for [rice].

The market in Tianzhu is becoming more and more important to [rice mobile phone], so the investment is getting bigger and bigger.

And other domestic mobile phone manufacturers, after seeing [Dami]'s performance, also went overseas to fight against Tianzhu!

Correspondingly, Tianzhu has increasingly higher requirements for these cross-sea companies.

Tianzhu proposed [Made in Tianzhu], and through tariffs, these mobile phone manufacturers were forced to copy their supporting industries to Tianzhu.

This is actually helping Tianzhu to establish relevant industrial chains, just like what China did back then.

Everyone knows it.

Whether it is Tianzhu or the manufacturers that invested in it.

Both Tianzhu and Hua use their huge markets as bait, like a poisonous apple that you have to eat.

If you don't eat, you will starve to death.

But if you eat it, you won’t die so quickly, and maybe you won’t die at all.

If you are an enterprise, it is easy to make the same choice as mobile phone manufacturers.

From a business perspective, this is understandable.

After all, I need to develop, otherwise I will fall behind, and under the Matthew Effect, I will become increasingly marginalized.

But from a higher perspective, especially when China and Tianzhu have historical conflicts, and Tianzhu is still very hostile to China, this kind of behavior of helping Tianzhu establish related industrial chains is [capitalizing the enemy] 】.

But capital takes desperate risks for the sake of profit, and when it gets ruthless, it will even sell the rope that hangs itself, let alone just capitalize the enemy!

Wu Siyuan believes that it is just his personal opinion that at the national level, he does not want domestic companies to go to Tianzhu to help them establish industrial chains, and finally compete with themselves.

It’s just that I can’t say this.

Wu Siyuan admitted that he had gone beyond the category of ordinary capitalists, and [Chaoqun Group] also had enough influence to stop or delay this kind of industrial chain transfer.

Of course, Wu Siyuan also has other thoughts of his own.

He has recently discovered that his efficiency in gaining influence is getting slower and slower.

Obviously he has done a lot of things, and he even did not hesitate to provide the country with a complete set of environmentally friendly treatment technologies with [binary structure graphene film technology] as the core. It stands to reason that the influence energy gained should not be too little.

But in fact, Wu Siyuan found that the influence energy he finally gained could not achieve the results he envisioned.

This is not okay.

The energy of influence is closely related to his journey through time.

Therefore, Wu Siyuan had to change his past methods and think of other methods to see if he could improve the efficiency of harvesting influence energy.

This theft incident was actually [fire] used by Wu Siyuan to make excuses.

He has already made a plan to make this fire burn more and more fiercely and cause more trouble!

Therefore, even if Tianzhu had plans to reduce the heat, Wu Siyuan would not let it go.



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