I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 40 International Litigation and Conspiracy

The officials in Tianzhu who were responsible for the [Snow Banana] trade with the [Chaoqun Group] were very happy at first.

As a result, after [Chaoqun Group] received the order amount after the price increase, [Chaoqun Group] did not give him a kickback.

He ran to ask angrily.

[Chaoqun Group] responded rudely and said that this is the normal selling price and there is no money. If you feel unhappy, you can expose this matter!

Does that Tianzhu official dare to explode?

He doesn't dare!

So Tianzhu enjoys the unique treatment of getting [Snow Bananas] 10% less at a price that is 20% higher than the average selling price of [Snow Bananas], and the other party took the initiative to raise the price.

[Chaoqun Group] is naturally grateful here.

But what makes [Chaoqun Group] strange is that Tianzhu’s premium is not a secret internationally, but that official has always been fine! Instead, he was often praised in the country for purchasing the [Snow Banana] that was in urgent need in the country.

[Super Group] This side is convinced, this is a magical country!

But having said that, the official in charge of [Snow Banana] trade is fine, but the relationship between [Super Group] and Tianzhu Country is very bad.

Once there is a chance to disgust [Super Group], they will never hesitate.

Like this [monsoon incident], there must be someone from Tianzhu behind it.

It is really not easy for [Chaoqun Group] to collect evidence from within Tianzhu Kingdom.

So there was nothing we could do.

[Elephant Weather] had no choice but to invite [Four-Armed King Kong] to add some new functions on the basis of the original system. Functions specifically designed to target plagiarism programs that [copy] elephant weather data on the market. .

It is not that these programs are prohibited from copying [Elephant Weather], but that the original data information is distorted during the copying process.

For example, originally during this time period, [Elephant Weather] predicted heavy rain, so when the software copied it, the information displayed was the sunny day, and the other party would only copy the information of the [sunny day].

During this process, [Elephant Weather] paid close attention to the data on [monsoon] and retained the data.

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September 2021 is more than half over.

After collecting enough evidence, [Elephant Weather] decided to initiate a lawsuit against [Monsoon] in Tianzhu.

There are two ways to litigate a cross-border lawsuit like this.

One, through domestic court proceedings.

However, this is like taking the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty. Even if you win the lawsuit at home, you will generally not be looked down upon abroad.

Since judicial judgments are basically not recognized and enforced abroad, they can generally only be enforced by restricting departure, detaining passports, paying deposits, etc.

In many cases, the natural person being executed raises objections that he is not an employee or legal representative of the company, and the court faces the risk of execution errors during execution.

A small company like [monsoon] has no property in the country and does not have a legal representative. If it wins, there is nothing it can do unless the Tianzhu government is willing to cooperate.

Is Tianzhu willing to cooperate?

Well, Tianzhu is willing to cooperate with domestic companies to harvest your money!

Another avenue is litigation through foreign courts.

The other party can deny the judgment of the domestic court, but the judgment of the foreign court and the Tianzhu Court [monsoon] cannot be denied. This involves the issue of legal authority.

But there are many obstacles to such litigation.

There are several major obstacles.

First, foreign litigation costs are high.

Seven years ago, the average fee for lawyers in the United States was US$349/hour, and the fee for law firm partners was US$604/hour. At the same time, foreign law firms were unwilling to accept the contingency agency model, which led to the cost of litigation. It's very high. If you win the lawsuit, it's okay. If you lose, you'll be in a mess.

Although the legal fees in Tianzhu are not that high, if you encounter a good opportunity like this, they won't mind killing you.

Of course, this is only for individuals or small businesses. For [Chaoqun Group], not to mention [Chaoqun Group], for [Elephant Weather], this little money is just drizzle.

In fact, it has become very common for large companies to take advantage of their own advantages and benefit themselves through the litigation system.

Especially in the IT industry, there are several multinational mobile phone manufacturers. Today you sue me for infringement, and tomorrow you sue me for illegality. They are almost suing Numb.

If an individual or a small and micro enterprise is dragged into this litigation quagmire, it will only get deeper and deeper.

There are other obstacles to passing foreign litigation, such as the extremely long process.

The litigation period of cross-border cases is extremely long. If the debtor files a counterclaim, the time will be unpredictable.

But for [Elephant Weather], this is not a problem.

The most important obstacle is actually that this kind of international litigation has to face local protectionism.

Especially a place like Tianzhu, which has always been a place where all kinds of strange things and strange cases occur.

For example, [McDonald's Tianzhu Branch] suspected local joint venturer Vikram Baksh of financial fraud, so he removed him from the position of president. However, after a trial by the local court in Tianzhu, Baksh became the company's president again.

The legal battle between [McDonald's] and Bakshi lasted for several years. After many iterations, they just couldn't win the lawsuit. In the end, they had to choose to cut off their arms and announce the closure of 170 stores.

You must know that [McDonald's] only had about 430 stores in Tianzhu at that time.

However, in Tianzhu, closing a store is not something you can just do if you want.

Bakshi disagrees with the closure, and if it is forced to close, it will still be illegal.

[McDonald's], which has conquered cities and territories around the world, was tortured to death by the Tianzhu market!

The local protectionism is evident!

In fact, [Elephant Weather] was already mentally prepared when it launched the lawsuit.

The purpose of [Elephant Weather] is not to win the lawsuit, or in other words, the purpose is not just to win the lawsuit, but to heat up this event to give [Elephant Weather] greater exposure, and... Old users return.

The Tianzhu Court can rule that [Elephant Weather] loses.

But everyone has a steelyard in their heart!

However, if international users know that the data of [Monsoon], which claims to be free of charge, comes from [Elephant Weather], and due to [Elephant Weather]’s anti-piracy behavior, wrong weather forecasts will appear from time to time, then [Monsoon] will inevitably lose a lot of money. Users who need accurate weather prediction will return to [Elephant Weather]!

This is the plan of [Elephant Weather].

In fact, Wu Siyuan, the man behind [Elephant Weather], had a more profound plan in this incident.

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