Civilian boycotts are becoming more and more popular.

Politicians from all over Tianzhu also came out to cause trouble and took the lead in promoting a boycott of [Chaoqun Group].

One is more outrageous than the other!

It's not just for votes and profits.

Some are even more exaggerated. They openly boycotted [Chaoqun Group], but in fact, they secretly passed the information through some channels - such as the official responsible for the [Snow Banana Trade] with [Chaoqun Group]. , saying that if [Chaoqun Group] wants to quell this behavior, it will have to pay benefits.

...This is indeed very Tianzhu.

When this news was passed to Wu Siyuan, Wu Siyuan also asked [Four-Armed King Kong] to investigate the politician. He was very curious about how a small local councilor and a member of the opposition party could get the confidence to let him Say something like this.

Sure enough, the faces of politicians are extraordinary.

Is it because the faces of Tianzhu politicians are better because they often use their hands to go to the toilet? Wu Siyuan was confused.

This was something he jumped up on purpose.

He will continue to add fuel to the fire!

I wish this matter would get more serious, the better!

Even if this politician really has this ability, Wu Siyuan will not let this matter go away.

Now Wu Siyuan needs more and more Tao influence to travel through the world.

For example, the [binary structure graphene film technology] he developed has great influence, but when it comes to the influence energy required for time travel, it seems to be a drop in the bucket and completely insufficient.

When the country was unable to create powerful influential events in a short period of time, Wu Siyuan had no choice but to turn his attention outward.

Tianzhu's [monsoon] will be his weapon, otherwise he will not let Huang Yuping come forward to make things worse.

But things seemed to have gotten a little too big.

Domestic senior officials have privately sent inquiries. Although they expressed that they understood [Chaoqun Group]'s reaction, they still thought [Chaoqun Group]'s remarks were a bit excessive.

[Chaoqun Group] represents the face of the country to the outside world. Huang Yuping's remarks will send a signal of China's arrogance to the outside world and have a relatively large impact on the country's image.

[Chaoqun Group] naturally apologized profusely. Wu Siyuan asked Huang Yuping to shift the responsibility to him, and asked Huang Yuping to say that he was executing Wu Siyuan's order.

The reason why Wu Siyuan acted so irrationally was not because Tianzhu's [Monsoon] caused billions of losses to [Chaoqun Group], but because such an unfair behavior towards Tianzhu aroused him greatly. The indignation made him feel angry.

The people above heard this and sighed, but did not blame Wu Siyuan.

After all, Wu Siyuan and his [Chaoqun Group] always thought that their contribution to the country was too great.

[Binary structure graphene film technology] has generated hundreds of billions of profits.

We had to bear so much grievance again during the flood incident.

In addition, this time there was a reason for the incident, and the people above were embarrassed to criticize him harshly.

Anyway, talking about Potian, this is all a conflict between private enterprises and the country of Tianzhu.

Over the years, are there still few companies criticizing Tianzhu?

The high-level officials of China ignored it, but on the Tianzhu side, as things got worse and worse, their impact on the international community was growing, and even the Magic Flute had to speak out.

Magic Flute actually didn't want to come out, because of this behavior and the price drop, what is his identity, and what is Huang Yuping's identity!

But it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t speak out!

Otherwise, when others look at it, they will wonder what happened?

Oh, the Chinese enterprise [Chaoqun Group] angrily called Tianzhu a piece of shit!

Why did [Chaoqun Group] scold Tianzhu like this?

Oh, it's because [Chaoqun Group] believes that the Tianzhu Court's decision is unfair and infringes on their group's rights.

Then...this matter will be extended infinitely.

However, Tianzhu's business history is too notorious.

If someone digs deeper and uncovers a dark history of exploiting foreign companies, it will be a major blow to Tianzhu's international image.

In such a bad environment, if the investment situation becomes even worse, Tianzhu's economy may explode!

Magic Flute is the leader of the ruling party. He will not take the blame for this!

Therefore, in order to maintain the foundation of his rule, Magic Flute must speak out.

He first denied Huang Yuping's evaluation of Tianzhu, saying that Tianzhu is the largest democratic country in the world and respects and maintains judicial freedom.

Then Magic Flute said that he was also paying attention to this matter and believed that the courts in Tianzhu would make the most just judgment according to the law.

Then he criticized Huang Yuping's behavior, which seriously insulted the national character of Tianzhu. From then on, Huang Yuping was listed as an undesirable person in Tianzhu, and sanctions were announced against Huang Yuping. At the same time, [Chaoqun Group] was banned from the Tianzhu market. .

Magic Flute said, [Chaoqun Group] lost the most imaginative and potential market in the world, and lost the future!

Finally, Magic Flute welcomes investors from all over the world to invest in Tianzhu and reap abundant economic returns as Tianzhu’s economy takes off.

[Super Group] replied to the magic flute with two words [haha], saying that they hope to see the legal spirit of Tianzhu country.

Now it’s a battle between gods on both sides!

As for the [monsoon] company that caused this international dispute, uu Reading

Not many people paid attention to it at this time.

The attention is all on [Super Group] and Tianzhu Kingdom.

Because it attracted so much international attention and handled special cases, it was rare for the Supreme Court of Tianzhu to open the case very quickly this time, otherwise such cases would normally take a long time.

[Elephant Weather] once again submitted relevant evidence and provided more evidence.

But the Supreme Court of Tianzhu still ruled that [Monsoon] did not steal the data of [Elephant Weather].

Because [monsoon] claims that their celestial information information mainly comes from the information released by the Meteorological Bureau of Tianzhu, as well as the celestial information publicly released by other countries, and has not stolen or copied the celestial data of [Elephant Weather].

[Monsoon] Thomas, the company’s president, also said that the weather forecast information released by Tianzhu’s Meteorological Bureau is already very accurate, and his company does not need or will collect weather forecast information released by an uncertain private company.

[Monsoon] The company also provided a lot of evidence, showing that its company's weather forecast information is basically consistent with Tianzhu's weather forecast information.

[Monsoon] Company President Thomas said that with the advancement of science and technology, the accuracy of weather forecasts is improving. The weather forecast results of many companies in many countries are basically the same.

Some companies cannot suspect others of stealing their company's information just because of these similar results.

In fact, they are not as worthy as they think!

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