I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 39 Arrogance and Slap in the Face

In fact, the Wolfon Group is not the only multinational company that has suffered setbacks in Tianzhu.

South Korea's [Posco Steel] originally wanted to invest in China, but was pried away by Tianzhu. In the next 12 years, Tianzhu took away hundreds of millions of dollars, and even the hair of the factory was not seen. , and finally ended the project in despair.

Japan won the high-speed rail project in Tianzhu at a low price and was willing to lend 250 billion yuan in low-interest loans. As a result, the loan, which could build 1,300 kilometers of high-speed rail in China, was spent before construction even started. Tianzhu even tried to kill Japan and demanded to continue to borrow money from Japan, which made Japan unable to move. Due to geopolitical considerations, it had to bite the bullet and carry on.

After [Chaoqun Group]’s key international partners [Amazon] and [Wal-Mart] reached the top two in market share in Tianzhu, Tianzhu began to cut leeks. [Wal-Mart] simply gave up and left, while [Amazon] still lost money and made money. .

The development of [McDonald's] in Tianzhu is also not smooth. At one time, the number of stores opened reached more than 400. However, after being cheated, there are now fewer and fewer stores, only about 300, and its development has almost stagnated.

A series of car companies such as [Ford], [GM], and [Harley] have withdrawn from Tianzhu, especially [Ford]. After Tianzhu has suffered losses for 20 years, he would rather lose another 2 billion US dollars before leaving Tianzhu.

Although [Rice Phone] and some mobile phone manufacturers in China seem to be developing well in Tianzhu, Wu Siyuan has long seen from the future that the environment will be even worse in 2022, with the beautiful country raising interest rates. , US dollar capital from various countries returns to beautiful countries, the economic situation of each country will be worse, and the economic pressure will be greater.

Countries with better foundations, like China, are better off.

But countries like Tianzhu are facing a serious economic crisis.

In order to obtain [money], Tianzhu will lose face in the end and try every means to extort money from various companies.

Besides, essentially, Tianzhu and Hua are in a state of competition.

Wu Siyuan is considered a national capitalist, and it is impossible for him to do anything to help Tianzhu develop.

Therefore, [Chaoqun Group] has always had internal voices to invest in Tianzhu, and externally, Tianzhu's Prime Minister Mo Flute often actively sends invitations to [Chaoqun Group], inviting [Chaoqun Group] to invest in Tianzhu.

But these voices were ignored by Wu Siyuan.

[Chaoqun Group] was silent several times and had to ask the group's external public relations department to reply to Magic Flute's invitation, but this reply was a slap in the face.

[Chaoqun Group] said that currently the group does not believe that Tianzhu's business environment will allow companies to make profits. At the same time, [Chaoqun Group] has no urge to waste billions of dollars in the Tianzhu market.

As soon as this statement came out, it not only became a hot search in China, but also became a hot search internationally when it spread.

A large group of melon-eating people discussed on related topics how weird the South Asians they know are!

However, there are also some so-called rational people in the country who criticize [Chaoqun Group] for being too arrogant. Even if Tianzhu is currently unable to make money, it should not make such an excessive response, which will eliminate its own future development options in Tianzhu.

To these people, Wu Siyuan could only say thank you to them, congratulate their company on moving to Tianzhu as soon as possible, and then streamline the domestic employees and lay off them.

Of course, [Super Group]’s reply was too [slap in the face]!

These words can be described as a slap in the face in front of the Magic Flute.

The Magic Flute was extremely angry.

There is a deeper reason. [Chaoqun Group] is an internationally renowned large enterprise, and its words and deeds will set an example for many enterprises.

This will inevitably affect the harvesting of leeks in Tianzhu... Oh, no, it is an act of attracting investment.

Therefore, Mo Flute had no choice but to reply to this matter on major social media, saying that [Chaoqun Group] had this misunderstanding about Tianzhu, but Tianzhu also did not welcome companies that insulted her. Time is forever!

The subtext of The Magic Flute is that the door to Tianzhu is forever closed to the [Super Group].

If Tianzhu was a big market like Beautiful Country, perhaps the deterrent force would be stronger, but now, it has no effect at all on [Chaoqun Group].

The [Quantity of Snow Bananas] Tianzhu imports from [Chaoqun Group] every month has not decreased either.

Although the relevant officials of Tianzhu made some saucy demands every time, they used to ask [Chaoqun Group] to give profits or give rebates based on the import quantity, otherwise they would not place the order, but now and then, [Chaoqun Group]'s [Chaoqun Group] Xuejiao] Now is the house selling market. Whether you want to buy it or not, and even if you want to buy it, you can collect all the money yourself.

There is no way, the reputation of Tianzhu people in international trade is really bad.

The relevant officials in Tianzhu were confident at first, but later they panicked after discovering that the [Super Group] really ignored them.

Because the country of Tianzhu is already in dire straits due to this black swan incident.

This batch of [Snow Bananas] was shipped back to Tianzhu for the enjoyment of the ruling class within Tianzhu.

If he can't buy [Snow Banana] back, what awaits him will not be good.

So in the end he came back licking his face and bought this batch of [Snow Bananas] at a premium over the original price!

The people here at [Chaoqun Group] originally thought that he would be punished after he returned, but it turned out that he was doing better. After asking someone to inquire, they found out that [Chaoqun Group] didn't want to sell their products in the first place, and it was him who put all the effort into it. I just got the last batch of [Snow Bananas], and I said it was not easy.

Tianzhu Kingdom did not check the accuracy of what he said and directly promoted him.

When people from [Super Group] meet here, they can only say that Tianzhu Kingdom is truly magical, and that’s fine!

[Chaoqun Group] thought that after the last warning, Tianzhu would restrain itself and not cause so many troubles in a seller's market.

As a result, when the [Magic Flute incident] came out, the Tianzhu official in charge began to use the topic again, saying that because [Super Group] insulted their country, so...

Therefore, [Chaoqun Group] has to increase the price here, and then privately give the increased price to this Tianzhu official.

After all, there is still a kickback! Take advantage!

[Chaoqun Group] has no doubts here at all. If they really follow what the Tianzhu officials say, the Tianzhu officials will definitely use this matter to make trouble after accepting their [rebate]. For example, will you give it to me? Benefits, if you don’t give me benefits, I will expose the fact that you gave me benefits privately. You have committed bribery. Tianzhu will definitely punish [Chaoqun Group] when it finds out!

Yes, Tianzhu's brain circuit can do this kind of thing.

[Chaoqun Group] didn’t even think about it. It’s OK to increase the price, but there is no rebate!

[Chaoqun Group] does not allow this kind of operation internally, or in other words, so far, there is no need to open the market in this way.

Moreover, even if this trick is used, Tianzhu country is not worthy!

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