These mobile phone equipment electronics manufacturers have a million reluctances in their hearts.

For a time, many executives from mobile phone and electronic equipment manufacturers came to the headquarters of Chaoqun Group. They wanted to persuade Wu Siyuan to temporarily abandon the restraining order.

Of course, they didn't even see Wu Siyuan in person, and Huang Yuping only came out to see them once. Then they were all received by Yao Dong, the person in charge of Dasheng Mobile, the president of Wushi Smart Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd.

However, Yao Dong received not only his group of distinguished guests, but also mobile phone accessories manufacturers who had sensed business opportunities and came in droves.

The strength of these mobile phone kit manufacturers is not as good as those of their counterparts who went to Tianzhu to build factories, but they have luckily avoided the restrictions of Chaoqun Group.

Those mobile phone accessories manufacturers that built factories in Tianzhu were in a difficult situation, but they saw an opportunity.

If they can't abandon the factory in Tianzhu and can't get orders from Chaoqun Group, isn't their opportunity coming?

Crisis is like this.

Your danger is someone else's opportunity.

Yao Dong also brought these two groups of people together in a wicked way, in order to tell the mobile phone accessories manufacturers who were building factories in Tianzhu - stop playing tricks with me to put pressure on each other. No one is irreplaceable. If that doesn't work, I'll replace you. There are a lot of people queuing up!

These people all heard the implication of Yao Dong's words. In the end, the discussion was fruitless. With a heavy heart, they returned to their own company for emergency negotiations.

Should I go or stay?

Not only these mobile phone supporting manufacturers came to visit, but in fact, executives from Rice Phone and other mobile phone manufacturers that have invested heavily in the Tianzhu market also visited Chaoqun Group.

They have the same purpose as these mobile phone accessories manufacturers, which is to persuade Chaoqun Group not to implement this restriction order.

After all, these parts supporting mobile phone manufacturers not only affect the profits of these mobile phone manufacturers, but also affect their after-sales service.

They told Yao Dong that the Tianzhu market is now a hot spot in the world. Even if Chaoqun Group restricts the investment of domestic manufacturers, foreign mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung and Apple will continue to invest in it.

Because the Tianzhu market is the future.

Chaoqun Group] will not only fail to prevent the rise of Tianzhu, but will also make domestic mobile phone manufacturers fall behind in global competition.

What they said makes perfect sense.

But it's no use!

Yao Dong's reply to them was just one sentence. Dong Wu was very angry about the thieves and bullies in Tianzhu, and no one could persuade him to do anything.

Yao Dong suddenly paused, with a meaningful expression on his face, and then said, do you think Chaoqun Group's restriction order will only target domestic manufacturers?

The faces of the executives of the mobile phone manufacturers who attended the meeting changed. They wanted to ask Yao Dong carefully what he meant, but Yao Dong kept silent.

If anyone can stop Wu Siyuan from taking back this restriction, then it is only the state.

However, during this turmoil, the national level, apart from expressing its respect for the development of market economy, has remained strangely quiet.

This kind of quiet attitude has a different flavor in the eyes of caring people.

However, the country remained silent, but internationally, it caused a stir.

As mentioned before, Wu Siyuan took the initiative to provoke this matter, but the hyenas who smelled the opportunity also followed behind.

These hyenas are the international capital and yt capital of beautiful countries.

They have long been salivating over superior groups.

It's rare for a superior group to reveal a flaw, and of course they won't let this opportunity go.

After the news came out that Chaoqun Group used its influence to force mobile phone equipment manufacturers in China to choose one of the two, these beautiful countries and yt capital, which control international public opinion, frantically smeared Chaoqun Group in the media and shaped it. It has become a bully group that arbitrarily uses its own power to infringe on the rights of developing countries.

They wrote this headline in the media:

Tianzhu is not a pile of shit,

The superior group is! 】

I see naked authoritarianism in the super group! 】

How long are we going to have to put up with this group of bullies? 】

Developing countries should also have the right to develop! 】


For more than ten days in a row.

Almost the entire international headlines are contracted by Chaoqun Group.

Chaoqun Group] has been blackened to the red.

If Chaoqun Group initially announced technological upgrades to Elephant Weather and adopted anti-theft measures, this approach was understandable and acceptable to the people at home and abroad.

After all, if your home is robbed by a thief, everyone would take it for granted to install a fence on your home.

But Chaoqun Group is now using its influence to restrict companies from investing in Tianzhu, even though it is only the size of China.

This kind of behavior is actually hegemonic in nature, similar to what beautiful countries often do.

After being smeared by international public opinion, the vast majority of the international public cannot accept this matter even more, and have joined in the condemnation of Chaoqun Group, uu read books

Claiming to boycott the Chaoqun Group].

The Magic Flute of Tianzhu also smelled something else in this storm rhythm.

He also stood up and criticized Chaoqun Group in the media. He said that Chaoqun Group is an excellent company, created by countless outstanding talents, not Wu Siyuan alone.

When a founder is unable to lead the group to continue development, a smart founder should know how to give up his position to a better professional manager.

Magic Flute once again boasted about its market in Tianzhu, and finally said that Tianzhu welcomes investment from any company in the world, including Chaoqun Group, but only if there is no Wu Siyuan's Chaoqun Group!

Meili Guo Capital and YT Capital, who were hiding behind this vortex of the storm, saw that the Magic Flute was very smart and helped them put the flames of war into the hands of Wu Siyuan, the founder and powerful controller, without having to take action themselves. This way the marks won't be so obvious.

So I gave him a peach and repaid him with a plum].

The public opinion under the control of these capitals praised Tianzhu's market and praised Tianzhu as the largest democratic country on earth. There is a smell of freedom in the air. Well, when the Magic Flute was only in power at the local level, it was because of condoning the Tianzhu religion. The people are fighting to kill the Catholic people, but they are called butchers by the West, and they are also on the entry restriction list of beautiful countries. The result is now...,

While criticizing Wu Siyuan, he believed that he and Huang Yuping, the president of Chaoqun Group, were no longer suitable to be managers of Chaoqun Group.

When a company with widespread global influence is controlled by the wrong person, it will bring disaster to the world. The founder should withdraw from the stage and hand over power to the right people. Only in this way can the company Go to the top.”

So say these international media outlets.

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